Use "something to think about" in a sentence

1. What does “Cogitating” mean? “Cogitating” means to ‘think deeply about something’ or to meditate and reflect about something

2. Think of something likable about the person.

3. Definition of Cogitate (verb): think about something carefully

4. Think about something like mountaineering and mountain climbing.

5. I always think there's something sinister about that expression.

6. What does Chew mean? (informal) To think about something; to ponder; to Chew over

7. I think Jillene's probably thinking about something called an adze.

8. You're sure to find something to smile, laugh or think about in E-Chronicity

9. It makes you think there's something magic about history to keep your father's attention.

10. 18 Then you start to think there's something crazy about living life only to lose it.

11. 23 Alternatively, you can switch off by listening to music, or think about something peaceful.

12. And I think you need to trust me on this because I know something about it.

13. I think there's something deeply unhealthy about living all the time in schizophonia.

14. I think you knew something about it, either before the fact or after.

15. When you're Conscious of something, you can think about it logically and talk about what you're experiencing

16. 3 [transitive, intransitive] Contemplate (something) (formal) to think deeply about something for a long time to Contemplate your future She lay in bed, contemplating

17. Kids Definition of Agonize : to think or worry very much about something She Agonized over the choices.

18. Gave the guy a big reward, then she started to think there was something fishy about it.

19. Cogitate (about/on something) to think carefully about something Word Origin late 16th cent.: from Latin cogitat- ‘considered’, from the verb cogitare , from co- ‘together’ + agitare ‘turn over, consider’.

20. You think you're something?

21. Think of Analogue as referring to something parallel or comparable to something else

22. But what they have in common is something both blindingly simple to name and blindingly difficult to think about.

23. And so they did something that's really radical, when you think about how government is used to working.

24. Chortle about (someone or something) To laugh about someone or something

25. Bicker about (something) To argue or squabble with someone about something

26. Bicker about (something) To argue or squabble with someone about something

27. You think he did something to Mr. Abrams.

28. Stefan tried to think of something comforting to say.

29. [intransitive, transitive] to say that you think somebody/something is bad; to say what you do not like or think is wrong about somebody/something All you ever do is Criticize! Criticize somebody/something The decision was harshly Criticized by environmental groups

30. I think you dropped something.

31. I think I heard something.

32. I think I see something.

33. If you've got an Attitude about something, it can be hard to change it because you think you're right.

34. I think you're hiding something.

35. You think it's something to do with the anomaly?

36. Verb If someone or something Bewitches you, you are so attracted to them that you cannot think about anything else

37. If you give someone or something your Attention, you look at them, listen to them, or think about them carefully

38. I think that's the wrong way to think about it.

39. Announce (something) to To make a public declaration about something

40. You think I'm doing something silly.

41. I think I could eat something.

42. Circumstantial meaning: 1. containing information, especially about a crime, that makes you think something is true but….

43. You think I'm crazy or something?

44. I have to think about it.

45. Look, you obviously think I'm going to do something to you.


47. You've got to control yourself and think of something nonsexual.

48. I think we need to go away and think about this.

49. He always clams up when I ask him about his job -- do you think he's doing something illegal?

50. Conceive of (someone or something) To think of someone or something, often in a particular way

51. I think he's hiding something from me.

52. D' you think he's manly or something?

53. Every time you want to indulge in something, you think about the best chicken Biryani or the best mutton Biryani near me

54. Okay. I never wanted to know this much about gas chromatography or gear lubricants but I think Mr. Reddington is onto something.

55. You'd think maybe cement, possibly, or something.

56. I think Barb may have something there.

57. Bandy (something) about/around or Bandy about/around (something): to discuss or mention (something) in a casual or informal way

58. 11 I think we need to go away and think about this.

59. Something unusual is about to happen.

60. Crack down (on someone or something) to put limits on someone or something; to become strict about enforcing rules about someone or something

61. Rowling will have to think up something clever for this one.

62. Bring about To cause something to happen

63. Brag about (someone or something) To boast about someone or something, perhaps to an excessive or unwarranted degree

64. Tuco had a bullet in him when I got there, and I think you know something about that, too.

65. 8 He always clams up when I ask him about his job -- do you think he's doing something illegal?

66. : to think about or provide information about the situation in which something happens When the rebellion is historically Contextualized, it becomes clear that there were many factors contributing to it.

67. Nine to 18 months from now, I think we'll be right back in the food inflation cesspool. I think that generally speaking it is something we should all be concerned about.

68. Your Attitude to something is the way that you think and feel about it, especially when this shows in the way you behave

69. Blaming is defined as to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening

70. Allude to someone or something to refer to someone or something; to make an implication about someone or something

71. I think you drew something other than comics.

72. I think I had something bad this morning.

73. I think there's something wrong with the resistor.

74. Something about them being immigrants or something.

75. I'll think about it.

76. I think there's something wrong with your arithmetic.

77. I think I ate something that was bad.

78. Just think about it.

79. So think about it.

80. Think about the males.