Use "righteous gentile" in a sentence

1. A gentile name confers of itself gentile rights.

2. A gentile name conferred of itself gentile rights.

3. Aionial Gentile progestational foredestiny Kalamist

4. Right to bear the gentile name.

5. 19 The first Gentile congregation was now formed.

6. Her family disowned her for marrying a gentile.

7. In Anticipation of the End of the Gentile Times

8. A gentile is person that is not a Jew.

9. Abel is described as being righteous and doing righteous works

10. He was banished from the country as a gentile.

11. Mark apparently wrote primarily with Gentile readers in mind.

12. Her mother is a delicate and gentile dark woman.

13. 15 And they are shunned by gentile - i.e., Pauline - Christians.

14. God then directed him to the home of the Gentile Cornelius.

15. points to 1914 as end of Gentile Times: jv 134-135

16. Gentile institutions prevailed, and prior to the establishment of political society.

17. You're so fucking righteous.

18. This occasion was noteworthy, since Cornelius was an uncircumcised Gentile.

19. I might as well have been a convert, a Gentile.

20. In short, the end of the gentile constitution was approaching.

21. 4 In Rome there were both Jewish and Gentile believers.

22. Righteous, Just, and Good

23. You sanctimonious, self-righteous...

24. Cornelius was an uncircumcised Gentile and not part of the Christian congregation.

25. Arish Name Meaning is Righteous

26. His keen thinking abilities were respected by Jew and Gentile alike.

27. Light for the righteous (11)

28. God also has righteous standards.

29. The Righteous Among The Nations.

30. Jehovah is righteous and just.

31. Do boldly what is righteous.

32. These men refused to share in the'love - feast'with the Gentile believers.

33. “The righteous will flourish” (7)

34. Righteous in an Unrighteous World

35. No gentile dared shelter refugees, nor could those in flight take along currency.

36. INT: God Almighty righteous and

37. Today's Anticapitalists fall into a familiar pattern pioneered by Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile

38. German congregations commissioned works from other Gentile composers, including Albert Methfessel (1785–1869).

39. Also, they would soon be carrying the Kingdom message to Gentile lands.

40. Jesus “was declared righteous in spirit.”

41. He is a self - righteous prig.

42. The Blessed “Way of Righteous Ones”

43. “His Judgments Are True and Righteous”

44. First: Righteous Self-Control and Conduct

45. As we know(, rule over subjugated peoples is incompatible with the gentile constitution.

46. The Afflictions of the righteous are many

47. Declared righteous only through faith (15-21)

48. They ‘condemn and murder the righteous one.’

49. Righteous Vengeance now also affects Crusader Strike.

50. Why do we have to have a gentile street running through our area?

51. Page 10 What will the righteous possess?

52. Only a righteous leader owns his land

53. Page 100, Starvation: Mark Peters/Sipa Press; Soldier: Bill Gentile/Sipa Press; Warplanes: USAF photo

54. The righteous and the wicked (13-18)

55. Righteous are like a fruitful tree (3)

56. 4 The unrighteous penny corrupts righteous pound.

57. Further, a number of minor breaches had also been made in the gentile constitution.

58. Jehovah’s righteous anger against Nineveh simply abated.

59. □ “Righteous” means meeting God’s standard, not man’s.

60. The righteous will not lack bread (25)

61. What shows that righteous angels reject idolatry?

62. But it is difficult to determine what gentile name was borne by married women.

63. 6 The whole gentile constitution made the transference of private property from father to son impossible.

64. Thus you make known all your righteous commands.

65. You being all righteous and judging'me and shit.

66. I loved the little note of righteous indignation.

67. The unrighteous penny corrupts the righteous pound. 

68. That began 2,520 years of godless rule —“the appointed times of the nations,” or Gentile Times.

69. Abel was a righteous man who pleased God

70. I was self-righteous and arrogant and manipulative.

71. 28 The expectation* of the righteous brings joy,+

72. But he blesses the home of the righteous.

73. 12 The wicked man plots against the righteous;+

74. 13 Righteous speech is a pleasure to kings.

75. What righteous fruit can result from accepting discipline?

76. Seek it through fervent prayer and righteous living.

77. But the righteous will flourish like the foliage.

78. Today the world is void of righteous principles.

79. 9 The light of the righteous shines brightly,*+

80. 8 The righteous one is rescued from distress,