Use "show him around" in a sentence

1. May I show you around?

2. You can show me around.

3. Show him the photos.

4. Loyalty to him we show.

5. Show him your hands, Augustine.

6. His father let him show him his report card.

7. I will show you around the school.

8. Maybe show him some autopsy pictures.

9. They walked around him, prodding and pinching him.

10. to show him nothing but respect.

11. The cast crowded around him and Gabby put her arms around him unselfconsciously and cried.

12. The Captain thanked him , and bade him show him the house he had marked .

13. I wanted to show him my inventions.

14. Perhaps you could show him the shortcuts.

15. It was there before him, around him, everywhere , illimitable, immeasurable.

16. Don't show it around, it just is a cellphone.

17. I can show him things that'd make him tear his eyes out.

18. English speaking guides are available to show visitors around.

19. They swarm and swoon around him.

20. She heard him clattering around downstairs.

21. We'll dump him around the block.

22. Spear showed him around the flat.

23. Men by scores sat around him.

24. He diffuses enthusiasm all around him.

25. Nonetheless, The news Centred around him

26. I'm not fucking around with him.

27. He gathered his cloak around him.

28. I counted him to stick around.

29. Lupe, show him the easy way up, please.

30. I'm gonna show him to the Chrysanthemum Suite.

31. Some preliminary polls show him out in front.

32. Show him the contraband tagged in his warehouse?

33. 21 The children pressed around him eagerly, overwhelming him with questions.

34. Wires upon wires wove around him, binding him to his amplifiers.

35. Tell me you ran circles around that little show-off.

36. Men by the score sat around him.

37. The commander rallied his troops around him.

38. The crowds around him began to thicken.

39. Hollywood agents have been sniffing around him.

40. The radiance of power hangs around him.

41. The thug grappled him around the neck.

42. 4 He diffuses enthusiasm all around him.

43. If anyone gets tough, just show him your underwear.

44. Show him a little decolletage, cleavage, bat your eyes?

45. 21 She wrapped her shawl around him.

46. 11 Some preliminary polls show him out in front.

47. It is very shameful of him to show off.

48. I'll just slap him around a little.

49. I let him excavate around the mine.

50. When I'm around him I can fly.

51. 21 They found him wandering around aimlessly.

52. 10 They found him wandering around aimlessly.

53. Something terrifying to all those around him.’”

54. I told him not to goof around.

55. I became emotionally attached to him, and my life revolved around him.

56. "Billy Mays' son remembers him on Fla. radio show".

57. We've been playing around with ideas for a new TV show.

58. A solid all-around player, he continues to show steady improvement.

59. Nevertheless, there are a few tales told of him which show him pitiless and cruel.

60. He persevered despite discouragement from those around him.

61. Best to ignore him and let him come around in his own time.

62. 4 Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation.

63. I just wanna show him, I' m a real lion

64. Do you show that you look to him for leadership?

65. Jack emerged with a towel draped around him.

66. 16 The commander rallied his troops around him.

67. Click the Show Sampling link to place a highlight box around any charts that show sampled Google Analytics data.

68. The air around him felt dank and airless.

69. 7 Hollywood agents have been sniffing around him.

70. He tied his dressing gown firmly around him.

71. My mornings are spent rushing around after him.

72. A miasma of stale alcohol hung around him.

73. Now show me your leader so I may dethrone him.

74. Let's show him what happens when he messes with sabres.

75. God put it into my heart to Abjure him and the life around him

76. Quit being so Cringey around the office—show some confidence! Farlex Dictionary

77. Only a skeleton staff remains to show anyone interested around the site.

78. Rostov gazed vacantly and listened to what was passing before him and around him.

79. You must know him-he's an institution around here!

80. He's strangely incurious about what goes on around him.