Use "the drug problem" in a sentence

1. look into the problem of drug abuse.

2. We know about the arrest. And drug problem.

3. This country has a mammoth drug problem.

4. Desperate measures are needed to deal with the growing drug problem.

5. Furthermore, drug market has other characters such as principal-agent problem, inelastic demand of drug that also is the factors of high drug price.

6. 21 Furthermore, drug market has other characters such as principal-agent problem, inelastic demand of drug that also is the factors of high drug price.

7. Drug abuse has long been a major problem for the authorities there.

8. Nowhere is drug abuse more of a problem than in the US.

9. m) The extensive problem of drug addiction must be addressed through public national campaigns

10. This case has brought the problem of drug abuse in schools into sharp focus.

11. New trends in addressing and countering the world drug problem, including new psychoactive substances

12. New trends in addressing and countering the world drug problem, including new psychoactive substances 13

13. Adding to the problem, Latin American drug traffickers have linked up with West African crime groups.

14. Council Resolution of 29 November 1996 on measures to address the drug tourism problem within the European Union

15. Therefore, how to solve the replenishment decision problem is related to survival and development of drug trading enterprise.

16. Originally, a football team was organised to help alleviate the drug problem by using sports as a cure.

17. About three years ago, I wrote a column about Daryl Strawberry and his ongoing drug problem.

18. Prescription drug abuse is a problem on the rise, with more people abusing prescriptions every year, including Amphetamine drugs

19. He had risen out of his drug- created dreams and was hot upon the scent of some new problem.

20. John, with a drug problem and a gambling habit, had turned to crime to finance his vices.

21. And the problem with this, of course, is that they were coming in rapping about violence and drug use and abusing women.

22. The response from law enforcement agencies (such as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Drug Enforcement Administration) has also exacerbated this problem.

23. Anovulatory drug synonyms, Anovulatory drug pronunciation, Anovulatory drug translation, English dictionary definition of Anovulatory drug

24. Drug Antagonism synonyms, drug Antagonism pronunciation, drug Antagonism translation, English dictionary definition of drug Antagonism

25. But here's the problem: sometimes patients become resistant to the drug, and then years after they've been declared to be cancer free, they come back.

26. Without problem, the utmost problem.

27. Bioavailability of a drug product, phy siologic and other factors affecting Bioavailability, characteristics of drugs with the great potential for a Bioavailability problem, assessment of

28. The probability of drug interactions increases with every additional drug.

29. The Ministers plan to address the world drug problem with an integrated and balanced approach to drug supply and demand reduction strategies in line with the UN conventions of 1961, 1971 and 1988 and other relevant norms and principles of international law.

30. Drug Wars and Coffeehouses: The Political Economy of the International Drug Trade

31. In contrast pharmacodynamic drug interactions will alter drug effects in the absence of concentration changes of the co-administered drug.

32. The Food and Drug Act is not the cause of drug smuggling

33. In an effort to combat the problem, leading British medical organizations would like to introduce random drug tests to identify doctors who are abusing drugs or alcohol.

34. A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually!

35. Drug Absorption is the movement of a drug into the bloodstream after administration

36. For approval of a generic drug, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires scientific evidence that the generic drug is interchangeable with or therapeutically equivalent to the originally approved drug.

37. They have copied and circulated letters, falsely accredited to a police department, warning parents of a new drug problem in the form of tattoos impregnated with LSD.

38. The problem cries for a classical Backtracking problem

39. Antagonist drug: A drug that blocks or reduces the effect of a neurotransmitter

40. How are prescription drug and blame prescription drug divisional?

41. The satisfiability problem of conjunction normal form ( abbreviate SAT problem ) is an NP _ complete problem.

42. The bulk drug substance appears on a list identifying bulk drug substances for which there is a clinical need (the 503B Bulks list), or the drug product compounded from such bulk drug substance

43. Acyclovir oral tablet is a prescription drug that’s available as the brand-name drug Zovirax. It’s also available as a generic drug

44. The experimental drug, Ionis-HTTRx, is a type of drug called “Antisense oligonucleotides”

45. The satisfiability problem of conjunction normal form ( Abbreviate SAT problem ) is an NP _ complete problem.

46. The Commission’s report instead calls for a new approach to drug abuse, one that treats it not as a criminal-justice issue, but rather as a public-health problem.

47. * Drug tolerance

48. 'Drug addict "

49. Vaccine-Drug Interactions: Cytokines, Cytochromes, and Molecular Mechanisms Drug Saf

50. Several drug companies are accused of concealing information from the Food and Drug Administration.

51. The U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy has more about prescription drug abuse.

52. • Several drug companies are accused of Concealing information from the Food and Drug Administration

53. The absence of these interactions has been demonstrated in specific drug-drug-interaction studies

54. The drug blunted his senses.

55. The drug improved mental Alertness

56. The Snells are drug dealers.

57. This drug deaden the pain.

58. The new drug was ineffective.

59. The problem end of factitious error rises is quality problem.

60. Crackdown is a new, monthly podcast about drugs, drug policy and the drug war led by drug user activists and supported by research

61. Police smashed the drug ring.

62. The drug improved mental alertness.

63. And the problem of poor vision, is actually not just a health problem, it's also an educational problem, and it's an economic problem, and it's a quality of life problem.

64. (see Drug Interactions - Drug-Drug Interactions - Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) or other NSAIDs) Concomitant administration of (Brand Name of Drug) with low dose ASA increases the risk of GI ulceration and associated complications.

65. The Canadian Transition Strategy calls for a drug-by-drug phase-out of CFC MDIs.

66. The drug regulatory agency ofState Council shall be responsible for drug administration and supervision nationwide.

67. But the problem isn’t with effectiveness; the problem is Browbeating destroys the

68. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Aerodone Orphan Drug status

69. The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday approved the first drug test available without a prescription.

70. Provides prescription management, drug profiles, alerts, and an interface with the Department’s drug plan administrator.

71. <This guidance addresses the stability information to be included on existing drug substances and associated drug products in new drug submissions (NDSs) and abbreviated new drug submissions (ANDSs), Supplements and Notifiable Changes.

72. The name of the Drug Substance should be included in the heading of all applicable sections and subsections, to clearly distinguish the information for each Drug Substance. e.g. 3.2.S DRUG SUBSTANCE ("X", MANUFACTURER ABC); 3.2.S DRUG SUBSTANCE ("Y", MANUFACTURER ABC); 3.2.P DRUG PRODUCT ("XY", Liquid Preparation).

73. In some of the drug-related photodermatoses, abnormal skin reactions are limited to the time of drug ingestion, returning to normal when the drug is discontinued (N).

74. LSD is a hallucinogenic drug - so Acid is a hallucinogenic drug

75. Attempts to control drug use, through the formation of drug squads, helped to amplify it.

76. The candle problem.

77. Call it whatever you wish: alcoholism, problem drinking, dipsomania, alcohol use disorder (AUD), or (my favorite) Crapulence — it remains a drug addiction, an albatross that no rational and

78. A gateway drug.

79. A drug Cartel is any criminal organization with the intention of supplying drug trafficking operations

80. * The continuing growth of drug production and drug smuggling from Afghanistan is of particular concern.