Use "throughout the whole year" in a sentence

1. Marking special occasions, Balikbayan boxes are being sent throughout the whole year, and peaking just before Christmas.

2. Bullfinch diet changes throughout the year

3. There's a mood of nostalgia throughout the whole book.

4. Bioclimatic patio and terrace covers : offering you whole new living spaces throughout the year, upgrading your garden or the layout of your terrace

5. The whole market Busied itself about him throughout the day

6. Boniato potatoes are available throughout the year

7. Adamants offers a Small Group program throughout the whole season.

8. The school runs Cookery courses throughout the year

9. The institute holds evening classes throughout the year.

10. Save the insert for use throughout the year.

11. The manager sat frowning behind his desk throughout the whole interview.

12. Bobolinks are social throughout most of the year

13. Cotton robes are handy the whole year

14. May your reunion be happy throughout the year.

15. The whole first year was pass/ fail, but the second year was graded.

16. Please note that Baptisms are held throughout the year

17. We need results that are consistent throughout the year.

18. Last year, severe storms incapacitated the whole town.

19. Aruba offers many different events throughout the calendar year

20. May success and happiness follow you throughout the year.

21. Tours departs throughout the year on full moon weekends.

22. Satin Bowerbirds feed mostly on fruits throughout the year

23. Assigning Aliyoth and other ritual honors throughout the year

24. Conducts over 100 Auctions a year throughout the country

25. The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.

26. The prices of tomatoes are very irregular throughout the year.

27. Posted on the classroom wall and built throughout the year, the Cafe Menu serves as a visual reminder of whole-class instruction as well as individual student goals

28. Precipitation throughout the year is distributed relatively equally each month.

29. Throughout the world each year, countless unwed teens become pregnant.

30. Bullfinches appear to maintain a pair bond throughout the year

31. Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.

32. Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.

33. Alight’s Annual Report outlines the organization’s activities throughout the preceding year

34. 21 The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.

35. The Town Crier publishes six different glossy magazines throughout the year

36. Throughout the year the birds feed and roost in large aggregations.

37. Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the New Year.

38. The Algonquin Resort offers special events and packages throughout the year

39. It is the lowest average temperature of the whole year.

40. Their vocalizations are usually stereotyped and they call throughout the year.

41. Look for opportunities to review these scriptures throughout the school year.

42. Because temperatures are cool throughout the year, there is little evaporation.

43. The right heating and controls provide the ideal climate throughout the year.

44. In the Prayer-Book of 1549 there was no alternative to the Benedictus; it was to be used "throughout the whole year." In 1552 the Jubilate was inserted without …

45. Bullfinch is a striking bird found across the UK throughout the year

46. Some states in the U.S. offer sales tax holidays throughout the year.

47. The fourth is keep learning and keep is important -- learning throughout the whole life course.

48. Seas of clouds enshroud the peaks of Mt. Wudang throughout the year.

49. And the 11- year- old, one impulse on the whole phrase.

50. And the 11-year-old, one impulse on the whole phrase.

51. A second option would impose the moratorium throughout the whole city for the same time period.

52. The following are the baseball events of the year 1900 throughout the world.

53. Throughout a whole country; nationwide: launched a fundraising campaign Countrywide; a Countrywide search.

54. With the probable encouragement of local communist cadres, the insurrection quickly spread throughout the whole region.

55. Wish you everything to be a plain sailing throughout the coming year.

56. Tien has suffered budget cuts throughout his six-year tenure.

57. The Bushtit is a non-migratory, year-round resident throughout their range

58. Baklava Many ethnic festivals are held in my city throughout the year

59. In both guys and girls , the spirochetes can spread throughout the whole body , infecting major organs .

60. For the whole year, I cried and ate alone.” —Haley, 18.

61. The whole country was in a state of ferment that year.

62. His death cast a blight on the whole of that year.

63. The Office of Admission offers a number of visitation options throughout the year

64. The Bellevue Hospital offers American Red Cross Bloodmobiles several times throughout the year

65. Also in 1967 Liquid Light Environments ran at the UFO throughout the year.

66. Expectations had been running high throughout the country for the entire year previous.

67. Precipitation falls throughout the year but is light overall, particularly in the east.

68. The divisions we see in this school are the epitome of those occurring throughout the whole country.

69. 18 A second option would impose the moratorium throughout the whole city for the same time period.

70. Religious prejudice and scientific obscurantism have been closely entangled throughout the whole history of this debate.

71. The Absorbent distributes the material it captures throughout whole and adsorbent only distributes it through the surface

72. Its influence would be experienced throughout the whole monastic community, and beyond the cloister in the world.

73. One person hosts Bunco night and players switch off hosting throughout the year.

74. Cockatiels will mate for life and stay with their mate throughout the year.

75. Use a Bronzer to give your skin a healthy glow throughout the year

76. Each year millions of visitors travel safely and enjoyably throughout the United States.

77. Clamming through the seasons – Here’s a look at the Clamming picture throughout the year

78. Hedgerow habitat in general appeared to be valuable for Bullfinches throughout the year

79. Northern Anchovies spawn throughout the year, with peak activity from February to April

80. When it is placed in a container it spreads uniformly throughout the whole volume of the container.