Use "taken advantage of" in a sentence

1. I have taken unpardonable advantage of your situation.

2. Have you taken advantage of this loving provision?

3. Mr Cheng has taken advantage of being a legislator.

4. The gang had taken advantage of the immigrants' vulnerability.

5. Besides, State creditors should have taken advantage of their situation.

6. You are precise and you will not be taken advantage of.

7. A lawless minority has taken advantage of the situation to loot and pillage.

8. People may have taken advantage of this situation to feed and befriend the dolphins.

9. Rather, I think they have somewhat taken advantage of the situation with their presence there.

10. The molluscs have taken advantage of the iron's dry micro-climate and gathered underneath to hibernate.

11. Illegal counterfeit manufacturers have taken advantage of a burgeoning circular trade between E C countries in pharmaceuticals.

12. Advertorial content is the worst way to accomplish your goal because readers will feel taken advantage of

13. * Others have taken advantage of any government assistance to which they have a legal and moral right.

14. However, account is taken of all factors making it possible to assess the real advantage to the recipient

15. Those who haven't taken advantage of early season low prices still have to take their hard-earned rest.

16. First and foremost, Borland have taken the Windows interface and used it to good advantage.

17. A Non-Circumvention Agreement is an important business tool that can protect businesses from being taken advantage of

18. Advantage should be taken of external courses where these can be shown to be relevant and cost effective.

19. To ensure dependable supply and price advantage, some Indian investment has taken place, not always successful.

20. They can, however, feel taken advantage of in situations when the other party places little emphasis on the relationship.

21. It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of what is a win-win opportunity.

22. Advantage is taken of the fact that the battery can absorb a very high current at the beginning of the charging process.

23. “He wishes now that he had had that traditional residential experience and taken advantage of the leadership opportunities,” Claudia Beeny says.

24. So far, according to a bipartisan commission monitoring the law[], only 12 million workers have taken advantage of the provisions.

25. Others have taken advantage of economic reforms to demolish their homes and replace them with small hotels that cater to foreign tourists.

26. There's an advantage of volume, and there's an advantage of time.

27. So the advertising sections in newspapers are carefully looked over so that all the bargains on shopping days can be taken advantage of.

28. Using copies of the Keyhole satellite photos, users have taken advantage of image annotation features to provide personal histories and information regarding particular points of the area.

29. Just as terrorists have taken advantage of the openness of our society to carry out their plots, violent extremists use the internet to radicalize and intimidate.

30. Just as terrorists have taken advantage of the openness of our societies to carry out their plots, violent extremists use the internet to radicalize and intimidate.

31. The " advantage of backwardness "

32. Terrifica patrols New York City's bars, clubs, and streets by night, in an effort to protect inebriated women in danger of being taken advantage of by men.

33. Like his father, George reluctantly agreed to the dissolution and creation of peers, although he felt his ministers had taken advantage of his inexperience to browbeat him.

34. Traditional comparative advantage went through three steps: absolute advantage, comparative advantage and factor endowment theory.

35. The advantage of Apomixis w …

36. He's taking advantage of you.

37. Advantage of wisdom (11, 12)

38. These Buzzwords are huge for the retail industry, but many businesses have taken advantage of them during COVID-19 and will continue to utilize them throughout 2021

39. The Baseness of Russia's rulers lies in the way they have always taken advantage of this remarkable human emotion: the love of homeland and the willingness to sacrifice everything for …

40. APPROVAL of the Advantage 900 Service Provider Agreement, the Advantage 900 Accounts Receivable Management Agreement and the Advantage 900 Alternative Billing Arrangement Agreement.

41. Ethnic Bashkirs Revive Culture in Russia Like many of Russia's 21 ethnic republics, oil-rich Bashkortostan has taken advantage of the post-Communist political climate to start rebuilding itself

42. Atria announces investigation of business development in Atria Russia; structural changes possible Huge Rent increase for Solana Residents by Atria Corporation Senior Residents taken advantage of by Atria Corporation

43. The EESC urges that advantage should be taken of the opportunity to harmonise, unify and streamline all the rules and procedures of the GSP system in the new guidelines

44. Beginning of the 20th century, the United States has taken the advantage all over the world, but also lost a part of its youth, trueness and self-righteous confidence.

45. Leysen took advantage of the situation.

46. He might take advantage of it

47. Taking Advantage of Extra Advertising Minutes

48. I took advantage of his weakness.

49. They took advantage of the situation

50. They take advantage of our situation.

51. Youths —Take Advantage of Your Schooling

52. They have the advantage of cover.

53. Performance Advantage of white Ceresin Wax.

54. Don't take advantage of the greenhorn.

55. The Alchemist deals with universal themes (duty versus passion, loving and losing, being taken advantage of) that many high school students (indeed, many people) faces on a regular basis.

56. The clergy took advantage of the situation.

57. Take away the advantage of their guns.

58. Should people take advantage of this offer?

59. An econometric analysis of absolute cost advantage

60. No, just took advantage of the situation.

61. Yes, I took advantage of the situation.

62. Quickly, we took advantage of this gift.

63. Without Boundaries, people may take advantage of […]

64. 6 I took advantage of his weakness.

65. What Is Competitive Advantage? Competitive advantage is a set of qualities that give businesses leverage over their competition

66. What is the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage in international trade?

67. She had the advantage of a good education.

68. None of our adversaries have such an advantage.

69. What is another advantage of using God’s name?

70. Take advantage of your parents’ wisdom and experience!

71. The masters will take advantage of this situation.

72. Skaven erupt to take advantage of the disaster.

73. Take advantage of our special off-season fares.

74. The theory of Comparative advantage is attributed to …

75. The main advantage of a Cylindrical lock is …

76. He has the advantage of a steady job.

77. The advantage of this system is its flexibility.

78. You must forbear taking advantage of your strength.

79. Only pedants believe in the advantage of obfuscation.

80. A Comparative advantage gives …