让位于 in Vietnamese

  • {give place to}
    - {give way to}
    - {make place for}
    - {make room for}
    - {make way for}
    - {yield place to}

Sentence patterns related to "让位于"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "让位于" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "让位于", or refer to the context using the word "让位于" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 根据官方的说法,9月29日,理查自愿让位于亨利。

Báo cáo chính thức về sự kiện tuyên bố rằng Richard tự nguyện nhường ngôi cho Henry ngày 29 tháng 9.

2. � 宪法法院进一步指出,[......]根据修改后的一元论的原则,国际规范在国内法中的优先地位有限,即这些规范不能仅仅因为与国家规定有冲突而否定国家规定的有效性;在每一个具体案例中发生的情况是,国家法律将不得不让位于地位更高的法律。