migrating in Germany

migrating [miːgreitiŋ] abwandernde, wandernd

Sentence patterns related to "migrating"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "migrating" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "migrating", or refer to the context using the word "migrating" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Armenians began migrating to …

2. Migrating birds filled the pale sky.

3. Migrating herds, especially males, have been reported.

4. Migrating cranes in a typical V-formation

5. Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.

6. The river formed an impassable barrier for migrating animals.

7. Arrows denote the positions of the close migrating bands.

8. Learn more about migrating your Hotel campaigns to Google Ads.

9. The outer surface is divided into several gradually migrating tectonic plates.

10. Migrating to Standard SQL explains the differences between the two dialects.

11. Anadromous - migrating from the sea to fresh water to spawn catadromous - migrating from fresh water to the sea to spawn diadromous - (used of fish) migratory between fresh and salt waters

12. 18 The migrating salmon provide a delicious feast for the brown bear.

13. Migrating eagles often find the thermals by observing other birds of prey.

14. Additionally, during drought this species Aestivates in uplands rather than migrating to other wetlands

15. White , with long slender necks , yellow beaks and large wings , they were migrating south .

16. The migrating methane by cross - borehole in coal seam is used in this condition.

17. Cycloheximide, actinomycin D, and abscisic acid inhibited the formation of the fast-migrating peroxidases.

18. The migrating Eurasian tribes evidently carried with them to India the idea of transmigration.

19. They also cooperate, blocking migrating fish by forming a semicircle across the river.

20. If you have any experiments in progress, consider migrating them to Google Optimize.

21. Alewife spawn earlier than blueback, with both migrating upstream in the spring like shad

22. Many of the birds were wintering on France’s shores after migrating from England, Ireland, and Scotland.

23. And it's known that migrating birds, for example, get very disoriented because of these offshore platforms.

24. 10 Midland Bank, another Micro Control user, is only now migrating away from mainframe applications.

25. Migrating Awns can carry an infection and cause inflammation, typically in the form of an abscess

26. 26 To him the deposits of the migrating Po drainage system will appear to be synchronous.

27. The Colville Hills are structurally high and an excellent area for accumulating migrating hydrocarbons from surrounding basins.

28. The time synchronization mechanism for migrating entities in HLA (high level architecture) federated simulation is studied.

29. The Apache separated from the Athapascan in western Canada centuries ago, migrating to the southwestern United States.

30. Detribalized Baluchis have been migrating to the United Arab Emirates and Oman since at least the 1950s

31. Africanized bees, on the other hand, do not overwinter well and respond to food shortages by migrating

32. In 1991, both females and juveniles were probably in poorer condition prior to migrating and entering hibernation.

33. Accompanying the expanded domain of r4 expression, neural crest cells migrating from this region also express r4 markers.

34. 29 Any of numerous grasshoppers of the family Acrididae, often migratIng In immense swarms that devour vegetation and crops.

35. We're like two migrating birds, male and female, who had been caught and forced to live in separate cages.

36. In many areas, submarine fan conglomerates stratigraphically overlie alluvial fan conglomerates, implying rapidly migrating 'basin margins' through time.

37. Oil also spread across the surface of the water, presenting a danger to both turtles and migrating birds.

38. Activities for gathering, cleansing and migrating accounting data are not well advanced; assets are a particular risk area

39. Patients with idiopathic chronic constipation have a decreased number and duration of giant migrating complexes than healthy controls.

40. Axon outgrowth is an early feature of neuronal differentiation and may be quite advanced even as neurons are migrating

41. The Lao belong to the Tai linguistic group who began migrating southward from China in the first millennium CE.

42. I was born with amazing parents, I was given an education and had the blessing of migrating to Australia.

43. 23 Accompanying the expanded domain of r4 expression, neural crest cells migrating from this region also express r4 markers.

44. 7 Recently, a rectal motor complex that is not synchronous with or related to the migrating motor complex was reported.

45. ChoreoAthetosis is the occurrence of involuntary movements in a combination of chorea (irregular migrating contractions) and Athetosis (twisting and writhing).

46. Although only a few are retrieved, the technique has enabled scientists to plot the flight paths of many migrating species.

47. Or, they could have their developmental pathway specified before they begin migrating and then would migrate to the correct sites.

48. Bandelier's human history extends back for over 11,000 years when nomadic hunter-gatherers followed migrating wildlife across the land

49. We need roadsides seeded in flowers for our bees, but also for migrating butterflies and birds and other wildlife.

50. Migrating birds navigate by the stars, by the orientation of the earth’s magnetic field, or by some form of internal map.