Use "you have a smart mouth" in a sentence

1. He's got a smart mouth... but he's dumb where it counts.

2. You look really smart today, Chris. Have you got a job interview?

3. If you don't shut your mouth, you won't have a head!

4. You seem to have a little trouble opening your mouth.

5. That was smart, now you have no more coffee.

6. I don't care how smart you are or how smart you think you are.

7. You are a supreme Radcliffe smart-ass.

8. I thought you was a smart guy.

9. All you have to do is open your mouth and sing.

10. Did you do mouth-to-mouth, faggot?

11. 4 I have, as you know, been slightly down in the mouth.

12. You don't have to be smart to be good at music - look at Gary.

13. Were you smart in school?

14. Oh. You still have his taste in your mouth after all these years, don't you?

15. Do you think I'm smart?

16. It 's smart to have somebody show you the proper way to lift weights .

17. Brawn is thought of as the opposite of brains, but let’s face it — people can be strong and smart! No matter how smart you are, though, you must have big muscles to have Brawn.

18. Oh, you still got a mouth, huh?

19. You got a hook in his mouth.

20. You know, for a smart man, you ain't got a lick of sense.

21. For a smart gambler, you sure play sucker odds.

22. You can't keep shooting your mouth off the way you have been... and issuing these ultimatums.

23. You got a foul mouth sometimes, pretty.

24. In their smart uniforms the police have a lethargic menace.

25. The flavor that a food or drink leaves in your mouth when you have swallowed it: Some vinegars have a sweet Aftertaste

26. You think the world wants a smart-mouthed little girl?

27. Well, a cuckoo like him and a smart guy like you.

28. I have a small canker blister in my mouth.

29. The power of smart technology inside Bugs N All is to work harder for you, so you don't have to

30. I thought you were the smart one.

31. You look very smart in that suit.

32. You know, you might have seen the one, the little girl with no hands drawing a picture with a pencil held in her mouth.

33. Serves you right, big mouth.

34. Smart display campaigns may be a good choice for you if:

35. You gonna stick a gun in his mouth too?

36. Then again, a smart person wouldn't have backed the car into a pole.

37. You made the promise with your own mouth, and this day you have fulfilled it with your own hand.

38. If you were truly smart, you would know that you are dumb.

39. You suck air through your mouth, you moron.

40. However, only one Google My Business listing can be associated with each Smart campaign, so if you have multiple Google My Business listings that you want to advertise, you’ll first need to create a Smart campaign for each listing.

41. With Adorn, you can be smart and gorgeous.

42. No, you warned me that he was smart.

43. You look very smart in your new suit.

44. Can you keep your mouth shut?

45. Could you open your mouth, please.

46. Cover your mouth when you cough.

47. Bolivian women is a classic example of what you would call “smart”

48. You run your mouth pretty fast.

49. Maybe you want me to make you wear a ball gaging your mouth.

50. Smart Aleck synonyms, smart Aleck pronunciation, smart Aleck translation, English dictionary definition of smart Aleck

51. Wise men have their mouth in their heart, fools their heart in their mouth. 

52. You can remove a Smart campaign from your account if you don't plan on reusing it.

53. And the idea behind this is to do the perfect job doing search, you really have to be smart.

54. You can send a message to everyone in your home by broadcasting it to all of your speakers, smart displays and Smart Clocks.

55. Charitably Speaking helps you make smart decisions about charity

56. Get smart and I'll crack you across the ear.

57. Our Bassets are extremely smart, athletic and have excellent temperaments.

58. If only Marv's power had made you smart, too.

59. Result: you monopolize the market for smart devices/homes.

60. I have informed them by word of mouth.

61. Nobody said anything about you, dick-mouth.

62. You were born with a platinum spoon in your mouth, Queen.

63. To come across you mouth that time.

64. I have informed him by word of mouth.

65. Can I kiss you on the mouth?

66. He told you to hush your mouth.

67. 7 Cover your mouth when you cough.

68. Why do you keep covering your mouth?

69. Did she kiss you on the mouth?

70. 19 Pop a Hershey Kiss into your mouth before you smooch.

71. You ran your mouth at my funeral.

72. He's a smart businessman.

73. You fix your fucking mouth when you talk to me.

74. Synonyms for smart-Arsed include flip, flippant, pert, smart, facetious, cute, wise, wiseass, smart-aleck and smart-alecky

75. A mouth-puckering Astringent taste on the tongue can have a kapha-reducing effect

76. Amperio provides a smart way to manage energy while saving you money each month

77. Bunya has smart defaults and helps you through the process

78. This article gives you an overview of smart display campaigns.

79. And if you were smart, you'd keep quiet about that.

80. You know, Carl, I think this guy is pretty smart.