倦意 in Vietnamese

  • {droopy} , ủ rũ

Sentence patterns related to "倦意"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "倦意" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "倦意", or refer to the context using the word "倦意" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 虽然我们非常疲累,但眼见弟兄姊妹乐不可支地欢迎我们,顿时倦意全消。”

2. 日间的小睡(特别是15至30分钟)也许能消除午后的倦意,又不致妨碍晚上的睡眠规律。

3. 经过长时间驾驶,司机累了。 卡车发出的单调噪音又催人入睡,要驱走倦意,着实很困难。

4. ......鉴于肾上腺素的分泌量上升,我虽然连夜不眠,却毫无倦意,要不是紧紧盯住自己的纸牌,就是密切注视着轮盘上的号码;我一心盼望时来运到,赢取那笔可望而不可即的巨额彩金。”