Use "so" in a sentence

1. So young, so tender, so gentle, so virile.

2. So momentous, so fragile, so transient.

3. So lean, so strong. So virile.

4. So intelligent, so indolent, so carefree!

5. Your voice, so clear, so... so strong.

6. He's so slow, so unimaginative, so lifeless.

7. So fat, so plump, so monstrous big

8. So... so restrictive.

9. They were so clunky, so Clompy, so unfeminine

10. It is so great, so majestic, so powerful.

11. Moon-music, so silvery, so far, so noble.

12. It's so -- so ignoble.

13. It was all so sad, so depressing, so futile.

14. So quickly, so soon.

15. They're always gossiping about so-and-so having an affair with so-and-so.

16. 19 It was all so sad, so depressing, so futile.

17. Bell's so loud. So loud.

18. It's so simple, so dry.

19. Life is so, so short.

20. It's so... scraggly, so vile.

21. So close, you so far.

22. So that's not so bad.

23. "How's it going?" — "So-so."

24. They were so innocent, so vulnerable, so eager to behave decently.

25. Why construct a hero so multiple, so spread out, so fugitive?

26. It was armchair diving - so comfortable, so relaxed, so delightfully lazy.

27. Inadvertently or not, the powers that be determined that so-so writers had only so-so intelligence.

28. And so on and so forth.

29. He plays tennis only so so.

30. So why is everything so ordinary?

31. So he provides so many ways

32. He's an ungrateful so-and-so.

33. She was so nonchalant, so defiant.

34. So when'd you become so paranoid?

35. Their lunch was only so-so.

36. He was so obviously intelligent; so charmingly articulate; so incredibly well read.

37. That chicken, so fabulous... so excellent...

38. They are so majestic, so massive.

39. So much ado about so little.

40. What other book is so rich, so relevant, so practical, and so filled with hope for ailing mankind?

41. Britlin was so innocent and so sweet, and her voice was so pure.

42. So, some of the stories are just so classic, and yet so understandable.

43. So does cocaine, so does a high fat diet, so does emotional stress.

44. 24 She had been so easily pleased then, so shallow,[] so intolerant.

45. 2 synonyms for Acceptably: so-so, tolerably

46. Someone so weak, so feeble, saved ME.

47. Their faces, I mean; so - so grotesque.

48. So many men, so many minds. 

49. She is always so chic, so elegant.

50. Bereft of hope So far so realistic.

51. So, where you going looking so raggedy?

52. So many countries, so many customs. 

53. " (The rest were "so-so" or "unsure.

54. So what made these courses so different?

55. Then he was so sprightly, so clean.

56. So bight dog eyes , so lovely, right ?

57. So why had he been so secretive?

58. How many people does one suppose really are so vile, so unbalanced, so neurotic, so decadent as to do this?

59. Crape is so, so, SO much better than everything I ever did for bookkeeping

60. He was so interested in life and so well-informed and so inquisitive about everything and so ordinary in many respects.

61. The building in front of him was so gracious, so unbelievably big, so grand, so beautiful whether by night or day.

62. It was impossible to be so nimble, so ready, so dexterous at these things in a dress so contrary to nature.

63. If Mrs So-and-so was ill then Mrs So-and-so down the street would go and clean for her.

64. But this one was so poignant, so honest.

65. So clean, the lucidity that is so again!

66. Love is so short, forgetting is so long.

67. I am so so happy!!!! Highly recommend Botanycl.

68. Few artisans make so much from so little.

69. She always seemed so poised, so self-possessed.

70. I've had a so-so sort of week.

71. You talk so much and say so little.

72. 2 So many countries, so many customs. 

73. I only did so-so in the exam.

74. She looks so gentle, so much at peace.

75. Johnson was a mean old so-and-so.

76. Some so-and-so has pinched my towel.

77. She was so young, so full of life.

78. 9 She had never felt so loved, she decided sleepily, so cherished,[] so secure.

79. She was so young, so beautiful and fragile.

80. I've never seen so many people so quiet.