Use "taken care of" in a sentence

1. We've taken care of him.

2. So my wife's taken care of.

3. I've already taken care of that.

4. Thad Peterson's body is taken care of.

5. He wanted to be taken care of in every need.

6. The regular waste dischargers have taken care of their effluent.

7. We'd taken enormous care in choosing the location.

8. This is automatically taken care of when content is Chunked efficiently

9. “The Lord has taken good care of us,” Brother Alip says.

10. Synonyms for Babysat include took care of, taken care of, watched, minded, oversaw, overseen, supervised, childminded, guarded and kept

11. Care should be taken to avoid abrading the skin.

12. Care should be taken to close the lid securely.

13. With every need taken care of by attentive and solicitous flight staff.

14. Care should be taken to obtain an unbiased sample.

15. This female highway patrol officer calls up, says they're taken care of.

16. But, traditionally, cemeteries haven't been taken care of by the local authority.

17. Great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic.

18. 13 As for food for the party, that's all being taken care of.

19. Greater care has to be taken with Arabica, ensuring that …

20. Care should be taken with electrocautery as ethanol is flammable.

21. Care should be taken to avoid confusing the two compounds.

22. After their needs are taken care of, the entire surplus comes to India.

23. He suggested vaguely that care must be taken in the eulogy of her friend.

24. Now that that's taken care of, let's pick it up where we left off.

25. However, care should be taken that the wine not be spilled as the Chalices are taken to the altar

26. These are taken care of by the host ants, sometimes preferentially to their own brood.

27. Care must be taken in using this syntax to read And SET …

28. In all proceedings, care should be taken to guard against the risk of false testimony

29. Care must be taken to allow the mash sufficient time to rest.

30. As to his accommodations and nourishment, every care was to be taken.

31. In Ayurveda (and on airplanes!) you always have to make sure that YOU are taken care of first, before you take care of others. Cool?

32. Matthews's VIP Care program has taken all of the guess-work and stress out of Crematory maintenance

33. After she was born, she was taken care of by her mother by the Northern style.

34. When conducting stability testing, care must be taken to look for Allantoin recrystallization

35. Bleeding must be taken care of as soon as possible to prevent too much blood loss.

36. Great care must be taken to ensure that solutions are clean and free of extraneous matter.

37. After Mill Hill Missionaries left mission it was taken care by Capuchin Fathers.

38. Archon Media have taken care from Wedding theme, food catering, special Lighting appearance

39. A Boggle that is well taken care of usually lives to about 10 to 15 years old

40. Of course, care should be taken not to attract undue attention while witnessing informally in this way.

41. Carbonado Cemetery, which was established in 1880, is in very good condition and well taken care of

42. If you think you have a Chipped tooth, it is important to get it taken care of

43. Special measures shall be taken for the acclimatisation, quarantine, housing, husbandry and care of wild caught animals

44. The individual becomes apathetic and disinterested, reduces the speed of work and the care taken over work.

45. Antioch Vet Hospital on 10th Street has taken care of my pets since I was a child

46. Aroid Greenhouses Specializing in rare Aroid plants that are grown and taken care of in our greenhouses.

47. If clumping occurs, care must be taken to achieve representative samples for biomass measurements.

48. Care must be taken when handling Anemones as some pack a powerful painful sting

49. Nevertheless, practical wisdom must be exercised and care taken not to forget Bible principles.

50. He had taken care to tell no one save Felicity where he was staying.

51. 10 Care must be taken when trimming around woody plants like shrubs and trees.

52. Kesia adds: “I learned to trust more completely in Jehovah, and he has taken good care of us.

53. Care needs to be taken to ensure that regulation does not impair the efficiency of the financial system.

54. d) Special measures shall be taken for the acclimatisation, quarantine, housing, husbandry and care of wild caught animals.

55. She was taken into care by the local council and placed with a foster family.

56. When clipping or shaving the fur, care must be taken to avoid abrading the skin

57. Why did you make a big deal out of something that could be taken care of with a few bucks?

58. There they found their beloved girl, surrounded by a horde of chimpanzees that had found and taken care of her.

59. Have you paid your own bills, done your own shopping, handled insurance and taken care of other family matters?

60. However, when special care or precautions are taken, in almost all cases, baptisms can be performed.

61. Every care should be taken to assure that the Amputation is done only when clinically indicated.

62. In Shampoo Planet, Coupland has taken more care to dramatize his youthful Attitudinizing, but only slightly

63. Direct treatments, like surgeries and Abscissions, exist for the weightier lumps that must be taken care of and addressed promptly

64. From far away your own sons keep coming, and your daughters who will be taken care of on the flank.

65. From far away your own sons keep coming, and your daughters who will be taken care of on the flank.”

66. I love that The Cultch exists and that they have taken such clear care with the space

67. After storage, care must be taken not to chill tubers during grading and transportation to the factory.

68. As it is sensitive to large temperature fluctuation, care should be taken to maintain a stable reading.

69. He proudly explains the care taken to maintain the correct temperature and humidity for the wine casks.

70. Care should be taken not to accept an overly conservative brief merely to pamper a difficult client.

71. Adopted adjective (CHILD) B2 An Adopted child has been legally taken by another family to be taken care of as their own child: They've got two Adopted children and one of their own.

72. For Caregivers Making sure you are taken care of, too, can help create a productive partnership that minimizes stress and conflict

73. It is one of the more potent Calmatives in use and care should be taken when using valerian for more than …

74. The Augmentation, or diminution, of its size, is caused by the care taken to unite the great with the small individuals.

75. Being a community staple, we've proudly taken on the role of improving PittsBurgh's health care by providing fast and personalized service

76. 26 This suggests that the major transfer of care from state hospitals has taken place without any specific political driving force.

77. If molten metal is the armature fluid of an MHD generator, care must be taken with the coolant of the electromagnetics and channel.

78. Areas related to agrarian and rural life such as animal husbandry, cow’s welfare, separate department of fisheries have also been taken care of.

79. Care should be taken to minimise spreading onto surrounding skin as Bazuka Treatment Gel may be an irritant.

80. The donor liver is Anastomosed at the vascular sites, with care taken to preserve hepatic arterial blood flow