Use "senators" in a sentence

1. Senators F. Sea mammals

2. 21 Senators F. Sea mammals

3. People and senators, be not affrighted!

4. In 1934, 22 Senators were elected.

5. I am not saying that non-aligned senators have more rights than Senators Lynch-Staunton, Kinsella and others

6. Biden Bundlers include current senators Pennsylvania Sen

7. The senators were ornery and independent.

8. Three senators missed the roll call.

9. 1 day ago · SENATORS Afterthoughts: Dadonov and Chabot miscues in overtime cost the Senators Back to video

10. All 100 senators agree to a postponement.

11. Senators are sparring over the health bill.

12. Some senators reacted Angrily to the president's remarks

13. Several senators introduced legislation aimed at sexual harassment.

14. Gordian was said to be related to prominent senators.

15. Some senators reacted Angrily to the president's remarks

16. But these senators scheme, squabble and flatter and deceive.

17. Eight senators sponsored legislation to stop the military funding.

18. The majority of senators have voted in the affirmative.

19. These are the remaining senators we'll target before the vote.

20. GOP senators seek to Acquit Trump without condoning conduct

21. For Senators, the accrual rate has always been 3%.

22. Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.

23. That is a question of interest to all honourable senators

24. I hope all honourable senators will support Bill C-6.

25. He had been chosen by a cabal of fellow senators.

26. The senators described the meeting as frank but not confrontational.

27. An important person, especially an official: senators and other political Bigwigs.

28. The committee concluded that the senators had engaged in improper conduct.

29. Trump Publicly Antagonizes Pivotal Republican Senators In Supreme Court Vote

30. 17 Only 20 senators voted in favor of the measure.

31. Other senators expressed similar mystification at the agitation against the bill.

32. MPs receive approximately twice the amount of promotional items as senators.

33. I think it is important for all honourable senators to understand that.

34. Honourable senators, that is what Bill C-37 is all about.

35. Carter and Carter Peterson, the top vote getters, are both state senators

36. I commend the reading of this particular book to all honourable senators

37. Two influential senators have argued for the retention of the unpopular tax.

38. Republican senators condemned as "Cowards and fascists" after Senate acquits Trump Seven GOP senators vote to convict the former president — but 43 don't, and are blasted for cowardice

39. Senators Nelson and Menendez represent states with large vocal Cuban - American constituencies.

40. Senators are chosen by the Prime Minister and appointed by Governor General.

41. Lawmakers, including Washington’s two senators, want to prevent cloning the circumstances it Chillingly

42. Analysis: Latino Republican Senators Cruz, Rubio and the backing of Trump's Caudillo playbook

43. He and four other senators were writhing in the glare of unfavorable publicity.

44. Senators are chosen by the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General.

45. 435 representatives, plus 100 senators, and 3 electors from the District of Columbia.

46. Merkley Leads 11 Senators to Keep Aflight a Treaty Key to Euro-Atlantic Security

47. Cloture on presidential nominations requires a vote of a majority of Senators present and voting, or 51 votes if all 100 Senators vote.1 Senators who wish to offer amendments to a bill or amendment on which Cloture has been invoked must submit their amendments in writing before the Cloture vote takes place

48. Algorithmic Accountability Act: In 2019, Senators Cory Booker and Ron Wyden and Rep

49. Cryer is not the only member of Hollywood pushing to see Republican senators expelled

50. In total, the parliament was composed of 846 members, 544 Deputies and 302 Senators.

51. Senators sit in big armchairs at mahogany desks and bat around millions of dollars.

52. Wheelan's Centrist Party senators need divided government to be effective brokers of Centrist policy

53. The senators are elected by the whole electorate and do not represent any geographical district.

54. On the first two attempts at voting, an absolute majority of all senators is needed; if a third round is needed, a candidate can be elected by an absolute majority of the senators present and voting.

55. Mr Rudd needs the support of Greens senators to pass the carbon trading legislation .

56. 7 Republican senators Bucked their party and voted to convict Trump at his impeachment trial

57. Honourable senators, I commend Senator Cools for all the work and research she has done

58. Only Quebec has a share of senators approximate to its share of the total population.

59. Anyway, we really should thank Senators Kyl and McConnell for their sudden outbursts of candor.

60. The amendment was approved with 38 votes for, 10 votes against and 19 senators abstaining.

61. The new Republicanism is a world away from the old pragmatism of the two senators.

62. Although all hope seems lost, the senators begin to pay attention as Smith approaches utter exhaustion.

63. 4 And several senators are keener on pushing their own agendas than kowtowing to Mr Lott.

64. Several senators said it was hypocritical to ban imported weapons but not U.S.-made ones.

65. Bruges returns 2 members to the Senate and 4 members to the House of Representatives, while other portions of the Province elect a total of 7 senators and 16 representatives, the Provincial Council further electing 3 senators.

66. These Republican senators may need to ride Trump's Coattails to reelection Joseph Simonson 9/29/2020

67. Honourable senators, this industry as well as the aerospace industry and culture are important to me.

68. The amendment will force senators to show where they stand on the issue of sexual harassment.

69. The accrual rate for Members of the House of Commons is 4% and 3% for Senators.

70. Well-known casino and gambling interests have contributed regularly to the campaigns of the three senators.

71. It also helps if senators are in danger of being made the laughingstock of the sane world.

72. A Brushback to Nasdaq—and the SEC Senators explain why a stock exchange can’t impose social policy

73. Claudius was constantly forced to shore up his position; this resulted in the deaths of many senators.

74. On behalf of all honourable senators, I wish you welcome here to the Senate of Canada

75. How are senators chosenSenators are chosen by the prime minister and appointed by the Governor General.

76. All 100 senators — Democrats and Republicans — voted for a resolution that Condemned his interpretation of the statute

77. Slams 'Blindly' supporting GOP incumbents, says 'there's plenty' of GOP senators to primary Meanwhile, NRSC Chair Sen

78. There'll be governors, senators, congressmen, judges, the AFL-CIO, the glee club from the Coast Guard Academy.

79. I ask honourable senators if they can think of any better example of an a priori judgment

80. The Commonalty differs from the people as a species from its genus; for 'the people' includes the whole aggregate of citizens, among them patricians and senators, while the term 'Commonalty' embraces only such citizens as are not patricians or senators