夷狄 in Vietnamese

  • {barbarians}

Sentence patterns related to "夷狄"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "夷狄" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "夷狄", or refer to the context using the word "夷狄" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 孔子主张名揚周初的礼乐制度,并排除夷狄起源的文化要素。

2. 今陛下嗜欲不去,杀罚过理,既乖其道,岂获其作哉!或言老子入夷狄为浮屠。

3. 19世紀末期,清朝駐英國大使薛福成將區別中華和夷狄的「華夷隔絕之天下」思想,改變成中華和外國維持對等關係的「中外連屬之天下」思想。

4. 被視為由夷狄皇帝主宰的華夷秩序理念,與冊封朝貢國來維持外國關係的「天下」概念,於1793年,在英國的外交使節喬治·馬戛爾尼被派遣到中國的時候開始變化。