Use "within the range of" in a sentence

1. They live within range of the transmitter.

2. Are we within range of the local transmitter?

3. Their remedy lay within the range of existent technology.

4. O2 sats are within range.

5. Why was he within range of enemy fire?

6. Within the examined range values of both methods agreed well.

7. And this range of acceptable behaviors -- when we stay within our range, we're rewarded.

8. It is located within the hills of the Phuket mountain range.

9. They advanced to within rifle range.

10. The hybrid approach offers a choice within a range of scripts.

11. The Bandpass filter allows frequencies within the chosen range through and attenuates frequencies outside of the given range.

12. The Bananaquit covers a range of habitats within its geographical area

13. You're finally dating within your age range.

14. This is a list of addresses that are within range.

15. Cross price elasticities are also within the acceptable range.

16. Even with the SCP, sharks do range within sight of the patrolled beaches.

17. There was a range of opinion within the ecclesiastical hierarchy on the issue.

18. Constrains a number to be within a range.

19. AST and ALT are back within normal range.

20. A mile is well within a sniper's range.

21. You Bless up to three creatures of your choice within range

22. Constrains a number to be within a range

23. Constrains a number to be within a range.

24. You Bless up to three creatures of your choice within range

25. Each family within the Alchemic system covers a different range of hair colors

26. Despite rising oil prices, inflation is within the mandated range.

27. Attenuations within a range of -100 to 200 Hounsfield units (HU) as soft tissue density range were set

28. Range of uses: the functional appropriateness of the lectal range of varieties within a specific variety (e.g., from educated varieties to the pidgins and Basilects)

29. 2 Several cars are available within this price range.

30. Bacteriophages, meanwhile, only target a narrow range of strains within the same bacterial species

31. 3 He used a whistle to decoy the birds within range.

32. We found that the Indus script actually falls within the range of the linguistic scripts.

33. This insures that the analog signal will always be within the range of the ADC.

34. REPASS can meter spore density over crop trees within visual range of the operator.

35. O2 stats and lung capacity are well within range.

36. Yet both virgin saint and unrepentant sinner must fall within the range of humanity.

37. The system appears remarkably insensitive to temperature variations within the range of expected ambient temperatures.

38. The Anglerfish uses a shiny lure to bring prey within range of its sharp teeth

39. Early restoration of full weight-bearing ability and range of motion within the first few weeks.

40. Alchemic originals Each family within the Alchemic system covers a different range of hair colors

41. The jets are an hour away from being within radar range of Air Force One.

42. The behavior really doesn't matter a great deal within some fairly wide range of [ inaudible ].

43. 18 Do not place combustible material within fire spark range.

44. Within amatory range, can I also be kind with you?

45. The carburetor bowl fuel volume shall be within a ±10 millilitre range.

46. Perform an accuracy (in-motion) test using different loads within the capacity range of the device.

47. The Dragoons advanced to within rifle range and stopped to take aim.

48. Certain components within the computer require address space in the 4-GB range.

49. Only 40% of the patients treated with thyroid hormones have laboratory values within the desirable range.

50. So within the range of the state's responsibility to its subjects failing to help is hindering.

51. At the same time the amplitude of the antennal vibration decreases within the range of physiological frequencies (Abb.

52. When the reader broadcasts radio waves, all the tags within range will communicate.

53. The SQL Between Operator The Between operator selects values within a given range

54. Believable definition is - capable of being believed especially as within the range of known possibility or probability

55. Is the above estimate of the costs of migration realistic, or within what range are the possible costs?

56. The Cordillera region encompasses most of the areas within the Cordillera Central mountain range of Luzon, the largest range in the country.This region is home to numerous indigenous

57. If he talks within range of any phone in the city you can triangulate his position.

58. Within a broad range of data there are generally short beats with large amplitudes.

59. A band of caribou passed by, twenty and odd animals, tantalizingly within rifle range.

60. In telecommunications, Bandwidth refers to the range that carries a signal within a band of frequencies

61. Chung-Hoon provided emergency medical care until the ship was within range of Coast Guard aircraft.

62. Within Bath mats, rug sizes range from 1 X 2 ft

63. Prices range from £5-£ depending on the rarity of the year and the number of collectors within that market.

64. This extension is valid only within the absolute boundaries of the interpolation range specified in this paragraph.’

65. This extension is valid only within the absolute boundaries of the interpolation range specified in paragraph

66. This extension is valid only within the absolute boundaries of the interpolation range specified in this paragraph.

67. Flips on tanks, jets, missiles, as long as they're within range.

68. Use gauges to show numeric values or measurements within a range.

69. Fourthly, the need for collections to reflect the full range of materials available within the priority areas chosen.

70. Contracting entities of track-side assemblies are responsible for the management of unique identities within their allocated range.

71. A number of medium to small sized barite deposits are located within the Mor Mountain Range, Pakistan.

72. The Zn contents of spinels occuring in limestones and quartzfree metamorphic rocks vary within a wide range.

73. If the rate-of-turn indicator does not operate within the required accuracy range, this shall be indicated.

74. In 9 out of 28 patients with acoustic neurinoma the latency of the facial nerve fell within the normal range.

75. */ the system must have an accuracy of + 0.5 C within the measurement range ‐ 20 C to +30 C;

76. Watauga County is extremely mountainous, and all of the county's terrain is located within the Appalachian Mountains range.

77. • Amraam is a radar-guided, air-to-air missile with capability in both the beyond visual-range and within visual-range arenas

78. The Cordillera Paine mountain range is located within Chile's Torres del Paine National Park

79. The name "toller" is derived from their ability to lure waterfowl within gunshot range.

80. The price at which tenancies change hands is currently within the range £000 to £000.