Use "the prophet ezekiel" in a sentence

1. Antiochus EPIPHANES is very generally looked upon as the Gog of the prophet Ezekiel

2. Let us now see how the prophet Ezekiel, under inspiration, described the moral decay of apostate Judah.

3. 2 The same royal carriage pulled up before God’s prophet Ezekiel in vision some 2,600 years ago.

4. WHAT if you could have an experience like that of the prophet Ezekiel some 25 centuries ago?

5. (Genesis 43:11) And the prophet Ezekiel listed balsam among merchandise that Judah and Israel exported to Tyre.

6. (Ezekiel 5:2) Explaining Ezekiel’s symbolic actions toward these latter two portions of hair, Jehovah said to his prophet:

7. 7 The prophet Ezekiel of old had to muster up great courage in order not to fear the Israelite opposers of his day.

8. In the days of God’s prophet Ezekiel, the majority of the shepherds appointed to care for the needs of Jehovah’s people in Israel failed to fulfill their duties.

9. 2 It must have saddened the faithful prophet Ezekiel to think of God’s temple lying in ruins hundreds of miles away, a desolate haunt of wild animals.

10. This, too, was foretold by Ezekiel. —Ezekiel 26:4, 12.

11. It is as he stated through his prophet Ezekiel: “‘Do I take any delight at all in the death of someone wicked,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘and not in that he should turn back from his ways and actually keep living?’” —Ezekiel 18:23.

12. Damascus is called a “merchant” of Tyre by the prophet Ezekiel, evidently trading wine from the neighboring city of Helbon and reddish-gray wool in exchange for Tyre’s exports of manufactured articles.

13. The Pouting Prophet

14. I know that the Prophet Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration.

15. (Ezekiel 3:4) Later, Ezekiel’s message widened out to include the pagan nations round about. —Ezekiel, chapters 25–32.

16. I know the Prophet Joseph Smith was foreordained as the prophet of the Restoration.

17. 13 Ezekiel describes what will happen.

18. God Appearing At The Doorway Ezekiel 10:4

19. Ezekiel consumed the entire roll, not part of it.

20. What is the meaning of what Ezekiel acted out?

21. (Ezekiel 29:18) The siege is costly to Nebuchadnezzar.

22. Second, Ezekiel acted out what the Jews would go through.

23. He will send Elijah the prophet.”

24. The prophet Moses provides another example.

25. The man is the prophet E·liʹjah.

26. How did Jehovah fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel 11:19?

27. What three themes are emphasized in the book of Ezekiel?

28. “I went on to clothe you with an embroidered garment and to shoe you with sealskin and to wrap you in fine linen and to cover you with costly material,” he later reminds them through the prophet Ezekiel.

29. Joseph Smith—Prophet of the Restoration

30. The book of Ezekiel can be separated into four divisions.

31. The prophet Jeremiah had the same experience.

32. Joseph is the prophet of the Restoration.

33. The Hebrew prophet Ezekiel confirms that personal control is required if we are to merit God’s favor: “As for you, in case you have warned someone wicked and he does not actually turn back from his wickedness and from his wicked way, he himself for his error will die; but as for you, you will have delivered your own soul.”—Ezekiel 3:19.

34. The prophet Malachi prophesied that before the Savior’s Second Coming, the prophet Elijah would be sent to the earth.

35. 19 Ezekiel too was given glowing prophecies of restoration.

36. What did Ezekiel see that fills us with awe?

37. How would Jehovah make Ezekiel equal to his assignment?

38. (Ezekiel 29:18) Finally, Tyre capitulated to Babylonian forces.

39. The prophet pleads with Jehovah (12-17)

40. His attitude toward the wicked is expressed at Ezekiel 18:23:

41. How did Ezekiel describe the moral bankruptcy of Jehovah’s covenant people?

42. “Face painting” is mentioned in the Old Testament (Ezekiel 23:40).

43. The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates

44. Generally speaking, the book of Ezekiel may be divided as follows:

45. Jehovah Disciplines His Wayward Prophet

46. Our prophet, President Thomas S.

47. The prophet Beseeches God for his people

48. Ezekiel specified electrum, an alloy of silver and gold.

49. 4 Ezekiel foretold a 40-year desolation of Egypt.

50. There the Prophet began the work of translation.

51. Heard the Prophet preach on the temple floor.

52. EZEKIEL stares into the distance, peering out across the broad, sandy plain.

53. Learn from the experience of the prophet Jonah.

54. Master Prophet, Biafran Spiritual leader

55. SOME ancient rabbis were not entirely comfortable with the book of Ezekiel.

56. Ezekiel lived among other exiles near the river Chebar (See paragraph 4)

57. The Seed would still appear in David’s line. —Ezekiel 21:25-27.

58. People flocked to hear the new prophet.

59. Baruch was the secretary to the prophet Jeremiah.

60. Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration.

61. 4 First, Ezekiel is brought to “a very high mountain.”

62. So God told Ezekiel to counterprophesy against these lying prophets.

63. (Ezekiel 9:4) They are “conscious of their spiritual need.”

64. (Ezekiel 33:21, 22) He has restoration prophecies to declare.

65. חֵיק, חֵק noun [masculine] Bosom (Late Hebrew id.) — absolute חֵיק Ezekiel 43:17; Proverbs 16:33 + Ezekiel 43:13 (Co חיקו, compare ZKW 1883, pp

66. Compare the fate of Samaria as described in Ezekiel 23:1-10.

67. “The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.”—Ezekiel 18:4.

68. He enters the temple and assures Ezekiel that He will reside there.

69. Jeremiah versus the false prophet Hananiah (1-17)

70. Bozo was a photographer for the Daily Prophet

71. The mother of Samuel, an Old Testament prophet.

72. Joseph Smith was the prophet of the Restoration.

73. “The soul who sins is the one who will die.” —Ezekiel 18:20.

74. What remarkable scene is described at Ezekiel 37:1-4?

75. My father’s description of the prophet Joseph F.

76. Enoch is a prophet in the Old Testament,

77. Gandhi was the prophet of non-violent protest.

78. I'm afraid I'm no weather prophet.

79. God restored the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

80. 10 Evidently, the chariot stops so that its Rider may speak to Ezekiel.