候车室 in Vietnamese

  • {waiting room}

Sentence patterns related to "候车室"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "候车室" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "候车室", or refer to the context using the word "候车室" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 站房設有售票厅1个、高架候车厅4个、软席候车室1个、贵宾候车室1个,可同时容纳9000多人。

2. 为了驱除人们走进地底的恐惧,比奇在宽敞的候车室里装上了许多锆石灯——当时一种十分光亮的照明设备,好让候车室光线充足。

3. 候车室总面积10940平方米,分为贵宾、软席、母婴、军人、老弱残、普通候车区,最高可同时容纳13600人候车。

4. 有几个晚上,我们在设备简陋的铁路候车室过夜;有一次,甚至铁路旁的干草堆也成为我们的睡床!

5. 不但这样,比奇还把候车室布置得美轮美奂,有华丽的椅子、雕像、装上帘子的假窗,甚至有一个大钢琴和金鱼缸!