Use "set out" in a sentence

1. Set out the meal on the table.

2. The destroyer of nations has set out.

3. We set out at break of day.

4. He set out to convert the heathen .

5. The access control system is set out below.

6. They first set out to convert the heathen.

7. He set out his objections to the scheme.

8. They set out for a pilgrimage to Rome.

9. When they set out they were well prepared.

10. Her work is always very well set out.

11. He set out his objections to the plan.

12. This page is set out to promote THE Custodians

13. We'll need to set out chairs for the meeting.

14. We have accomplished all we set out to do.

15. Detailed procedural matters are set out in section 050

16. He had deliberately set out to Besmirch her reputation

17. We now set out to climb the hill.

18. The early morning mist cleared before we set out.

19. It's no easy job to set out in business.

20. 4 The day was dawning when we set out.

21. Page always did whatever she set out to do.

22. A summary of these adherences is set out below:

23. We'll set out as soon as it's completely light.

24. You'd better juice your car before you set out.

25. It was judged better to set out at once.

26. Details of the pension plan are set out below.

27. He quickly set out on his errand of mercy .

28. They succeeded in what they set out to do.

29. It was raining heavily but he set out undeterred.

30. Certain non-admissible expenses are set out in annex II.

31. It does, however, set out prohibitions against certain marriage relationships.

32. Johnny, go in and set out the plates for me.

33. The doctors have set out their Arguments against the proposals

34. Additional rules on other harmful organisms should be set out.

35. At once he set out to avenge his sister’s murder.

36. 1 Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul.

37. He set out to conquer the literary world of London.

38. The fishermen set out at sunset for a night's fishing.

39. The brothers set out with their sandwich boards, two abreast.

40. He set out to heal the rifts in the party.

41. The rules are set out in detail in chapter seven.

42. We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.

43. The results of the calculations are set out in tables

44. That document set out a Hebrew text of Matthew’s Gospel.

45. Advance notification using the form set out in Annex VII.

46. After a hearty breakfast we set out for a hike.

47. The iceboat set out to chop a hole in the ice.

48. 17 Few, of course, set out to be ensnared by Satan.

49. He set out to produce a Bible in the Irish language.

50. However, Paul did not set out to lecture Agrippa on morals.

51. Concordats set out the principles and expectations which underpin bilateral relationships.

52. The details of the Accentual approach are set out in Lindsay

53. The method of calculation is set out in the following table:

54. What was Jim’s purpose when he set out to collect food?

55. So we've set out to look for genes that control aging.

56. We set out a clear action plan with goals and benchmarks.

57. All the goods for sale are set out on the tables.

58. He set out to learn the theory and data of demography.

59. 9 From there they set out and camped in Wadi Zered.

60. Trees and flowers were all set out in precise geometric configurations.

61. Instead, she frankly but respectfully set out the facts for him.

62. 6 The fishermen set out at sunset for a night's fishing.

63. They set out to explore the earth's last great wilderness, Antarctica.

64. Daringly, he set out on a camping trip in east Africa.

65. Confucian principles are set out in a text called the Analects

66. I set out to build an army as powerful as you.

67. She set out the company's aims and objectives in her speech.

68. The expedition set out for the upper reaches of the Amazon.

69. Additionally, certain developments, as set out below, may overlap adjacent time periods.

70. The shepherd set out to look for the sheep that had wandered .

71. The market was full of brightly coloured vegetables set out on stalls.

72. 30 The study set out to examine bias in television news coverage.

73. If so, are they set out in a document (analytical checklist, etc.)?

74. His results, as in Ptolemy's Almagest, were set out constellation by constellation.

75. It agreed upon the procedures set out in the paragraphs # to # below

76. The basic idea from which they set out is always the same.

77. 18 The expedition set out for the upper reaches of the Amazon.

78. Until you're proficient consider the following before you set out to sail.

79. He set out on the lonely road to stardom early in life.

80. 29 They set out to explore the earth's last great wilderness, Antarctica.