谢幕 in Vietnamese

  • {curtain call} , sự vỗ tay mời diễn viên ra một lần nữa

Sentence patterns related to "谢幕"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "谢幕" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "谢幕", or refer to the context using the word "谢幕" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 新闻周刊》指出:“公元20世纪以总体战的纪元拉开序幕,然后踏进原子时代,看来将以娱乐年代谢幕。”

2. 看到这座图书馆,实在无法不令人感谢幕后的工作人员,他们为了兴建及维修这座知识的宝库,付出的努力实在令人感动。

3. 发足于2005年,如同奇迹一般参加了2006赛季,并在2007赛季多次获得积分,其成绩一时间甚至超越了本家本田F1车队的这支车队,仅仅3年时间就告谢幕