prejudiced in Germany

prejudiced [predʒudist] voreingenomme

Sentence patterns related to "prejudiced"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prejudiced" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prejudiced", or refer to the context using the word "prejudiced" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He's deeply prejudiced against women.

2. Environmentalists are prejudiced against the dam.

3. He fermented prejudiced crowds to riot.

4. She regarded her critics as ignorant and prejudiced.

5. They are prejudiced against older applicants.

6. The prejudiced parents get exactly what they wanted.

7. Try not to be prejudiced in your judgements.

8. Lack of self-discipline prejudiced her chances of success.

9. I think your South American youth has prejudiced you.

10. Newspaper gossip had prejudiced her against him.

11. What has prejudiced you against modern music?

12. That's ageism, being prejudiced against people because they're old.

Du hast Vorurteile gegen Menschen, die alt sind.

13. His comments may have prejudiced the voters against her.

14. Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.

15. Reading newspaper reports had unfairly prejudiced the jury in her favour.

16. He prejudiced his claim by demanding too much compensation.

17. You know that I am not a prejudiced man.

18. Young children are not prejudiced, and they quickly forgive and forget

19. The campaign is designed to make people less prejudiced about AIDS.

20. 4 Lack of self-discipline prejudiced her chances of success.

21. Another word for Biased: prejudiced, weighted, one-sided, partial, distorted Collins English Thesaurus

22. The Baltimorean (that little jerkface) becomes a symbol for prejudiced people everywhere

23. Without realizing it, we could have views that are biased or prejudiced.

24. 28 synonyms for Biased: prejudiced, weighted, one-sided, partial, distorted, swayed, warped, slanted

25. What does Bigoted mean? Being a bigot; biased; strongly prejudiced; forming opinions without just cause

26. Animus definition is - a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will

27. The whole future of missions would be prejudiced by this awful mistake.

28. Since I am his mother, my opinion of him is naturally a prejudiced one.

29. (Proverbs 18:24) So don’t waste your breath trying to correct their prejudiced views.

30. The draft board in Philadelphia seemed prejudiced against Jehovah’s Witnesses because of our neutrality.

31. The number of envious, prejudiced, cold-hearted and selfish people will no doubt increase.

32. □ What proof is there that Jesus Christ was not racially prejudiced or partial?

33. On the other hand, people low in Agreeableness tend to be more prejudiced.

34. The council must provide housing for young people whose welfare is seriously prejudiced.

35. Synonyms for Biased include partial, prejudiced, one-sided, distorted, jaundiced, partisan, warped, bigoted, blinkered and discriminatory

36. Antonyms for Attuned include unreceptive, narrow-minded, unresponsive, biased, prejudiced, resistant, cold, cool, hostile and insensitive

37. The quality of the maintenance shall ensure that safety is not prejudiced because of these activities.

Durch die Instandhaltungsqualität muss gewährleistet sein, dass die Sicherheit durch diese Maßnahmen nicht beeinträchtigt wird.

38. Authoritarianism refers to a general orientation of individuals toward being antidemocratic, prejudiced, and fascist

39. Some companies are prejudiced against taking on employees who are over the age of

40. The media has been accused of presenting a prejudiced view of people with disabilities.

41. The growing number of Biracial Americans could, in theory, lead to a less prejudiced society

42. According to the liquidator, as a result of Fortis’ acts the creditors in both bankruptcies were prejudiced.

Durch das Handeln von Fortis sei den Gläubigern beider Insolvenzverfahren ein Schaden entstanden.

43. I stress this in order to underline that the view which I express is idiosyncratic, prejudiced and probably heretical.

44. Prejudiced individuals tend to twist, distort, misinterpret, or even ignore facts that conflict with their predetermined opinions.”

45. Antonyms for Acceptant include unreceptive, narrow-minded, unresponsive, biased, prejudiced, resistant, cold, cool, hostile and insensitive

46. Correction: .Consciencelessly falsified all of our instructions to unrecognisability, based loosely on his prejudiced sense in cultish religion

47. Correction: .Consciencelessly falsified all of our instructions to unrecognisability, based loosely on his prejudiced sense in cultish religion

48. Chauvinism exaggerated or aggressive patriotism; excessive or prejudiced support or loyalty for one's own cause, group, or sex

49. Over the last two decades people have become increasingly adventurous, less prejudiced and more knowledgeable about travel.

50. He claimed his case would be prejudiced if it became known he was refusing to answer questions.