Use "up to this very moment" in a sentence

1. Catherine had been ice up to this moment.

2. A very fearful moment for this family had passed.

3. I must absolutely insist that you leave at this very moment.

4. This was very valuable information that came at the right moment.

5. I have prayed for this moment for a very long time.

6. What you're doing, right now, at this very moment, is killing you.

7. This is a very up-to-date radio.

8. Mayor Bradley is meeting with the diplomats at lotus leaf this very moment.

9. And this is it -- just to give you and me a moment to catch up.

10. But what the outcome of the Bill will be at this moment is very difficult to say.

11. We'll deliver her soul from evil and grant her absolution at this very moment.

12. 22 Enjoy your youth.You'll never be younger than you are at this very moment.

13. At this very moment, other hoteliers no doubt are busy conducting surveys designed to pinpoint our newest whims.

14. We're very short-staffed at the moment.

15. Cauliflowers are very cheap at the moment.

16. A Britzka came up at this moment as the three men were speaking

17. I feel very pressurized at the moment.

18. Amateur cell phone video captured this very moment, putting an end to the chaos that has gripped the city.

19. The weather is very Changeable at the moment

20. They were very chaste, their lives felt very fragile at the moment.

21. It's very difficult to pick up dropped stitches in this pattern.

22. Strong colours are very fashionable at the moment.

23. The weather is very changeable at the moment.

24. She'll be up in a moment.

25. Whenever that moment occurs, I feel very embarrassed.

26. Don't goof up. This plan is very important.

27. What a way to immortalize this moment!

28. He stopped for a moment to tie up his shoelace.

29. I'm tied up at the moment.

30. 13 Strong colours are very fashionable at the moment.

31. I'm not feeling up to the mark at the moment.

32. Hiemal moment relies on sunshine to be able to become very warm and downy.

33. I was game to them at this moment.

34. " The moment came to bid this world adieu. "

35. She didn't want to spoil this magic moment.

36. He might wake up at any moment.

37. At this very moment, we deeply cherish the memory of comrade Deng Xiaoping and revolutionist in his generation.

38. 4 Don't goof up. This plan is very important.

39. 2 This sponge doesn't soak up water very well.

40. I don't have very much to feel joyful about/over at the moment.

41. And more legato, to make this moment last.

42. The practice is not a very lucrative one at the moment, but if it is worked up It'should prove quite profitable.

43. Propelling, in the fervour of the moment—a very exact moment—music that abounds in... • Details • Buy it!

44. Morale amongst the players is very high at the moment.

45. I'm not very popular with my parents at the moment.

46. I wanted to outdo that moment that opens up the show.

47. One way to instil confidence is to start with a positive attitude and this starts the moment you step up to the ball.

48. Stop to Consider for a moment what this means.

49. You're looking very spry this morning, what's cheered you up?

50. I thought there'd be more ceremony to this moment.

51. It was the moment that my parents became very old.

52. A helping hand would be very welcome at the moment.

53. The practice is not a very lucrative one at the moment, but if it is worked up it should prove quite profitable.

54. I actually spoke up at this moment and told them that I felt Affended as a teacher

55. We should never let up for a moment.

56. This is very helpful for partners deciding to ramp up their Content ID abilities.

57. Something just came up at the last moment.

58. I just got swept up in the moment.

59. I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment.

60. My mother was very weak; she could not stand up to this cold weather.

61. This moment nap, you will have a dream. But this moment study, you will interpret a dream.

62. I'm a bit hard up at the moment.

63. At that very moment , the dragonfly almost fell from the air .

64. I believe that I have arrived at a very opportune moment.

65. Jamie seems very downcast at the moment. He misses Jenny terribly.

66. Mine itches the very moment I see the ruddy school

67. The third act is built around a very personal moment between ."

68. This is a self-Actualizing moment.

69. They had dreaded reaching this moment.

70. This is always a tense moment.

71. But this is a propitious moment.

72. Now this moment so fascinates me.

73. This is your greatest moment, Atticus.

74. To opt out at this moment would be quite irrational.

75. 9 I will return to this problem in a moment.

76. I continued, taking advantage of this propitious moment to ask.

77. At this moment, Natwar (Johnny Lever) comes to Sanju's rescue.

78. For a moment she wished she were on the top floor of a very, very high skyscraper.

79. 2 He dissimulated his intentions right up to the moment of the attack.

80. Well, kind of got caught up in the moment.