Use "some" in a sentence

1. It consists of short pieces or sketches , some descriptive , some allegorical , some reflective , some satirical and some reminiscent .

2. Some are technicians, some are artists, some are craftsmen, and some are just laborers.

3. Some rocks and some finches.

4. Some shine and some don't.

5. Some are democracies, some dictatorships.

6. I bought some Super Sculpeys, some armature wire, some various materials.

7. Some lemon and-and some cherry...

8. Tearing out some sage, some creosote.

9. On some list in some file.

10. Some are dilapidated, some well kept.

11. Some fresh bandages and some lunch.

12. We have some oxygen molecules, some hydrogen molecules, and some nitrogen molecules.

13. Some migraine sufferers have some headache attacks with Aura and some without

14. You win some, you lose some

15. You'll get some naysayers and some Agreers

16. You might show some shame, some guilt.

17. " And in conclusion, win some, lose some. "

18. Some people do drugs, some are alkies.

19. I have some more adenine, some cytosine.

20. 7 Some manage it. Some fail miserably.

21. Some people are born with some defects.

22. Some concerts are free and some overpriced.

23. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

24. Some call them Banisters and some say balustrades

25. I meant some friends or some neighborhood toughs.

26. Well, Ritalin maybe explains some tics, some involuntary...

27. Some patterns are real and some are not.

28. Some of the chemicals cause cancer, some sterility.

29. Give me some sunshine Give me some rain

30. Some khukuris have no Chirras, some may have …

31. 1 You win some, you lose some

32. 2 You win some, you lose some

33. Some animals, including some bears, only half hibernate.

34. Some people want bread ; some people want cereal ; some people want beer , and so on .

35. We try to do whatever we can to provide some assistance, some protection, some comfort.

36. Some were standing; some seated. Some were lamenting , and in restless motion; but, these were few.

37. Finally, some seed falls on good soil and produces a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold.

38. Some favored acceptance, some wanted further negotiation, and some clamored for a continuance of the war.

39. Some animals like horses, some rivers, and even some implements ( like mortar and pestle ) were deified.

40. But others fell on good ground and yielded a: some a hundredfold some sixty, some thirty.

41. Separate sexes Some brood, some broadcast Anthozoans - Three subclasses

42. Gonna need some nightclub attire and some petty cash.

43. Life is full of ironies, some hilarious, some tragic.

44. Some 120 met for this purpose, including “some women.”

45. Some are of high quality, and some are not.

46. I get it, take some time, get some rest.

47. Yeah, well, some people meditate, some people get massages.

48. We set up some stout and sliced some bread.

49. 3 Some say thy fault is youth, some wantonness.

50. It was some foul parody, some infamous ignoble satire.

51. May have tried pawning off some electronics, some jewelry.

52. Some will say sweetly, some will say it decently.

53. They met some think tanks and some politicians also.

54. Some roosters, some mangly homeless guys, whatever he's got.

55. Some do this for fun; some, to avoid harassment.

56. Some mushrooms are good to eat; some are poisonous.

57. Some of the designs are subtle, some gloriously OTT.

58. Some places need liveliness, but some others need quiet.

59. When some of us have it, some people take it ugly or in America too some Curiosal

60. Some were running: some were striding purposefully; some had rifles slung across their shoulders on rope straps.

61. The collective community charge applies to some houses in multiple occupation, some lodging houses and some hostels.

62. Those hells are therefore named accordingly; some are called Cadaverous, some stercoraceous, some urinous, and so on.

63. Some recommend walking a little, doing some gardening or some other activity that will serve as exercise.

64. Some scribbler?

65. Some lowlife.

66. Some wine?

67. Some Danish?

68. Some heather.

69. Some celery...

70. Some guy.

71. I'm gonna put up some acoustic tiles, some baffling here.

72. Some people will move up, some people will move down.

73. Some conflict between the Northmen and some of the landowners.

74. Reverse takeovers always come with some history and some shareholders.

75. An, give me some water I need take some medicine.

76. But some are quite skeptical of some of his initiatives.

77. Some of this is sound; some of it is hogwash.

78. Some apple Brandies can be cloying, while some too tart

79. Some Bronchodilators are rapid-acting, and some are long-acting

80. Some Actinomycetes are pathogens and some are sources of antibiotics