Use "up and about" in a sentence

1. Jack is up and about now.

2. I heard you up and about.

3. Good to see you up and about.

4. The patient is up and about again.

5. He's up and about again after his illness.

6. There days later, patient was up and about again.

7. Is she up and about again after her accident?

8. It's good to see you up and about again .

9. It's time for us to rise up and collectively speak up about structural inequality.

10. Acts spans a period of about 30 years, and takes us up to about A.D

11. 18 Already we reminisce about past Sweet Fridays, and daydream about the one coming up.

12. I'm about to pack up my things and go home.

13. 2 synonyms for Astir: up, about

14. Something about his herpes acting up.

15. Will you shut up about that?

16. Talk about boning up on sorrow.

17. An alloy including about 16 at% to about 23 at% Al; about 3 at% to about 10 at% Cr; up to about 5 at% Si; up to about 0.3 at% of at least two reactive elements selected from Y, Hf, Zr, La, and Ce; and Ni.

18. Don't beat yourself up about it.

19. Paul warned about some who were “puffed up with pride” and involved in “debates about words.”

20. I was about to come up and wake you and tell you.

21. Don't work yourself up/get worked up about something so trivial.

22. They clammed up like leeches when anything about Therese came up.

23. Compliance information about site assessment and clean-up activities on Brownfields

24. For Halloween, the children made up stories about wolves and witches.

25. We could see ruddy ducks bobbing about up close and kayakers.

26. Tell about a person who you admire and look up to.

27. Cheetahs weigh up to 140 pounds and live about 12 years.

28. Draw up a chair and I'll tell you all about it.

29. How are you Lennox? Good to see you up and about.

30. But research has turned up mixed results about zinc and Colds

31. Take it up and practice as it is all about Adjectives.

32. I am glad to see you are up and about again.

33. They faked up a story about burglary.

34. What are you so worked up about?

35. She rang up about an hour ago.

36. Don't get your hackles up about nothing.

37. 26 Don't work yourself up/get worked up about something so trivial.

38. 23 He's too hung up about fitness.

39. I can't get worked up about cars.

40. I picked up some literature about pensions.

41. How about you and Grant hook up and leave me out of it?

42. Learn more about setting up carrier rates.

43. He got very steamed up about it.

44. Spunk up, there's nothing to worry about!

45. I think it's about time we all pack up and leave, Ike.

46. And it does speeds of up to about 100 miles an hour.

47. The assembly is also given instructions about setting up and breaking camp.

48. It's a deep and meaningful allegory about our own messed-up society.

49. His secretary cocked up his travelling schedule and he's furious about it.

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51. She was always making bitchy comments about people's clothes and make-up.

52. 19 We could see ruddy ducks bobbing about up close and kayakers.

53. She's obviously Covering up something about that necklace.

54. Sharing is about giving up assets, intellectual property.

55. Is she serious about giving up her job?

56. There's something about it that's delectably ... grown-up.

57. Traditional bonsai stump about six, three up, a.

58. That just about wraps it up for today.

59. It matched up about the same as chance.

60. She doesn't hector us about giving up things.

61. Doubt stole up on me about his truthfulness.

62. Please buckle up now;we're about to land.

63. Mrs Foster bobbed about, gathering up her things.

64. He's about this close to wrapping it up.

65. I know, how about setting up a bomb?

66. So you mean he's about to mess up.

67. Totally lazy-that just about sums him up.

68. He still sounds pretty fed up about everything.

69. I rang up to inquire about train times.

70. You shouldn't get so worked up about it.

71. 13 He is hung up about stepping out.

72. What are you so gloomy about? Cheer up!

73. She was pretty cut up about them leaving.

74. She's still very cut up about the divorce.

75. We were all pretty shaken up about it.

76. Keep up with Beanstalk! Sign up for our newsletter below: We love to talk about brands and brand extensions

77. Students will learn about the Algonquians, with the information and follow-up slides

78. It says they just want me to come up and talk about it.

79. Tom was ill for several weeks but is now up and about again.

80. We ended up with about a dozen assorted gin, whisky and stout bottles.