Use "self denial" in a sentence

1. Ascesis - rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint asceticism self-control , self-denial , self-discipline - the act of denying yourself; controlling your impulses

2. Ascesis: 1 n rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint Synonyms: asceticism Type of: self-control , self-denial , self-discipline the act of denying yourself; controlling your impulses

3. Lent is a time of self - denial.

4. Some recommended yoga and extreme self-denial.

5. Rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint Familiarity information: Ascesis used as …

6. 18 Lent is a time of self - denial.

7. Should motherhood necessarily mean sacrifice and self-denial?

8. The noun Abnegation definitely has the sense of self-denial and self-sacrifice

9. By these standards, the monks' self-denial seems tame.

10. It does not promote asceticism or rigid self-denial.

11. To discipline ( one's body and physical appetites ) by self - denial or self - inflicted privation.

12. In other words, this is another clear sign of self-limitation and self-restraint, but not self-denial.

13. Synonyms for Abstemiousness include abstinence, moderation, temperance, asceticism, austerity, restraint, self-denial, self-discipline, sobriety and self-restraint

14. Yet, it does not require asceticism or extreme self-denial.

15. He turned to a life of self-denial and asceticism.

16. Notice, Jesus was not advocating asceticism or extreme self-denial.

17. Virginity, voluntary poverty, and self-denial had long been admired.

18. The chilly wind of February brought the annual self-denial appeal.

19. He espoused moderation and self-denial, leading a simple, frugal life.

20. Austerity - the trait of great self-denial (especially refraining from worldly pleasures)

21. "There is no moral virtue today attributed to self-denial," says Yankelovich.

22. The principles and practices of an Ascetic; extreme self-denial and austerity

23. For the exceptional practitioner of self-denial a special prize is in store.

24. A younger son, you know, must be inured to self - denial and dependence.

25. A Hindu strives for release from the cycle of rebirths through self-denial.

26. Abstention: 1 n the trait of abstaining (especially from alcohol) Synonyms: abstinence Type of: self-denial , self-discipline the trait of practicing self discipline

27. Asceticism is rigorous self-denial, particularly the rejection of the pleasures of the world

28. Asceticism (əsĕt`ĭsĭzəm), rejection of bodily pleasures through sustained self-denial and self-mortification, with the objective of strengthening spiritual life

29. It’s not that I live a life of self-denial —I just enjoy uncomplicated recreation.”

30. Self-denial is not a virtue; it is only the result of prudence on rascality.

31. Asceticism is the practice of self-denial in an attempt to draw closer to God

32. To “afflict oneself” is generally understood to mean various forms of self-denial, including fasting.

33. 3 ‘continence is the wilful Abstention from sexual relations’ SYNONYMS celibacy , chastity, singleness, continence, virginity, abstinence, self-restraint, self-denial, bachelorhood, spinsterhood

34. In my own case it is by self-denial, by acting against my own inclination, that self-control is confirmed and strengthened.

35. When critics say he is in denial, he agrees. But it is healthy self-denial, he says, which he likens to a recovering alcoholic resisting a drink.

36. Asceticism taught a person to lead a life of contemplation and rigorous self-denial and abstinence

37. Full-time servants today show a spirit of self-sacrifice when it comes to self-denial and submission to Jehovah and his arrangement.

38. Abnegation definition: a giving up of rights, etc.; self-denial ; renunciation Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

39. Ascetic definition is - practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline

40. (Matthew 20:28) A missionary, therefore, should brace his mind to accept a life of self-denial.

41. Nazirites were to abstain from the product of the vine and all intoxicating beverages, requiring self-denial.

42. asceticism (countable and uncountable, plural Asceticisms) The principles and practices of an ascetic; extreme self-denial and austerity.

43. She had always shown patience and self-denial when it came to the matter of other people's inventions.

44. Asceticism (countable and uncountable, plural Asceticisms) The principles and practices of an ascetic ; extreme self-denial and austerity

45. But such willpower and self-denial is rare - sad cases like the Rockefellers and Hiltons are more common.

46. Character, approved of God is worth securing, even at the expense of a life-time of constant self-denial.

47. Brave Orchid embodies an archetypal Chinese attitude of self-denial and self-abnegation for the good of the community—the very qualities that "No-Name Woman" lacks.

48. This idea is not an alternative to ordinary youth ministry, often carried out with great sacrifice and self-denial.

49. If you fail, or if your self-denial ends in a three-day catch-up orgy,[ ] seek help.

50. His denial of sedition was a denial of violence.

51. Holocaust denial?

52. Brocklehurst visits the school to lecture the students on self-denial and the horrors of the lusts of the flesh.

53. Their dangerous, uncontrolled sexuality is destined to be muted by the life-long practice of inhuman austerities and self-denial.

54. Heeding that warning called for determination, humility, a denial of materialism, and a spirit of self-sacrificing acceptance of hardship.

55. They're in denial.

56. However, because of the self-denial characteristic of wisdom changed the meaning of "loving wisdom" into "pursuing knowledge" in later development.

57. Self-denial (related but different from self-Abnegation or self-sacrifice) is an act of letting go of the self as with altruistic abstinence – the willingness to forgo personal pleasures or undergo personal trials in the pursuit of the increased good of another

58. 21 Their dangerous, uncontrolled sexuality is destined to be muted by the life-long practice of inhuman austerities and self-denial.

59. ● Denial of problem

60. Second, to remove the standard dessert from the menu would penalise all those people who derive pleasure from conspicuous self-denial.

61. Acceptance or denial.

62. Second,[] to remove the standard dessert from the menu would penalise all those people who derive pleasure from conspicuous self-denial.

63. This ministry deserves top priority in our lives, even if having a full share in it involves a measure of self-denial.

64. Ascetics renounce worldly pleasures that distract from spiritual growth and enlightenment and live a life of abstinence, austerity, and extreme self-denial

65. 25 Autonomy was seen in the occupied territories as a denial of the demand for self-determination, not a step towards it.

66. Subject: Denial of genocide

67. We can constantly see this ebb and flow of abandon and repression , self - indulgence and self - denial in the cultural history of the country and its worst periods have been those in which self - indulgence dominated the life of the people .

68. Denial notifications and consultations

69. But in our society the self-denial of which we speak has a moral dimension which is not strongly recognised in all civilisations.

70. Denial of humanitarian access

71. Asceticism definition is - the practice of strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline : the condition, practice, or mode of life of an ascetic : rigorous abstention from self-indulgence

72. Write down further examples of where you yourself are aware of episodes of self-denial in order to help the addict in your life.

73. Pennsylvania Insurance Claim Denial Lawyer and Bino PA Insurance Claims Denial Attorneys Pennsylvania Insurance Law

74. Holocaust Denial Literature: A Bibliography

75. Peter’s denial foretold (31-34)


77. I hate those acts of righteous self-denial that people do just so they can brag about them: health cleanses, bow hunting, reclaiming your virginity.

78. And while there are evils ... , there is a great amount of good, of virtue, of self-abnegation [or self-denial], and a great desire to do the will of God and carry out His purposes.

79. Denial of humanitarian access in Darfur

80. The patient is still in denial.