推卸责任 in Vietnamese

  • {give sb the baby hold}
    - {pass the baby}
    - {pass the buck}

Sentence patterns related to "推卸责任"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "推卸责任" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "推卸责任", or refer to the context using the word "推卸责任" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 推卸责任是徒然的

2. 另一种道德趋势是互相推卸责任

3. 彼拉多获知耶稣是加利利人之后,看出自己可以借此推卸责任

4. 耶31:29;结18:2-4)以色列人备尝艰辛,完全是咎由自取,但他们却试图推卸责任,把他们遭受的苦难归咎于父辈的恶行。

5. 不过,犹大得知真相后,并没有推卸责任,没有责怪塔玛施计从他得着子嗣,反而说:“她比我正义,因为我没有把她给我儿子示拉做妻子。”