Use "sees" in a sentence

1. The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see. G.K. Chesterton 

2. The eye that sees all things else sees not itself. 

3. When one sees things in a conservative way, one sees them Antipolitically.”

4. When one sees things in a conservative way, one sees them Antipolitically.’16

5. She just sees shapes.

6. The priest sees everything.

7. He sees this mockery!

8. The Easterner probably sees more, and the Westerner probably sees less, but in more detail.

9. But supposing he sees us?

10. Jehovah, however, sees things differently.

11. Ross still sees his pediatrician!

12. Cucurbit industry sees grafting as …

13. His little brother sees him.

14. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

15. A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees. William Blake 

16. He sees beneath the surface.

17. An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity. 

18. Every year sees a National Champion

19. As the sun rises, he sees shadows, but when the sun shines directly overhead, he sees clear detail.

20. The Persecutor Sees a Great Light

21. ♪ Sees an unholy sight ♪

22. Direct sees customers requesting flights directly.

23. He sees himself as her protector.

24. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill 

25. Bimbi sees the same potential in Malcolm

26. Bystanders: someone who sees or watches something.

27. Nephi sees the great and abominable church

28. He sees the script as an armature.

29. He'll go loopy when he sees that!

30. Bystander: someone who sees or watches something.

31. He sees things in their right perspective.

32. Female juror sees laugh into next satchel.

33. He sees in Trump a Chuckleheaded version

34. Borry sees something strange in the distance

35. She sees her shrink once a week.

36. He looks down and sees red fur.

37. The seal sees a chance to escape.

38. If anybody sees that hole, we're dead.

39. The most important of these changes sees HAmlet …

40. An impression she sees something that we don't.

41. She sees them as a manifestation of spirituality.

42. The heart sees further than the head. 

43. Today he sees the behaviour as depressingly ordinary.

44. He sees dissidents as the dregs of society.

45. The pure cyst most sees in the galactoma.

46. The new album sees the band growing musically.

47. But each resistor only sees the voltage source.

48. He must be edified by what he sees.

49. Everyone sees the ugly warder as a monster.

50. Wright sees flexibility as a polytechnic's greatest asset.

51. Serbian capital Belgrade sees clubbing flouting virus rules

52. The reader sees the situation from both angles.

53. The moon sees somebody that I don't see.

54. The wise woman sees beyond the gift though.

55. When she sees Papa, she instantly falls asleep.

56. Vancouver Canucks ice hockey riot sees 100 arrested

57. No-one looks on me and sees grace.

58. Next year sees the centenary of Verdi's death.

59. She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore.

60. The boss sees came so much guest, entertain Affably

61. In the first, he sees horses with angelic riders.

62. The US sees itself as the guardian of democracy.

63. 8 A sees a teacher nod greatly say: " Illusive. "

64. An optimist sees the rose; a pessimist the thorn.

65. The Duke will attack when he sees the fire.

66. Admin sees all the evaluations irrespective of the stages.

67. Intel sees big profit rise thanks to server sales

68. Suppose someone sees you leaving the apartment at 8.

69. Texas Instruments sees neural networks as a reusable technology.

70. If the life only as in the beginning sees.

71. Actually, she sees you as an old Chinese guy.

72. Ryan sees a lot of sand near the target

73. The boss sees came so much guest, entertain affably.

74. The optimist sees the doughnut; the pessimist the hole!

75. 2 Jehovah is matchless in power and sees all.

76. When she sees me, she'll be intimidated as fuck.

77. Frankly, I don't know what Paul sees in her.

78. 18 He only sees her at Christmas and Easter.

79. A rice sees an appeal as a Bemazed name

80. A colt sees a road as a Besprent meteorology