preferentially in Germany

preferentially [prefərenʃəliː] vorzugsweise

Sentence patterns related to "preferentially"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "preferentially" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "preferentially", or refer to the context using the word "preferentially" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Epoxycyclohexanes are reduced to give axial alcohols preferentially.

2. Cerebral aneurysms form preferentially at arterial Bifurcations

3. The bed preferentially adsorbs propylene and dimethylether from the mixture.

4. Chevron folding preferentially occurs when the bedding regularly alternates between

5. The pellets exhibited several grooves in which microbial cells preferentially accumulated.

6. In anaphase I the ring chromosomes preferentially segregate in an alternate manner.

Die Ringchromosomen verteilen sich in Anaphase I vorzüglich wechselseitig.

7. Approved Permits (APs) for automobiles preferentially allow bumiputra to import vehicles.

8. It is well known that cumulus grow preferentially over mountains by day.

Bekanntlich bilden sich Cumuli bevorzugt über Bergen bei Tage.

9. Asperities are preferentially abraded away and the particle surface gets smoother and smoother (Fig

10. There were also other financial and economic benefits that were preferentially given to Malays.

11. UV Absorbers will eventually experience a reduction in their ability to preferentially absorb ultraviolet light.

12. Acculturation is countered by assortation, the tendency for individuals to preferentially interact with culturally-similar others

13. The Apices and upper zones are preferentially affected by pathology that is related to inhalation

14. These are taken care of by the host ants, sometimes preferentially to their own brood.

15. Anopheles gambiae feeds preferentially on humans and is one of the most efficient malaria vectors known

16. Aminoid groups of alanine, phenylalanine, leucine, and ser­ ine were at first preferentially hydrolyzed

17. Amorphous isotropy is defined as the proportion of the Amorphous phases that are preferentially oriented [27]

18. 13 Then, heavy oil reservoirs are comprehensively evaluated and reservoirs with higher values will be developed preferentially.

19. A memory region is preferentially allocated to the system platform such that the terminal is stably operated.

20. The purpose of the Act is to support American businesses and employees by preferentially purchasing their products.

Ziel dieser Verordnung ist es, amerikanische Unternehmen und Arbeitnehmer dadurch zu unterstützen, dass vorzugsweise ihre Produkte erworben werden.

21. Segmented filamentous bacteria (SFBs) are Apathogenic autochthonous bacteria in the murine small intestine that preferentially attach to Peyer's patch epithelium.

22. Absolute numbers of T cells were reduced, Leu2a+ preferentially, resulting in an increase in helper/suppressor ratios.

Die absolute Zahl der CD-8 positiven T-Zellen sank, in geringerem Ausmaß auch die Zahl der CD-4 positiven Zellen. Dies führte zu einem Anstieg der Ratio der Helfer/Suppressor-Zellen.

23. Alloxan and streptozotocin are toxic glucose analogues that preferentially accumulate in pancreatic beta cells via the GLUT2 glucose transporter

24. We describe reactions that cleave DNA preferentially at guanines, at Adenines, at cytosines and thymines equally, and at cytosines alone

25. Tn5 was found to integrate preferentially into genes involved in syntheses of adenine, arginine, leucine, pyrimidines, sulphur-containing amino acids, and tryptophan.

26. The “A”-rich lectin preferentially Agglutinates blood group A erythrocytes and thus appears to be specific for α-N

27. Novel cannabimimetic indole derivatives are presented which have preferentially high affinities for one of the cannabinoid CB1 or CB2 receptor sites.

28. Anodic stimulation preferentially activates orthogonal fibers, approaching or leaving the electrode, at lower thresholds for similar therapeutic benefit in DBS with decreased power consumption.

29. IgE is produced preferentially by plasma cells in the tonsils and adenoids, in bronchial and peritoneal lymph nodes, in respiratory, gastrointestinal and nasal mucosa.

IgE wird vorwiegend in Plasmazellen der Tonsillen und Adenoide, in Bronchial- und Peritoneal-Lymphknoten, in der Respirations-, Gastrointestinal- und Nasalschleimhaut gebildet.

30. InN. coxipoensis, replacement adultoid queens and kings seem to develop preferentially from the few aged nymphs which are present in the nest throughout the year.

31. Antennas can be designed to transmit and receive radio waves in all horizontal directions equally ( omnidirectional Antennas ), or preferentially in a particular direction

32. Background: An index that predicts liver allograft discard can effectively grade Allografts and can be used to preferentially allocate marginal Allografts to aggressive centers

33. Absorbed CP have been shown to distribute preferentially to tissues of high metabolic activity and/or high rate of cell proliferation, following oral dosing.

34. Further side effects are liver and kidney related but they are rare and not induced by anesthetics per se but preferentially by toxic metobolites.

Weitere Nebenwirkungen betreffen Lungen und Leber, sind aber selten und werden nicht durch diese Anästhetika selbst, sondern vielmehr durch toxische Metaboliten ausgelöst.

35. We hypothesize that seeds preferentially abscise at higher velocities because the motive force for abscission is drag (proportional to the square of the wind velocity).

36. After annealing at 673 K for 30 min, coarse hexagonal ferrite (sub)grains with spheroidized Cementite, preferentially located at triple junctions, were observed in transverse cross-sections

37. If you have uncontrolled diabetes you may be at high risk of developing Arteriosclerosis because high blood sugars and high blood pressure preferentially damage smaller blood vessels.

38. A. aegypti breeds preferentially in water, for example in installations by inhabitants of areas with precarious drinking water supply, or in domestic waste, especially tires, cans, and plastic bottles.

39. Diatoms may preferentially use and may use it both Assimilatively and in non‐assimilative photoprotection or energy balance Lomas and Glibert (1999a,b) Growth suppression of productivity in estuaries by elevated loading suggested

40. Here, we show this goal can be addressed using cps, an Avirulent, nonreplicating uracil auxotroph strain of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), which preferentially invades immunosuppressive CD11c (+) antigen-presenting cells in the ovarian carcinoma microenvironment.

41. GALVANIC Corrosion • Galvanic Corrosion (also called bimetallic Corrosion) is an electrochemical process in which one metal corrodes preferentially to another when both metals are in electrical contact, in the presence of an electrolyte

42. Chloroform is well absorbed, metabolized, and eliminated by mammals after oral, inhalation, or dermal exposure and widely distributed in the entire organism, via blood circulation and preferentially in fatty tissues and in the brain due to its liposolubility.

43. Areg is preferentially expressed in breast tumors co-expressing HER2/HER4. Areg is associated with estradiol receptors, small tumour size, low histoprognostic grading, high HER4 levels. Areg is up-regulated in tumor cells of SCC but not BCC of the skin.

44. Using pig lungs as a model, scientists discovered that Staphylococcus aureus, a species of bacteria often found in the lungs of children with cystic fibrosis (CF), preferentially Colonizes the mucus circulating there rather than organ tissue itself.

45. Because of the high delete achievement powder fire extinguishing systems are used as space or security preferentially in chemical plants, processing units, engine test stands, stockrooms, oil cellars, container pits, filling stations, port investors, guest anchors and airplane hangars.

Wegen der hohen Löschleistung werden Pulverlöschanlagen als Raum- oder Objektschutz bevorzugt in Chemieanlagen, Prozessanlagen, Triebwerksprüfständen, Lagerräumen, Ölkellern, Behältergruben, Füllstationen, Hafenanleger, Gastankern und Flugzeughangars eingesetzt.

46. Alloxan and streptozotocin are toxic glucose analogues that preferentially accumulate in pancreatic beta cells via the GLUT2 glucose transporter. In the presence of intracellular thiols, especially glutathione, Alloxan generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) in a cyclic redox reaction with its reduction product, dialuric acid.

47. Somatostatin D cell tumors are rare tumors of the duodenum (preferentially at the Ampulla of Vater) and upper jejunum in patients in the fifth decade of life.Often associating with type 1 neurofibromatosis and only rarely with diabetes and/or gallstones, they may be defined as functioning, though the

48. WT1, PSF, alpha-Actinine, criblage triple-hybride de levure.[Traduit par la Rédaction] Myotilin interacts with alpha-actinin, actin and gamma-filamin.: La myotiline interagit avec l'alpha-Actinine, l'actine et la gamma-filamine.: Myopalladin is preferentially expressed in skeletal and heart muscle, and interacts closely with alpha-actinin.

49. The Argive corpus is thus very different from the Attic one of 720 to 675 BC, in which the vase form on which the image of the dance of the parthenoi was preferentially adopted is the hydria or the proto- loutrophoros, which are clearly oriented to the female gender

50. Arginine is absorbed in the intestines by a collection of transporters such as system Y + (handles lysine, ornithine, and Arginine preferentially and is sodium independent) of the cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) family, system Y + L with the transport protein y + LAT1 (handles the same amino acids and is also sodium independent, but