坚忍的 in Vietnamese

  • {long-suffering} , nhẫn nại, kiên nhẫn, chịu đựng
    - {persevering} , kiên nhẫn, kiên trì; bền gan, bền chí
    - {stoical} , kiên cường
    - {unremitting} , không ngừng, không ngớt, liên tục

Sentence patterns related to "坚忍的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "坚忍的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "坚忍的", or refer to the context using the word "坚忍的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. “[要]以坚忍的心奔跑那摆在我们面前的赛程。”——希伯来书12:1,《新译》。

‘Chúng ta hãy lấy lòng nhịn-nhục theo-đòi cuộc chạy đua đã bày ra’ (HÊ-BƠ-RƠ 12:1).

2. 4.( 甲)《新世界译本》在《希伯来语经卷》用什么字眼表达坚忍的意思?(

3. 但是詹宁斯弟兄坚忍的榜样鼓励了我。 这篇文章我读了不知多少遍。”

4. 上帝手下有许多仆人均可以作证上帝的道具有使人保持坚忍的奇妙力量。

5. 3:1,4)为了应付临到自己身上的考验,我们必须表现坚忍的品质,正如农夫忍耐地等候收成一般。——5:7,8。