Use "swing of public opinion" in a sentence


2. A knot of politicians manufactured public opinion.

3. Public opinion can demolish him.

4. The public opinion may solidify.

5. Public opinion is shifting in favour of change.


7. The event changed the trend of public opinion.

8. (verb) Capitulate to the pressure of public opinion.

9. Governments cannot ignore the strength of public opinion.

10. The prevailing mood of public opinion remained hostile.

11. Influencing public opinion through control of mass media.

12. The article accurately reflects public opinion.

13. 27 Can they shape public opinion?

14. 18 The public opinion may solidify.

15. Public opinion swung back to Truman.

16. We are a public opinion poll.

17. A public opinion poll was made.

18. His views accord with public opinion.

19. The issue has polarized public opinion.

20. A pollster conducts public opinion polls.

21. 26 Public opinion is shifting in favour of change.

22. 5 The event changed the trend of public opinion.

23. The President is out of tune with public opinion.

24. 17 Governments cannot ignore the strength of public opinion.

25. 24 The prevailing mood of public opinion remained hostile.

26. 4 The article accurately reflects public opinion.

27. Public opinion turned against the Democratic Party.

28. Public opinion was opposed to the war.

29. 15 His views accord with public opinion.

30. They had no public opinion to appease.

31. Public opinion has polarized on this issue.

32. 2 The article accurately reflects public opinion.

33. 11 His views accord with public opinion.

34. 29 The President is out of tune with public opinion.

35. The job of parliamentarians is to inform the public and to take account of public opinion.

36. The guarantor of good government was the influence of public opinion.

37. 28 Public opinion turned against the Democratic Party.

38. 21 They successfully mobilized public opinion against him.

39. Public opinion can force the government into action.

40. 1 Public opinion has polarized on this issue.

41. 19 Public opinion was opposed to the war.

42. Public opinion is sharply polarized on this issue.

43. International public opinion turned against Amin for good.

44. 4 Politicians are good at discerning public opinion.

45. Public opinion polls showed the public blamed Congress, not Clinton, for the debacle.

46. 15 These people represent a broad/wide swathe of public opinion.

47. 14 These people represent a broad/wide swathe of public opinion.

48. Eventually, the government will have to take notice of public opinion.

49. 14 Public opinion is shifting in favor of the new law.

50. The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.

51. The president stands high in the public opinion polls.

52. 12 Public opinion is sharply polarized on this issue.

53. Public opinion toward Cuban political refugees was also favorable.

54. 23 Public opinion is currently running against fox hunting.

55. 13 Public opinion was against the old feudal system.

56. We are going to conduct a public opinion poll.

57. He was riding high in the public opinion polls.

58. Advertising and market research services and public opinion polling

59. 1 Public opinion can force the government into action.

60. Does this opinion poll accurately reflect the public mood?

61. Public opinion towards LGBT people is becoming more tolerant.

62. Your Federation opinion polls will open a public debate.

63. 25 This is an act that outrages public opinion.

64. 3 Public opinion is sharply polarized on this issue.

65. The advertisements were designed to whip up public opinion.

66. It takes courage to speak out against the tide of public opinion.

67. After six years of fighting public opinion has turned against the war.

68. This survey is considered to be a reliable barometer of public opinion.

69. Huet's photographs of the war were influential in moulding American public opinion.

70. Public opinion polls show a majority of respondents support a welfare overhaul.

71. 11 Public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of the imprisoned men.

72. He was at the mercy of the ebb and flow of public opinion.

73. 23 Campaign leaders were caught flat-footed when the opinion polls suddenly started to swing the other way.

74. The government cannot afford to be indifferent to public opinion.

75. 6 The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.

76. Television companies need to keep in step with public opinion.

77. He didn't seem to mind public opinion in the least.

78. 16 He was riding high in the public opinion polls.

79. The government has ostentatiously solicited public opinion about the change.

80. 4 An honest judge cannot be servile to public opinion.