Use "witness to" in a sentence

1. Witness to the Truth.

2. Bearing witness to his fame.

3. But I am a witness to the fact that the Witnesses witness to efficiency and proper behaviour. . . .

4. A Silent Witness to Accurate Prophecy

5. Give witness to God’s holy name.

6. The undermentioned is witness to this contract.

7. I was a witness to their quarrel.

8. He/His evidence bore witness to my testimony.

9. She Bore witness to his patience and diligence

10. The entire village will bear witness to this.

11. That resulted in another fine witness to Jehovah.

12. His ragged clothes were witness to his poverty.

13. She bore witness to his patience and diligence.

14. The human genome bears witness to this process, too.

15. I have born witness to many of your mad plans.

16. Consecrated life is a witness to the possibility of holiness.

17. Pope Beatifies 124 Korean Martyrs, Praising Their Witness to Christ

18. 20 min: “Offer the Magazines That Bear Witness to the Truth.”

19. Later in private she gave a tactful witness to the teacher.

20. You may be able to witness to doctors, nurses, or visitors.

21. In doing so, they also give a fine witness to others.

22. They bribed the witness to forget about what he had seen.

23. Many Italian congregations have made arrangements to witness to immigrants like Manjola.

24. What value would there be of having a witness to what happened?

25. She brought several persons of good credit to witness to her reputation.

26. The well-maintained Kingdom Hall serves as a powerful witness to Jehovah

27. The spirit of joyful cooperation was a witness to all in the community.

28. As the guests departed, one remained to serve as witness to Rikyū's death.

29. Royal charters bore witness to renewed vigour outside the demesne as in it.

30. * From those steps, the apostle gives a forceful witness to the religious mob.

31. It's time for the witness to take the stand for cross - examination .

32. Jackson choreographer Kenny Ortega was the first prosecution witness to take the stand .

33. 5, These art works bear witness to the Creativeness of the Chinese people

34. Bearing witness to the resurrection exposed the disciples to ridicule, suffering, and death.

35. (John 3:16) Before dying a sacrificial death, Christ ‘bore witness to the truth.’

36. In the end, Nelson Mandela was the only witness to testify in the trial.

37. (John 18:37) Jesus allowed nothing to distract him from bearing witness to the truth.

38. Concentrated efforts to witness to the people of the mountains started over 50 years ago.

39. How many weary souls could have been nourished from his daily witness to the Lord?

40. In such areas, they witness to people who have heard the message time and again.

41. 7 Thus, when the Israelites were faithful, they gave a fine witness to God’s name.

42. Her desolate site bears witness to the final fulfillment of the inspired prophecies against her.

43. The attorney called on an expert witness to provide further Clarification on the forensic evidence

44. Even on the train to and from Balykchy, we were able to witness to passengers.

45. 3 Practical Examples: We can witness to people at markets, parks, rest stops, and transportation terminals.

46. “Bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God.” —ACTS 20:24.

47. The yeartext for 2009 will be: “Bear thorough witness to the good news.” —Acts 20:24.

48. 8 Jesus spared no effort and passed up no opportunity to bear witness to the Kingdom.

49. We now number over 5,000,000—a ratio of 1 Witness to some 1,200 people on earth.

50. Why does Jehovah call upon the heavens and the earth to bear witness to Judah’s revolt?

51. Hence, Jehovah’s Witnesses concentrate, as Jesus did, on bearing witness to the truth about that Kingdom.

52. 4.1.2 The 2003 gliding season bore witness to a significant increase in the ACGP’s accident rate.

53. Right up to the very end, we shall have been witness to abuse of the procedure.

54. They gave a powerful witness to Jehovah’s universal sovereignty. —Psalm 18:21-23; 47:1, 2.

55. 5 So, like Jesus we want our whole life to be a witness to the truth.

56. Take advantage of the opportunity to water it by giving a further witness to the individual.

57. Amateurish In their mixture of Amateurish incompleteness and ambitious effort, the pages bear witness to a conflict

58. For hundreds of years, this rock has been a silent witness to political controversy and international disagreement.

59. 5 The Bible contains examples of older ones who fearlessly bore witness to Jehovah’s name and purposes.

60. She died in 1971 at the ripe old age of 97, an active Witness to the end.

61. In both my vocation at Robin Hood and my avocation as a volunteer firefighter, I am witness to acts of generosity and kindness on a monumental scale, but I'm also witness to acts of grace and courage on an individual basis.

62. In 1981 there were 38,869 active Witnesses—a ratio of 1 Witness to 717 of the population.

63. He could not get a single witness to establish independent corroboration of his version of the accident.

64. Thomas a'Becket, we WELCOME all, WORSHIP together at the Eucharistic table, and give WITNESS to Jesus Christ.

65. Would you be willing to act as a witness to my signature when I sign my will?

66. The growth and economic development of your great city of Casablanca bears witness to your business ability.

67. The hilltop is now completely wooded over, but the name remains as witness to a possible mark.

68. 5 Good Results: When a sister tried to witness to her neighbor, the woman erupted angrily, using profanity.

69. After killing a man in self-defense, a young woman is Blackmailed by a witness to the killing.

70. Numerous place names and local legends in the area still bear witness to the historic battle of 927.

71. I arranged for another Witness to study with him, and after four months of study, he was baptized.

72. 1 Jesus made it clear that he had come into the world to bear witness to the truth.

73. He also came into the world to “bear witness to the truth” and to make known God’s purposes.

74. That is his knowledge of God’s Word of truth and the ability to bear witness to God’s kingdom.

75. These wreathes of smoke curling from the bowels of the Earth bear witness to the Earth's original atmosphere.

76. The crowd of mourners at his funeral bore witness to the great affection in which he was held.

77. Matthew Catholic Church Columbarium is a witness to this faith community’s respect for life and belief in eternal life

78. Bawdyn, Richard – witness to DOC Charter 12 November 1519 John and Jacob Kestell to Henry Jeffery re Padstow tenement

79. “For this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” —John 18:37.

80. In the school, if you are assigned to demonstrate how to witness to someone, your householder will be your audience.