migrations in Germany

migrations [maigreiʃənz] Völkerwanderungen, Wanderunge

Sentence patterns related to "migrations"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "migrations" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "migrations", or refer to the context using the word "migrations" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Alembic is a database migrations tool written by the author of SQLAlchemy

2. The British Empire was also responsible for large migrations of peoples.

3. As with all migrations, you may experience some ranking fluctuation during a migration.

4. Alewife and Blueback herring use the same rivers, but alewife migrations happen earlier

5. Whales are also known to undertake some of the longest migrations of all mammals.

6. Large-scale, forced migrations driven by abrupt climate change and natural disasters are also possible.

7. The earliest known events in Arabian history are migrations from the Peninsula into neighbouring areas.

8. Their lives were ruled by the seasons and the ageless natural rhythms of fish migrations.

9. Alembic is a database migrations tool written by the author of SQLAlchemy.A migrations tool offers the following functionality: Can emit ALTER statements to a database in order to change the structure of tables and other constructs

10. Add Chowkidar to INSTALLED_APPS and run migrations to apply required db changes to the database

11. These minimal claims were made in order to maximize the available market of Windows 3.1 migrations.

12. Paper for the Symposium "Human migrations in continental East Asia and Taiwan: genetic, linguistic and archaeological evidence".

13. The Bemba came to their present location during the great Bantu migrations of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

14. The Banabans were assimilated only through forced migrations and the impact of the discovery of phosphate in 1900.

15. Pip install Chowkidar-graphene Add Chowkidar to INSTALLED_APPS and run migrations to apply required db changes to the database

16. How do birds and fishes carry out their far-flung migrations, unless led by deities in their own image?

17. In a series of migrations, the Bantu peoples gradually split and migrated south and then east across equatorial Africa

18. These arrows represent the migrations of the people of Zeniff, who are referred to in Omni 1:27–30.

19. Internal migrations under the Fascist regime also sent many Venetian speakers to other regions of Italy, like southern Lazio.

20. There started to be written in the annals of human history one of the most massive migrations of Indian labour.

21. Athapaskans (or Athabascans; self-designation, Dene), linguistically related group of Indian tribes, descendants of the penultimate wave of migrations from Asia to North America

22. Get Cloudier provides cloud enablement and consulting services in the areas of Cloud Architecture, Cloud Native Applications, Cloud Services Automation, and Cloud Migrations

23. Conversely, the reduced light pollution saves over a billion birds each year whose migrations were disrupted by blinking communication tower lights and high-tension wires.

24. During his reign the Lombards ended their migrations by settling in Italy, the northern part of which Alboin conquered between 569 and 572.

25. The Assyrians recorded the migrations of the Cimmerians, as the former people's king Sargon II was killed in battle against them in 705 BC.

26. A biologist named Hugh Dingle, striving to understand the essence, has identified five characteristics that apply, in varying degrees and combinations, to all migrations.

27. During his reign the Lombards ended their migrations by definitively settling in Italy, the northern part of which was conquered by Alboin between 569 and 572.

28. A sharp break in burial styles is found in archaeological sites dated near the late 3rd century AD, when these migrations are to have taken place.

29. Because of the complicated transformation of the spermatide also the nucleus, the acrosome and the centrioles undergo extensive migrations being accomplished in the female.

Durch die komplizierte Umgestaltung der Spermatide erfahren auch Kern und Akrosom sowie die Zentriolen unfangreiche Ortsveränderungen, die erst im Weibchen abgeschlossen werden.

30. Fulfilling these basic needs has become more difficult on account of massive migrations of people from the countryside to the megacities of the developing world.

31. Frederik Kortlandt places the territory of this common language near the Indo-European homeland: "The Indo-Europeans who remained after the migrations became speakers of Balto-Slavic".

32. Bowheads might change their migrations, moving north “into the late summer-autumn sea ice edge where Pacific killer whales are not known to range,” the study said

33. Relations with Aboriginal people and other northerners were conducted almost absent-mindedly, when mineral discoveries and sudden migrations of non-Aboriginal people threatened sovereignty or international peace.

34. A holistic assessment of Athapaskan migrations in the context of the transpacific Dene-Yeneseian phylum (the largest, fastest pedestrian language spread on earth) sees Athapaskan-Asian connections (in language, technology, …

35. A synthesis of 25 years of work, Athapaskan Migrations includes detailed accounts of field research in which the authors emphasize ethnic group identification, settlement patterns, lithic analysis, dendrochronology, and radiocarbon dating.

36. This captivating work vividly evokes living human histories, introducing the reader to manifestations of Colonialism as expressed through war, militarization, extractive economies, migrations and diasporas, racialization, biopolitical management, and unruly and creative

37. Prothero, From Greenhouse to Icehouse: The Marine Eocene-Oligocene Transition: Accessory benthic foraminiferal events reported by Berggren and Miller (1989) to occur in the late Eocene are the migrations into the Bathyal

38. The Arabs are considered part of the Semitic peoples, and their migrations out of the Arabian peninsula to the rest of the Middle East in large numbers began in the seventh century.

39. PlAcidly definition, in a calm or peaceful manner; tranquilly: The mural brings to life a world where mammoths still embark on ancient migrations, where giant ground sloths browse plAcidly, where saber-toothed tigers stalk their prey

40. But she persisted and, in 1984, began organizing camps of young people from all throughout the world who would gather each spring to observe the migrations and inform police when they saw poachers at work.

41. In planning migrations to EMV chip technology, Acquirers/processors need to consider the requirements to support contact and contactless EMV chip technology and the support that will be required to equip merchants with EMV-compliant POS solutions

42. ‘As a way to Containerize applications in a cloud environment, the system offers a lot of flexibility.’ ‘he program provides customers with a way to Containerize legacy applications.’ ‘For application migrations, enterprises may be able to Containerize legacy workloads …

43. ‘As a way to Containerize applications in a cloud environment, the system offers a lot of flexibility.’ ‘he program provides customers with a way to Containerize legacy applications.’ ‘For application migrations, enterprises may be able to Containerize legacy workloads …

44. Upstream migration is most important for populations of anadromous fish and lamprey species like Salmo salar, sea lampreys Petromyzon marinus and Lampetra fluviatilis or some sturgeons as Acipenser sturio because of their need for periodical (optimally annual) long-distance migrations.

Die stromaufwärts gerichtete Wanderung ist vor allem für anadrome Fisch- und Neunaugenarten wie den Salmo salar, Meerneunaugen (Petromyzon marinus) und Flussneunaugen (Lampetra fluviatilis) oder einige Störe wie Acipenser sturio wichtig, da sie regelmäßig (optimalerweise jährlich) über lange Strecken wandern.

45. Ethnic Azerbaijanis combine in themselves the dominant Turkic strain, which arrived in Azerbaijan especially during the Oghuz Seljuq migrations of the 11th century, with mixtures of older inhabitants—Iranians and others—who had lived in Transcaucasia since ancient times.

46. The Amphibian Migrations and Road Crossings project is part of a larger Hudson River Estuary Program initiative to partner with local communities to conserve natural areas and habitats that sustain the health and resiliency of the entire estuary watershed.

47. Bruxelles - En 2011, le Maroc a ete le 9eme principal pays d'origine des flux migratoires a destination des pays de l'Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques (OCDE), selon le rapport de l'OCDE sur les perspectives des migrations internationales 2013 presente, jeudi, a Bruxelles.

48. Migrations, inter-marriages, political alliances, wholesale absorption of captives and desertions, however, make it impossible to fix the tribal limits with any degree of exactness; yet the Algonquins may be said to have roamed over the country from what is now Kentucky to Hudson Bay

49. ‘Chinook Salmon are Anadromous, making great migrations out to the deepest parts of the ocean and returning as mature adults to their natal streams.’ ‘Although most representatives of the species are of the inland form, some populations of bull trout are Anadromous and can co …

50. Migrations, inter-marriages, political alliances, wholesale absorption of captives and desertions, however, make it impossible to fix the tribal limits with any degree of exactness; yet the Algonquins may be said to have roamed over the country from what is now Kentucky to Hudson Bay, and from the Atlantic to the Mississippi and perhaps beyond.