milder in Germany

milder [mildər] milder, milderem

Sentence patterns related to "milder"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "milder" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "milder", or refer to the context using the word "milder" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Climate: Subtropical, milder in the mountains

2. Colds are usually milder than flu

3. Europe, century by century, was growing milder and damper.

4. Borax is a milder and safer alternative to boric acid

5. No increase was observed in milder angina cases (type I–II).

Bei leichten Fällen von Angina pectoris (Grad I–II) war das Auftreten von Endothelien nicht vermehrt.

6. The recession in terms of aggregate output is milder but longer.

Die Rezession ist hinsichtlich des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Produktionsergebnisses milder, aber dafür länger.

7. The process also uses milder chemical reagents to detoxify the oil.

8. Non-narcotic Analgesics are milder forms of the painkillers that include acetaminophen

9. Characteristics : Crunchy texture and a sharp flavour that becomes milder when cooked.

10. These Cucumbers tend to be milder and easier on the digestive system

11. The Antiestablishment fervor gave way to much milder forms of intergenerational tensions

12. Fresh anchovies, known in Italy as alici, have a much milder flavor.

13. Broccolini is more tender than broccoli and has a milder flavor

14. Amphipols (Apols) are a newly designed and milder class of detergent

15. Young Arugula tastes milder, and larger, more mature Arugula tastes stronger

16. 14 Eliphaz’ speeches are longer, and his language is somewhat milder.

17. Chickenpox is usually a milder illness in a child than in an adult

18. Semicolon (;) marks a pause milder than a period but stronger than a comma.

19. The only Crumbled fetas available are produced domestically and made with milder cow’s milk

20. Bresaola is a lean cured meat, less fatty than prosciutto and milder in flavor

21. The process of malolactic fermentation converts malic acid to much milder lactic acid.

22. Treatment options include ursodeoxycholic acid for milder forms and liver transplantation for severe pediatric cases.

Die Behandlungsoptionen umfassen die Gabe von Ursodeoxycholsäure (UDCA) bei milderen Verlaufsformen bis hin zur Lebertransplantation bei schweren pädiatrischen cholestatischen Leberkrankheiten.

23. Phosphates are available from a number of other sources that are much milder than TSP.

24. Juicy and often milder in taste than peaches, Apricots are full of fiber and anti-oxidants.

25. D.C.-area forecast: Cloudy today as milder air Arrives, with windy warmth on Friday

26. Any of several other diseases, especially German measles, that cause similar but milder symptoms.

27. Synonyms for Calmer include tranquiler, peacefuller, placider, milder, quieter, stiller, balmier, clearer, stillier and more serene

28. But I think the pentas, which will pull through a milder winter, may need to be replaced.

29. The shorter the period of maturation the milder the cheese – as the cheese ages stronger flavours develop.

Je kürzer die Reife, desto milder der Käse — mit zunehmender Reife bilden sich kräftigere Aromen heraus.

30. Ruthenium (Ru) accelerates silver reduction, and thus it makes a faster development rate possible with milder reducing agents.

Ruthenium (Ru) erhöht die Reduktionsrate von Ag und ermöglicht so die schnellere Entwicklung mit milderen Reduktionsmitteln.

31. Except for the strongest constitutions, coastal walking, bird watching and easel painting are best reserved for milder seasons.

32. The milder Akathisias were not infrequently experienced as vague feelings of apprehension, irritability, impatience, or general unease

33. Physicians had long known that a milder hepatitis (type A) was spread through unclean food or water.

34. The climate is certainly milder, the atmosphere more relaxed, the golf unbeatable and the prices surprisingly low.

35. Due to its coastal location, Gyeongju has a slightly milder climate than the more inland regions of Korea.

36. Collards are a vitamin-rich, cool-weather vegetable with a flavor similar to kale, but somewhat milder

37. The symptoms are consistent with a combination of Osteodystrophia hereditaria Albright (i.e., the milder form of O.h.

Die Symptomatik entsprach der Kombination Osteodystrophia hereditaria Albright (gemeint ist dabei die leichte Form der O.h.

38. Normally black Himalayan bears are docile creatures, milder than Alsatian dogs. TIPPING CHUCKLES DISBELIEVINGLY PENGUIN CALLS LOUDLY

39. Assuage definition, to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate: to Assuage one's grief; to Assuage one's pain

40. In milder infections, affected pigs lose weight, becoming thin, and develop signs of pneumonia, skin ulcers, and swollen joints.

41. Because of its southern and seagirt location, Jeju Island has warmer and milder weather than other parts of South Korea.

42. They are less crunchy than green and red Cabbages, but they also have a milder and sweeter flavor

43. The exclamation “By Cracky!” is also a euphemistic oath, a milder version of “By Christ!” Green’s Dictionary of Slang (Vol

44. These are the environments that, in terms at least of summer climates, most closely match milder parts of the northern tundra.

45. An islet cell Autotransplant has the potential to prevent diabetes, or to at least make diabetes milder and more easily managed

46. The milder Chartreuse is a perfect ingredient to use in light spritzers, like this riff on a Tom Collins

47. Many retired people move to the Sunbelt to enjoy sports such as golf or tennis in a milder climate.

48. When she emerged into the car park the bitter cold enveloped her insidiously; it had been so much milder in Keyhole.

49. Colloquially speaking, Contentment could be a state of having accepted one’s situation and is a milder and more tentative form of happiness.

50. Bacon is sold as both smoked or unsmoked – the latter is termed ‘green’, and is paler and milder than the smoked variety