坚持住 in Vietnamese

  • {hold one's own}

Sentence patterns related to "坚持住"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "坚持住" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "坚持住", or refer to the context using the word "坚持住" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 它 在 下沉 坚持 住

2. 你 知道 在 我 流亡 的 这些 年里 是 什么 让 我 坚持 住 没有 倒下 吗 ? 是 信念

Ngài có biết điều gì khiến ta vẫn đứng đây qua những năm tháng lưu vong đó?

3. 摩尔纳甘先生(爱尔兰)(以英语发言):我希望,我今天上午好像有点沙哑的嗓子将坚持住

4. 再次,我们坚持住了,Foster’s Brewing(澳洲啤酒集团)的人参加了我们的派对 并给了我们第一笔赞助 那足以让我辞掉工作,我那时在做兼职咨询