Use "the prophet ezekiel" in a sentence

1. Antiochus EPIPHANES is very generally looked upon as the Gog of the prophet Ezekiel

2. WHAT if you could have an experience like that of the prophet Ezekiel some 25 centuries ago?

3. Let us now see how the prophet Ezekiel, under inspiration, described the moral decay of apostate Judah.

4. (Genesis 43:11) And the prophet Ezekiel listed balsam among merchandise that Judah and Israel exported to Tyre.

5. 7 The prophet Ezekiel of old had to muster up great courage in order not to fear the Israelite opposers of his day.

6. Damascus is called a “merchant” of Tyre by the prophet Ezekiel, evidently trading wine from the neighboring city of Helbon and reddish-gray wool in exchange for Tyre’s exports of manufactured articles.

7. “I went on to clothe you with an embroidered garment and to shoe you with sealskin and to wrap you in fine linen and to cover you with costly material,” he later reminds them through the prophet Ezekiel.

8. In faraway Babylon (in the 27th year of the first exile, that is, 591 B.C.E.), the prophet Ezekiel also foretold that Nebuchadnezzar would conquer Egypt and “in Tehaphnehes the day will actually grow dark,” for Jehovah would there break the yoke bars and the pride of Egypt’s strength.