Use "so long as" in a sentence

1. so long as you are young.

2. It didn't take so long as we expected.

3. Man errs so long as he strives. 

4. So as long as you have a positive base here, this

5. Is not so long as is a tedious tale.

6. So long as he didn't carry on about it.

7. So long as politics requires donations, donations ensure access.

8. 5 Man errs so long as he strives. 

9. The list of sins, venial and otherwise, was long, but not so long as to come as a surprise.

10. So anyone can be pro-climate, as long as it doesn't hurt welfare?

11. Jack wouldn't shoot so long as he'd got hold of him.

12. So long, Preacher!

13. So the generation gap is ineluctable, as long as the exactitude treats all right.

14. So long as we are firmly united, we need fear no aggression.

15. I don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.

16. (Malachi 2:7) So Jehovah prospered the restored remnant —as long as they remained faithful.

17. ADN-292 Studio Attackers So Long As She's Convenient, I'll Fuck Her

18. You will do all right so long as you follow my advice.

19. And it will not disarm so long as Saddam Hussein holds power.

20. You will never be good students so long as you goof around.

21. I didn't so much as catch sight of him all day long.

22. So as long as we don't talk about you and her... we will be cool.

23. As long as you believe I'm going to a better place, dying ain't so bad.

24. Assonance occurs so long as identical vowel-sounds are relatively close together.

25. Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest so long as I live on.

26. So use Blasty if you wish, as long as you know the extent of its powers

27. Even so, as long as nuclear weapons exist, they will pose a serious threat to mankind.

28. Going to be a useful boy , so long as you use your loaf.

29. So long as we keep level-headed, there is no cause for alarm.

30. Love is so short, forgetting is so long.

31. So long as selection policies did not come under scrutiny this was acceptable.

32. We have no need of a truce here, so long as it stands.

33. 8 So long as rocks the boat too much, coexistence can be harmonious.

34. I've lived there so long I look on the town as my home.

35. So long as your investment stays on the books, the adviser receives payment.

36. What's taking so long?

37. Young leaves and fruits produce Auxin and so long as they do so, they remain attached to the stem

38. So desperate to create any patchwork, hazardous alliance as long as it does not involve the Americans.

39. Yeah, it's been so long.

40. What is taking so long?

41. He's so impossibly long - winded.

42. Even so,[ ] I was looking forward to nothing so much as a long hot soak in the bath.

43. Some women also wear long black gloves, so their hands are covered as well.

44. So long as he can block Labour, his own party will stick together.

45. Causes for disquietude there are none so long as this blessed sentence is true.

46. We are sure to win the match so long as we go all out.

47. 6 Love is so short, forgetting is so long.

48. Why do you tarry so long?

49. Why is it taking so long?

50. There is always a solution, so long as you are prepared to use your ingenuity.

51. As we look at this reply, it is clear why psychotherapy often takes so long.

52. Daddy held it in so long.

53. Rome, what took you so long?

54. So long as he wishes to have relations with us, we are ready to reciprocate.

55. Used as a form of familiar address for a man or boy: So long, Bro

56. I'm surprised that some of these ancient buildings stay up so long as they do.

57. No, you' il be all right so long as you establish an alibi for tonight

58. It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

59. So as long as attain the each area orotund and opposite to unify, just match the principle for sing.

60. So long as these suppositions were taken seriously, they were not only reassuring, but frequently effective.

61. The president need not step down so long as the elections are held under international supervision.

62. So long as they remain expensive, conventional air photography will, however, continue to dominate aerial reconnaissance.

63. You can go to Hongkong with us so long as you finish your assignment before Friday.

64. So Budapest’s baths have a long history.

65. 6 The coexistence in Francia of Louis and Lothar as co- emperors was possible so long as Lothar remained unmarried.

66. O Conveys Blueacre “to A for life, then to B so long as Blueacre is used as a farm.” 6

67. She was Apologetic for taking so long.

68. She was apologetic for taking so long.

69. "Be careful!" — "Sure thing, Dad. So long."

70. Why have humans suffered for so long?

71. Well, so long, pal, see you around.

72. So how long you known about girls?

73. All wait so long period of time.

74. Long passwords are stronger, so make your password at least 8 characters long.

75. She left no will, so that's probably why it took so long.

76. So brave, so dashing when he swirled that long cloak around him.

77. We will not be ‘taken in’ by the subtle argument that “anything goes just so long as you don’t hurt anyone,” or that so long as both parties to an action engage in it willingly there is “no victim.”

78. What is economic muscle for if not to be used to greater advantage of your people so long as it is not illegitimate, so long it does not violate principles of international law?

79. To become more Ambitious, identify a project and work for long hours so as to complete it

80. Just as title deeds and written testaments determine inheritance rights today, so did teraphim images long ago.