坚持到底 in Vietnamese

  • {brave it out}
    - {follow through}
    - {go the entire animal}
    - {hang in there}
    - {see out}
    - {set one's jaw}
    - {stay the course}
    - {stick it out}
    - {stick out}

Sentence patterns related to "坚持到底"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "坚持到底" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "坚持到底", or refer to the context using the word "坚持到底" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 我会坚持到底,

Chuyên cần thi hành ý Cha,

2. 要决心坚持到底

và ta quyết chí không nao sờn.

3. 罗马书6:16)你知道什么是对的,就要坚持到底!

4. 你决定全职为王国工作以后,就应该采取行动,坚持到底

5. 我们勤奋地为耶和华工作,就能像使徒保罗所说的一样,“对盼望的事确信不疑,坚持到底”。

Điều gì có thể xảy ra nếu chúng ta chú tâm vào những mục tiêu cá nhân?

6. 有些冰山拒绝妥协 坚持到底, 而另一些冰山就不能忍受 在一时剧烈激情喷涌下就水崩冰裂。

7. 他会好好保护家人,坚持到底,并且竭尽所能,不让任何事情夺去家人的安宁、童真或安全感,使他们不再信任他人。

8. 由于遭遇猛烈的反对、被忧虑困扰、身体欠佳、同辈施压,或看不见成果,我们可能觉得很难在传道工作上坚持到底

9. 当冲突一触即发时,世界期待联合国做出果断的反应,通过灵活、创造性的外交防止暴力,制止侵略,当确实发生冲突时结束冲突,然后协助维护和平,以及准备坚持到底,以使局势脆弱的国家不再重新陷入战争。