Use "very well" in a sentence

1. Very well, very well, I hope I’ve given you proper service, Miss Scott.

2. Very well, Your Majesty.

3. Very well, Your Highness

4. I don't understand very well.

5. That actor enunciates very well.

6. He is dressed very well.

7. Very well-crafted horrible things.

8. Red suits you very well.

9. And he died very well.

10. You're looking very well yourself.

11. You've done very well, considering .

12. Yes, I slept very well.

13. For example, in the sentence She sang very well, the expression very well is an Adverbial

14. Your children are very well behaved.

15. Oh, very well, if you insist.

16. He played the flute very well.

17. Annie: You said it very well.

18. The photocopier reproduces colours very well.

19. I can't hear you very well.

20. You are very well travelled, sir.

21. The conference was very well organized.

22. I know Affiances sound very well

23. Pascal knew all this very well.

24. Her family was very well-off.

25. Maggie plays the piano very well.

26. This teapot doesn't pour very well.

27. I can't draw very well freehand.

28. Guys, I can't breathe very well.

29. I remember Miss Scott very well.

30. She managed the household very well.

31. She copes very well under pressure.

32. Nonetheless, we got along very well together.

33. The bold print stands out very well.

34. His family is not very well off.

35. Jo and I are very well suited.

36. She knows the local area very well.

37. She cannot articulate her feelings very well.

38. 10 The photocopier reproduces colours very well.

39. The mass additions functionality works very well.

40. Worked very well for a few years.

41. Very well, you son of a bitch.

42. Oh, very well, then, if you insist.

43. " Oh, very well ,'said Mr. Withers, blandly.

44. Wang Ping: You said it very well.

45. All things considered , she's done very well.

46. The new secretary takes dictation very well.

47. I notice it doesn't absorb very well.

48. Obviously that doesn't work very well for —

49. She doesn't hold her liquor very well.

50. David could play the harp very well.

51. His broken leg is mending very well.

52. The boy behaved very well last night.

53. They defended very well in the game.

54. Apologists usually know their Christian doctrine very well.

55. Or crank down CO2, plant does very well.

56. I know very well who she was mourning.

57. Commingling works very well for multi-panel mailings

58. I hear it went very well with Michael.

59. Some small cooperative enterprises share out very well.

60. Our hosts wined and dined us very well.

61. I thought you put your points very well.

62. The crops that he planted grew very well.

63. The work seems to be going very well.

64. He knew very well what a democracy was.

65. The comments in pencil haven't photocopied very well.

66. 11 Surely the Saviour knows her very well.

67. She did not know that thoroughfare very well.

68. The tailor has cut my coat very well.

69. She took it very well , all things considered.

70. 2 It's a very well thought out plan.

71. Apologists usually know their Christian doctrine very well

72. She doesn't relate very well to her mother.

73. 'Very well said, Tess! ' observed her father sententiously.

74. All things considered, the children did very well.

75. I am very well Aquatinted with my desktop

76. Her work is always very well set out.

77. Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well.

78. His clothes did not fit him very well .

79. 5 These issues have been very well ventilated.

80. "Oh, very well, very well! "Denisov cried; "now it's no use crying off, it's your turn to sing the barcarolle , I entreat you.