Use "standard of living" in a sentence

1. Their standard of living steadily sank down.

2. Their standard of living is very low.

3. They have / enjoy a high standard of living.

4. People in this country enjoy a high standard of living.

5. The standard of living in many developing countries is low.

6. Their standard of living will be assessed in Chapter Seven.

7. Two- percent growth quadruples your standard of living in 70 years.

8. For one thing, people now enjoy a higher standard of living.

9. Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living.

10. Our standard of living depends on our ability to be competitive

11. The people of the US have a high standard of living.

12. The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence.

13. In stead of people starving, the average standard of living rose.

14. The standard of living in our country is lower than in yours.

15. We'll continue to fight for a decent standard of living for our members.

16. Both the cost and the standard of living were lower before the war.

17. Meat production and consumption has risen sharply, reflecting a high standard of living.

18. If the present policies are altered, their standard of living will definitely fall.

19. A reduced standard of living will develop from increasing taxation and rising unemployment.

20. How have Jan and Woth managed to adapt to a reduced standard of living?

21. That great advance in the standard of living is at risk in this election.

22. Of course, one’s expenses will largely depend upon the standard of living one chooses.

23. Local economists agree that the standard of living has fallen for most Romanianssince 19

24. To accept a lower standard of living is undoubtedly a challenge, but it is necessary.

25. Even those who had jobs found their standard of living and their real income dropping.

26. From 1950 to 1960 alone, the standard of living in West Germany and Berlin doubled.

27. Vacuum cleaners to ensure clean houses are praiseworthy and essential in our standard of living.

28. Affluence is the state of having a lot of money or a high standard of living.

29. To illustrate, suppose we live in a relatively affluent country with a high standard of living.

30. While some nations today have an extremely high standard of living, others are very, very poor.

31. 3 Vacuum cleaners to ensure clean houses are praiseworthy and essential in our standard of living.

32. Mr Meacher quoted statistics saying that the standard of living of the poorest people had fallen.

33. For years they have enjoyed a standard of living unmatched by any other country in Europe.

34. The increase has negated the government’s efforts to raise the standard of living and remove poverty.

35. 13 Since NAFTA came into effect, the Canadian standard of living has inched closer to America's.

36. "Försörjningsstöd": Benefits for anyone (and their children) who otherwise can't get a reasonable standard of living.

37. A state - controlled economy has morphed into a market economy, greatly raising the standard of living.

38. A state - controlled economy has morphed into a market economy, greatly raising people's standard of living.

39. If we have the necessities of life, we should not endlessly pursue a higher standard of living.

40. The compilation provides an extensive presentation of the basic socio-economic indices and standard-of-living indicators

41. Only collective efforts can ensure a better standard of living and greater dignity for all human beings.

42. The compilation provides an extensive presentation of the basic socio-economic indices and standard-of-living indicators.

43. (b) Increase the amount of the benefits to ensure an adequate standard of living to the beneficiaries;

44. Your standard of living depends on your income and also on the amount of leisure you have.

45. The standard of living has definitely improved - many of the Sherpa houses now have windows and chimneys.

46. Currently, the standard of living in all the Polish voivodships falls below 75% of the European Union average.

47. Bagandas comprise about 17% of the population and have the country's highest standard of living and literacy rate

48. The 6 million people of Hong Kong have an obvious stake in maintaining their high standard of living.

49. It would be wrong morally, as well as dangerous to propound a scheme that lessens the standard of living.

50. The levels at which state pensions are paid is, therefore, crucial to the standard of living of older people.

51. It takes about a kilowatt per person to maintain a technologically advanced civilization with a high standard of living.

52. And for many workers wage increases have been greater than the inflation rate, so their standard of living has improved.

53. Today, one section of humanity lives in the deepest poverty while another enjoys the highest standard of living in history.

54. Quality of life should not be confused with the concept of standard of living, which is based primarily on income.

55. Voters who prefer a flat tax think it will lead to a rising standard of living, according to the poll.

56. Barbadians for many years have enjoyed a reasonable standard of living supported by deficit financing in the post Barrow period

57. Therefore, Achrolenses is a group of experts solely devoted to improving the Achromats’ vision ability and their standard of living

58. Alimony is financial support provided to an ex-spouse to help maintain the standard of living maintained during the marriage

59. “My new job improved our family’s standard of living, but it also led me into all sorts of questionable activities.

60. The standard of living is high, and the Danes enjoy a noteworthy measure of security on account of their social legislation.

61. Also, hate often exists where the standard of living of a section of the community is threatened by an influx of foreigners.

62. The world is becoming increasingly interdependent and an improvement in the standard of living of Southerners will be advantageous to the North.

63. Commercialisation leads to poor standard of living of the people due to shift in interest from pure service delivery to profit maximisation

64. The harsh measures of the transitory period are expected to lower the standard of living for about 20 percent of the population.

65. They added that the developing nations faced a problem of “even higher migrant influx, a low standard of living, unemployment and housing shortages.”

66. By the 1960s, North Korea enjoyed a standard of living higher than the South, which was fraught with political instability and economic crises.

67. Escaping abject destitution, though an important milestone, is not the same as achieving a decent standard of living and sense of economic security.

68. The city should raise the standard of living for its residents and develop an economy suitable for the unique qualities of the national capital.

69. People need Borates, too, as an important part of a healthy diet and an essential ingredient in many products necessary for an acceptable standard of living.

70. A high standard of living, expensive vacations, the latest cars, and the like, are not essential to life. —Luke 12:15; 1 John 2:15-17.

71. Finally, the price index used by the Census Bureau fails to capture the important contributions of new products and product improvements to Americans’ standard of living.

72. Yet the chapter says that a nation can enjoy a high standard of living only if it can produce a large quantity of goods and services itself

73. Devaluation can lead to a reduction in citizens' standard of living as their purchasing power is reduced both when they buy imports and when they travel abroad.

74. Your name, Coralita, gives you a stable, practical nature with a sense of financial and material values and the aspiration to establish a good standard of living

75. Wedding Anniversary gift-giving is a tradition that dates back to ancient times.But throughout the years, gift ideas have evolved to meet a more modern standard of living

76. However, this demand depends on different factors such as standard of living, aesthetics—which coexist with an increase in civilization-and, of course, the possibilities of state assistance.

77. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations in 1948, declared that everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living, including satisfactory housing.

78. In the same year, the Chinese government officially promulgated the Regulations on Guaranteeing Urban Residents' Minimum Standard of Living to ensure the basic livelihood of all urban residents.

79. That aim was declared to be to ensure an adequate standard of living for the masses , in other words , to get rid of the appalling poverty of the people . . . .

80. Affluent (rather formal) rich and with a good standard of living: Affluent Western countries ; prosperous or Affluent? Both prosperous and Affluent are used to talk about people and places