Use "the former and the latter" in a sentence

1. The former epithet is apt, the latter less so.

2. If the former is a jewel, the latter is a treasure.”

3. After all, the former smacks of flunkeyism, the latter sentimental Adulation.

4. In the former case the Bawd was the principal, in the latter

5. 4 The latter is an egoistic expression, the former a divine flow.

6. The former is Jat while the latter is Punjabi Arora, mostly from

7. The scornful response to the latter and silence about the former soon gives the game away.

8. The former is a static Cursor image, and the latter is an animated Cursor image

9. 26 Many support the former alternative,( but personally I favour the latter .

10. What the former valued as a proper earthiness and sensuality, the latter condemned as mere vulgarity.

11. Ogun, state, western Nigeria, created in 1976 and comprising former Abeokuta and Ijebu provinces of former Western state, the latter carved out of former Western region in 1967

12. The former can point to the great difference between doubt and unbelief and the latter to the great similarity.

13. The left take precisely the opposite view, condemning the former assault but Applauding the latter.

14. The rapid bowed quavers of the former become the rapid staccato semiquavers of the latter.

15. The former is characterised as a 'vice', the latter as a 'fouling' or 'Besmirching', …

16. The new manganese complexes demonstrated very strong catalytic activity with the former and promising activity with the latter.

17. The former is a mystery of mysteries, and the latter is surprisingly similar in all Belief systems

18. In the former case, the cyclic quadrilateral is ABCD, and in the latter case, the cyclic quadrilateral is ABDC.

19. Given Costar and CoreLogic’s complementary businesses—the former provides commercial real estate solutions, while the latter is focused …

20. If and are Antiparallel with respect to and, then the latter are also Antiparallel with respect to the former.

21. 22 What the former valued as a proper earthiness and sensuality,[] the latter condemned as mere vulgarity.

22. A duty to accumulate wealth catalyzed the former; a duty to civilize inspired the latter.

23. A mental health orientation places greater emphasis on the former to the detriment of the latter.

24. f) embedded or printed “radio aerial” conductors, the former no wider than # mm and the latter than # mm

25. The difference between her detractors and supporters could not be starker, as the former demonize and the latter Apotheosize her

26. The former was twenty-five years old and very Corpulent, the latter was fifteen and was slim and well made

27. For example , the birds and mammals excrete nitrogen in different ways : the former excrete uric acid , the latter urea .

28. 29 Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.

29. The former began to subside as the managers progressed through the year; the latter, however, would remain.

30. The former always speak by way of antithesis,—the latter seldom construe their leaders' words Antithetically

31. The former is generally collusion for a particular purpose, while the latter may exist without Connivance.

32. Just that the latter will have to lower their expectations and make do with imperfect versions of the former.

33. The former was written in the style of an internal memo while the latter was crass and patronising, he said.

34. For the former, therefore, to return among the latter was not to degrade, but to promote them.

35. The former Amasses the capital which the latter invests, and the stranger as well as the native is unacquainted with want

36. If the former are general, abstract data, it seems to me that the latter must be also.

37. Conclusions: The positivity rates of peritoneoscopy and serum transferrin are the highest, but the former is invasive and the latter is nonspecific.

38. The dictionaries say candidature and Candidacy mean the same and that the former is used in BE, while the latter - in AE

39. In the former, the Blastopore develops into the mouth while in the latter, the Blastopore develops into the anus

40. The former was not oxidized, but the latter was converted to phenyl glyoxylic acid in moderate yield.

41. Looking Authoritative and looking confident have many similarities, but you can’t really master the former without first nailing the latter

42. The former become effective after making the decisions and noticing the deprived shareholders, while the latter need lodge a complaint and devise adjudge.

43. Thus, in that weighing-up, the former interest was given absolute priority, to the detriment of the latter.

44. 17 Prominent defenders of Consociations distinguish between liberal and corporatist versions, and prefer the former to the latter, when this is feasible

45. The former method uses the quotient uric acid/urea nitrogen as an indicator and the latter the quotient ELISA score/protein concentration.

46. The former serve us ill through lack either of aptitude or enthusiasm, and the latter do so deliberately and of malice aforethought.

47. The former has the function of divisible production capital whereas the latter bears the function of indivisible social capital.

48. The latter amine assigned as 2-hydroxyputrescine was produced by alkaline hydrolysis of the former amine, γ-hydroxyagmatine.

49. Every day I am more satisfied that the former enquiry is vain and delusive , and the latter only the true objects of the science.

50. The two men, the former a steadfast Tory, the latter a dedicated Whig, had crossed swords on several occasions.

51. Many of the burdensome covenants inserted in the former kind of lease will be wholly inappropriate to the latter.

52. Dragonball Z: Frieza fatally wounds Vegeta out of Annoyance when the latter gloats over Goku beating up the former

53. 29 The surface of the former is full of round granule while the latter is in the shape of rhomb.

54. The Reasons of difference lays on the different attitude for unaccomplished offense. The former is objectivism, the latter is subjectivism.

55. 1979) defines “incorporation By reference” as the “method of making one document …become a part of another separate document by referring to the former in the latter, and declaring that the former shall be taken and considered as a part of the latter the same as if it were fully set out therein.”

56. Someone subsequently diagnosed with a brain tumour might easily be biased, consciously or unconsciously, to exaggerate the former and misstate the latter.

57. The latter had the task of ensuring the loyalty of military experts (mostly former officers in the imperial army) and co-signing their orders.

58. 11 The two men, the former a steadfast Tory, the latter a dedicated Whig, had crossed swords on several occasions.

59. The former are not actually present in Gibraltar while the latter have a bricks and mortar presence there and are active in various sectors.

60. MacMillan and E. suffruticosum Sprengel apparently occupy an intermediate position, although the former tends more towards autogamy, whereas the latter tends towards allogamy.

61. 28 There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. 

62. The granodiorite-plagiogranite and Banatite (diorite-monzonite-granodiorite) plutonic massifs are associated with the former, while peralkaline granite massifs are characteristic of the latter

63. The absorption band is discussed as being heterogeneously broadened in both solid and liquid phases, the former being space-averaged and the latter time-averaged.

64. 30 There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. 

65. Consequently, the best moments are cinematic or Actorly; the former come early and the latter are concentrated in the poised, agonized figure of the title character

66. The principal distinction between the Broadsword and the rapier is, that the latter is formed only for thrusting, while the former is adapted for cutting also

67. The former is trochaic—the latter is octametre Acatalectic, alternating with heptametre catalectic repeated in the refrain of the fifth verse, and terminating with tetrametre catalectic.

68. Still, even though Alright is closing ground on all right, the latter is never wrong and the former is still considered problematic by some

69. Viral Aetiology is less convincing than the autoimmune model, but from a treatment perspective, the former is more promising than the latter

70. We find that the two former schools always run into agnosticism in the logical operation, but the latter leads to absolutely uncertainty.

71. Crapes are Crisped (crepés) or smooth; the former being double, are used in close mourning, the latter in less deep

72. "No U Hang Up" and "If That's OK with You" charted separately in Ireland, the former reaching number eleven and the latter entering at number one.

73. Since both the Chorionic villi and the embryo are derived from the same fertilized ovum a sample of the former provides material for genetic studies of the latter.

74. Genitalia adoration of bamboo consists of vulvae adoration and phallism, the former is the outcome of matrilineal society, while the latter is the outcome of patrilineal society.

75. It separated commercial banks and investment banks, in part to avoid potential conflicts of interest between the lending activities of the former and rating activities of the latter.

76. Level III: Nineteen District Hospitals (with 473 beds) that provide basic in-patient and outpatient care (although more the latter than the former) and selected diagnostic services.

77. The Useful Arts Employed in the Production of Clothing (1851) "Bombazine is a mixture of silk and worsted: the former in the warp, and the latter in the weft

78. Once or twice the latter attempts –rather apathetically – to regain its former rhythm, before both make towards a steady walking pace.

79. Welcome to Bochum Wedged between Dortmund and Essen, Bochum doesn't have the football fame of the former or the urbanity of the latter, but it does have soul

80. The Carious and non-Carious lesions differ in their etiology, basically due to the former being associated with bacteria, while the latter have no relationship with microorganisms