Use "uh" in a sentence

1. I need, uh, Uh, paper towels, gloves, and, uh, a knife.

2. Uh, uh, pineapple, olives, and, uh, double jalapeno, sir.

3. Appalled Lyrics: Yea, uh huh uh huh / (CashFlow on the beat) / Yea, lawd! / Uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh / Yea, look / I got a whole lotta stress I needa get off of my chest / …

4. Alarum: (uh-lar-uhm, uh-lahr-) –noun

5. Uh, I'm calling about my, uh, commencement bonus.

6. Ataraxia [ at-uh-rak-see-uh ] noun

7. Complicated - letra, canción, curiosidades: Uh huh, life's like this, Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is, 'Cause life's like this, Uh huh, uh

8. Uh, absolutely.

9. Uh, that, uh, stumble was simply to buy me time.

10. Ethel, I want you to sing, uh, uh, alto.

11. Uh, ajar.

12. Uh, different?

13. Uh, yeah.

14. Uh bicep.

15. And , uh , I'm not really a, uh, sweeping sorta fella.

16. Uh, champagne?

17. Ah, well-developed patellas. Uh-huh. Mm-hm. Uh-huh.

18. Uh... uh, Fritz says it's okay if you shoot him.

19. Uh, I understand.

20. Chelicera [ k uh- lis-er- uh ] noun, plural che·lic·er·ae [kuh-lis-uh-ree]

21. Uh, uh, I need you to backstop me with my parole officer.

22. Uh, when he greeted me, he made, uh, quite a prophetic statement

23. Avicularium [ uh-vik-y uh- lair-ee- uhm ] noun, plural a·vic·u·lar·i·a [uh-vik-yuh-lair-ee-uh].

24. And , uh , I'm not really a, uh, sweeping sorta fella.

25. Uh, no. " ( Laughter )

26. Uh, lunatic alchemist.

27. Uh, shrooms, mostly.

28. Uh, Christmas answer.

29. Uh, lung, pancreatic.

30. Uh, Mr. wolf?

31. Uh, tell'em somethin'.

32. Uh, lipstick's bleeding.

33. Uh, next light.

34. Agamospermy is spelled as [ag-uh-moh-spur-mee, ey-gam-uh-]

35. Uh, when he greeted me, he made, uh, quite a prophetic statement.

36. This looks... uh, looks like raspberry ice cream, uh, an a ice.


38. Uh... stuff at home.

39. Anomia: [uh-NO-mee-uh] - Noun - 1) A problem with word finding or recall

40. I do hope, sir, that it's not, uh, inconvenient to you, uh... sir.

41. Administratrix [ ad-min- uh- strey-triks, ad-min- uh-, ad- min- uh-strey- ] noun, plural ad·min·is·tra·tri·ces [ad-min-uh-strey-truh-seez, -struh-trahy-seez].

42. Uh, test series alpha.

43. Uh, the city council.

44. Uh, keep in touch.

45. Uh, gravity, electron density.

46. Uh, it's pretty rusty.

47. Uh, glass or plastic?

48. Uh, the garbage actually.

49. And, uh tree wallpaper.

50. Anomia: [uh-NO-mee-uh] - Noun - 1) A problem with word finding or recall

51. Anomia: [uh-NO-mee-uh] - Noun - 1) A problem with word finding or recall

52. Uh, shampoo, I think.

53. Uh, heads or tails?

54. It, uh, accidentally fell into the lawn mower... and, uh... ricocheted into the window.

55. Uh, Senior Executive Assistant Manager?

56. Yeah my graduation.. uh huh..

57. Uh, no, I did not.

58. Uh, I'm going to dip your skin in boiling acid, and then, uh, remove the shrapnel.

59. Acidulated PHOSPHATE FLUORIDE (uh SIJ uh ley tid FOS fate FLOOR ide) provides sodium fluoride

60. No, actually, remember that has been moved down to uh, to the uh, torture chamber.

61. Acidulated PHOSPHATE FLUORIDE (uh SIJ uh ley tid FOS fate FLOOR ide) provides sodium fluoride

62. Acinus [ as- uh-n uhs ] noun, plural ac·i·ni [as-uh-nahy]

63. Agogics [ uh- goj-iks, uh- goh-jiks ] noun (usually used with a singular verb)Music

64. It could be, uh... toxemia

65. Lots of, uh, physical activity?

66. Air density and, uh, combustion.

67. Is that about, uh, hypnosis?

68. It's, uh - - it's getting ugly.

69. Uh, we gotta change mags.

70. Uh, enlarged hilar lymph nodes.

71. It's the, uh, gold key.

72. Cameraman [ kam-er- uh-man, -m uhn, kam-r uh- ] noun, plural cam·er·a·men [kam-er-uh-men, -muhn, kam-ruh-]

73. Uh, without further " adieu, " Othello.

74. Almond milk, tofu, uh, vegetables.

75. Uh, no problem, Mr. Stokes.

76. Uh, I'm a sex therapist.

77. He's, uh, gossipy that way.

78. It could be, uh... toxemia.

79. I'm, uh, an insurance salesman.

80. Uh, he has acute laryngitis.