militancy in Germany

militancy [militənsiː] Kampfgeist

Sentence patterns related to "militancy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "militancy" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "militancy", or refer to the context using the word "militancy" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Combativeness; militance; militancy

2. The militancy of sectarian party orthodoxy is fused with the militancy of rebellion against personal oppression.

3. Pakistan expert: Religiosity Aiding spike in militancy

4. This led to student militancy and labor unrest.

5. The government responded to militancy in the traditional ways.

6. The new-found strength of local militancy Appalls many observers

7. They threw themselves into the game with drive and militancy.

8. Worse still, the epicentre of labour militancy was the capital itself.

9. (3) The group has always been Characterised by an uncompromising militancy.

10. Concerns have been mounting about the increasing militancy of animal rights activists.

11. Before 19 neither peasant land hunger nor working-class militancy were abating.

12. The seniority system is another factor that leads to union militancy.

13. 37 synonyms for Combativeness: bellicoseness, bellicosity, belligerence, belligerency, contentiousness, hostility, militance, militancy, pugnaciousness

14. A new militancy is evident among Roman Catholic bishops in the Soviet bloc. . . .

15. The slightest hint of militancy was enough to bar a group from being funded.

16. Synonyms for Belligerence include aggressiveness, aggression, combativeness, truculence, antagonism, bellicosity, feistiness, hostility, militance and militancy

17. Rising unemployment was important in producing the reductions in unions' members, funds, and militancy.

18. In the aftermath of both these outbursts of militancy stoppages of work declined dramatically.

19. To what extent does the increasing militancy of other civil servants influence policy making?

20. Synonyms for Bellicosity include aggressiveness, aggression, combativeness, truculence, antagonism, belligerence, feistiness, hostility, militance and militancy

21. This was in line with the Government's legislation aimed at preventing militancy in trade unions.

22. Synonyms for Aggressiveness include aggression, bellicosity, belligerence, belligerency, combativeness, fight, militance, militancy, assaultiveness and

23. No longer does the complex have the reputation as a hotbed of Merseyside militancy.

24. Synonyms for Combativeness include aggressiveness, aggression, truculence, bellicosity, belligerence, feistiness, militance, militancy, pugnacity and bellicoseness

25. Yet Mr Scargill—whose obduracy and militancy led his miners to crushing defeat—also haunts Mexborough.

26. Out of the ashes of the Suffragette Movement , phoenix - like, a new feminist militancy was being born.

27. Industrial militancy naturally declined, and the problem of the unemployed almost completely preoccupied the labour movement until 19

28. Yet deprivation alone does not explain the militancy and relatively strong political consciousness of the factory proletariat.

29. Crucially, this instability hinders regional development, incites repressive governance, and compounds the poverty on which militancy feeds.

30. 17 Crucially, this instability hinders regional development, incites repressive governance(, and compounds the poverty on which militancy feeds.

31. A serious problem arises in attempting to test this hypothesis empirically: how can trade union militancy be measured?

32. A further twist to the uncertainty of fossil fuel supplies was provided by the growing militancy of Britain's miners.

33. The enthusiasm and militancy of 1919 no longer existed in the areas and industries where it had mattered most.

34. As the census exercise came to an end, the southern border of Bhutan became a hotbed of militancy for several years.

35. But for his weakness and vacillation, peasant unrest and working-class militancy could have been kept in check by efficient and unwavering repression.

36. Increasingly, the lines between the militancy of the civil rights movement and that of the anti-war movement were beginning to blur.

37. Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour, the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations.

38. Despite Robert's further condemnations of his border lords, all the signs were that Robert backed the growing successful Scottish militancy following Edward III's death in 1377.

39. Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour,[Sentence dictionary] the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations.

40. The aggressive militancy of many animal rights or "Antivivisectionist" groups is causing great consternation but little action on the part of medical and surgical researchers

41. The Chinar, radiant in red, mauve, amber and yellow, dots the autumn landscape of Kashmir, bringing cheer to people whose lives have been marred by years of militancy

42. The town was named after the Black Ball Shipping Line, which leased land in the area to mine for coal. Blackball was a centre of New Zealand radicalism and workers' militancy.

43. From Babism to Bahaʾism: Problems of militancy, quietism, and conflation in the construction of a religion Nineteenth-century Bābī talismans Bāb, sayyed ʿAlī Moḥammad Shīrāzī (1235/1819–1266/1850), the founder of Babism (Q.V.)

44. From Babism to Bahaʾism: Problems of militancy, quietism, and conflation in the construction of a religion Nineteenth-century Bābī talismans Bāb, sayyed ʿAlī Moḥammad Shīrāzī (1235/1819–1266/1850), the founder of Babism (Q.V.)

45. 83. Deplores the fact that in Ireland the law bans all information or expression of opinion in favour of the voluntary termination of pregnancy and is alarmed at the militancy of anti-abortionist activists in France; demands that access to information on the voluntary termination of pregnancy be ensured in all Member States and the role of associations recognized;

83. bedauert, daß in Irland jede Information bzw. jede positive Äusserung über Abtreibung laut Gesetz untersagt ist, und ist besorgt über das Vorgehen militanter Abtreibungsgegner in Frankreich; fordert, daß der Zugang zu Informationen über die Abtreibung in sämtlichen Mitgliedstaaten sichergestellt und die Rolle der Verbände anerkannt wird;