migrated in Germany

migrated [miːgreitid] abgewandert, gewandert, wanderte

Sentence patterns related to "migrated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "migrated" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "migrated", or refer to the context using the word "migrated" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Freethinking Czechs migrated along the

2. Most animals migrated south weeks ago.

3. Whichever was the case, Aetolus migrated

4. Great herds of buffalo migrated across the plains.

5. Note: To access your migrated sites, go to sites.google.com.

6. Czechs eventually migrated south across Cleveland’s Kingsbury Run to Broadway

7. Majorit y Beggaries migrated from village to city because in

8. In the 19th century, some of them migrated to Sakhalin.

9. They were altogether 32,000 in number and migrated in three groups.

10. Others migrated to the Oort Cloud, over a trillion miles from Earth.

11. His father George Banuta was also a footballer who migrated to France.

12. 25 Pioneers from New England migrated to all parts of the United States.

13. A lot of these ideas migrated into the production trailers for Airstream.

14. Later, along with many of my countrymen, I migrated to Melbourne, Australia.

15. Over time the word "Bruh" migrated because of the vine video

16. The Agency migrated to a new accounting and budgeting system (ABAC) in April 2009.

Die Agentur führte im April 2009 ein neues Rechnungsführungs- und Budgetierungssystem (ABAC) ein.

17. She migrated to France during 1998, after which she started with her writing career.

18. The compiler improved gradually, and the DOS version migrated to the GO32v2 extender.

19. A MIDDLE-AGED Japanese man named Kunihito recently migrated to the United States.

20. 7 The Gothic people who overwhelmed the Roman Empire migrated from the East.

21. Later the city fell into an economic crisis and people migrated to other regions.

22. Tseng migrated from a retail / commercial board supplier to OEM sales of their chips.

23. The ancestors of the Berte family migrated to England following the Norman Conquest of 1066

24. All are descended from various ethnic groups that have migrated to the islands since 1485.

25. Led by the Prophet Veloth, the Chimer migrated to what is now known as Morrowind

26. Yiddish is the Judæo-German language developed by Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Central Europe.

27. They migrated to South America about three million years ago during the Great American Interchange.

28. Balefire - Official Path of Exile Wiki Your wiki has been migrated to a new Fandom domain.

29. This knowledge then migrated to the Babylonians, who used Astrology to predict seasonal and Astrological events.

30. Satellite tracking showed that “one animal migrated more than 10,000 miles [16,000 km] in 10 months.”

31. The Proto-Malays, who speak Austronesian languages, migrated to the area between 2500 and 1500 BC.

32. Carpetbagger referred to Republicans who had recently migrated from the North; scalawag referred to southern-born radicals

33. They migrated to Montana, where legislators as recently as 1963 tried and failed to enact similar controls.

34. The Athapaskans in Oregon originally migrated into this area over two millennia ago from northern Canada and Siberia

35. The jews which their origin was that area and migrated to Arab countries or Spain, are called Ashkenazi

36. In February #, all EDF accounting and financial data was successfully migrated to the new accounting system ABAC/SAP

37. The isthmus of Panama formed, and animals migrated between North and South America, wreaking havoc on local ecologies.

38. India was a loser in terms of markets as well as skilled labour that migrated to Pakistan .

39. Additional problems were encountered with the quality of migrated data, and asset identification codes were not AA-compliant.

40. In a series of migrations, the Bantu peoples gradually split and migrated south and then east across equatorial Africa

41. Abington is popular among renters with families who have migrated out of the city and into the suburbs

42. In began some 50,000 years ago when our ancestors migrated north from Africa and into Europe and Asia.

43. From the Sintashta culture the Indo-Iranian languages migrated with the Indo-Iranians to Anatolia, India and Iran.

44. A very high level comparison of what can be migrated with each tool is provided in Table 1.

45. A cross-section of Alfisol soil will reveal a layer of silicate clay that has migrated down from the surface

46. Then 700,000 years ago, Neanderthal-Denisovan ancestors migrated into Eurasia and quickly interbred with the descendants of the super-Archaics.

47. The first was two million years ago when the super-Archaics migrated into Eurasia and expanded into a large population

48. SHOTGUN Breaching From a military perspective, since combat has migrated toward military operations in urban terrain (MOUT) ballistic-Breaching

49. Roughly seven to nine thousand years ago a population group migrated to Britain from Anatolia by way of France

50. During autumn Field vole populations migrated from grassy areas under old trees to adjacent grassy afforestations without old trees.

Probefänge mit Schlagfallen im August oder September haben sich als untaugliches Instrument erwiesen, um die Entwicklung von Erdmauspopulationen auf nicht überschirmten, vergrasten Forstkulturen auch nur um 1 oder 2 Monate vorherzusagen.