preliminary report in Germany

preliminary report [priliminəriːrepɔːt] vorbericht

Sentence patterns related to "preliminary report"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "preliminary report" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "preliminary report", or refer to the context using the word "preliminary report" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Preliminary Report: Hurricane Allison.

2. Hurricane Mitch Preliminary Report (PDF) (Report).

3. Preliminary report suggests asphyxiation owing to overcrowding as cause.

4. W atanabe Sadamoto (1991) Preliminary report o f Afforestational

5. · VALT Preliminary Report: A quarterly preliminary review of fatal accidents;

6. VALT Preliminary Report: A quarterly preliminary review of fatal accidents;

7. Randomized management of the nonfrank breech presentation At term: a preliminary report

8. Our preliminary report lists ten policies that need to be implemented immediately .

9. Funny, the NTSB's preliminary report indicates that it was an accident due to pilot error.

10. Their preliminary report on this matter has been received and is under consideration by the Crown prosecution service.

11. There is a preliminary report of aeromagnetic and gravity mapping placing the eastern edge of the Siletz terrane under Lake Washington.

(Es gibt einen vorläufigen Bericht über eine aeromagnetische und gravitätische Kartierung, wonach die Ostkante des Siletzia-Terrans sich unter dem Lake Washington befindet.)

12. Up to 10% cash back  · Watanabe Sadamoto (1991) Preliminary report of Afforestational strategy in Urumqi and adjacent areas, Xinjang, China

13. Algo was one of several programming languages inspired by the Preliminary Report on the International Algorithmic Language written in Zürich in 1958.

14. Addis Abeba, March 24/2021 – The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC/Commission) has released a preliminary report highlighting grave human rights violations and an attack against Civilians in Axum city, Tigray region.

15. Taking note of the preliminary report on persons with albinism submitted by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to the Human Rights Council at its twenty-fourth session,

Kenntnis nehmend von dem vorläufigen Bericht über Menschen mit Albinismus , den das Amt des Hohen Kommissars der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte dem Menschenrechtsrat auf seiner vierundzwanzigsten Tagung vorlegte,