Use "put on weight" in a sentence

1. You've put on weight.

2. He has put on weight.

3. She looks like she's put on weight.

4. I've put on weight around the middle.

5. I was starting to put on weight.

6. I think I've put on weight lately.

7. He put on weight when he was at university.

8. He had put on weight and aged a little.

9. Put all your weight on the other foot, please.

10. I'm lucky really as I never put on weight.

11. I'm forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily.

12. He put on weight and started to lose his looks.

13. He has put on weight during the last two months.

14. The ice occasionally shears away as I put my weight on it.

15. I can eat what I want but I never put on weight.

16. It wasn't very tactful of you to ask whether he'd put on weight.

17. I quit taking the pills because they were making me put on weight.

18. Some people never seem to put on weight while others are always on a diet.

19. You get hitched, eat, put on weight, then you split up, get depressed, lose weight and it all start again.

20. I couldn't put my weight on my ankle and had to hop everywhere.

21. I eat whatever I want and I still don't seem to put on weight.

22. During that time, she lost her hair and put on a lot of weight.

23. Upholstery became a separate trade, and seating began to put on weight in consequence.

24. 14 I couldn't put my weight on my ankle and had to hop everywhere.

25. I put the weight at about fourteen pounds.

26. Just because I put on a little weight doesn't mean I wasn't once an athlete.

27. For my wife: eat three times as much and you never put on any weight.

28. You don't put on weight when you spend all day running round after small children.

29. All the fish have put on weight, the Pictus especially have grown about half-an-inch.

30. Every time you put weight on your left butt cheek, you wince, just a little bit.

31. Do they make us put on weight or have a lean figure although we're eating lots?

32. Some fathers-to-be even put on weight, added the doctor, who has a London clinic.

33. Squirrel number one gives it up... and tries to put all the weight on squirrel number two.

34. Men and women both tend to put on weight in middle-age, when exercise becomes less frequent.

35. There are also several similar words to Coarsen in our dictionary, which are Augment, Bloat, Broaden, Cram, Distend, Expand, Feed, Fill, Increase, Overfeed, Plump, Spread, Stuff, Swell, Thicken, Thrive, Wax, Build Up, Gain Weight, Put Flesh On and Put On Weight.

36. I'm afraid I'm not a very good advertisement for the diet since I've actually put on weight!

37. It was put forward that only the fat person, whose body-weight index exceeds needs to lose weight.

38. My body put on weight and I began to trust it to do more than ingest food and run.

39. They put all their weight into their antlers and suffocate a victim.

40. His previously gaunt frame had put on weight since Hong Kong and he was looking a little more solid.

41. 20 His previously gaunt frame had put on weight since Hong Kong and he was looking a little more solid.

42. A (lit) (mit Gewicht) [Brücke, Balken, Träger, Ski] to put weight on , (mit Last) [Fahrzeug, Fahrstuhl] to load etw mit 50 Tonnen Belasten to put a 50 ton load on sth, to put a weight of 50 tons on sth den Träger gleichmäßig Belasten to distribute weight evenly over the girder das darf nur mit maximal 5 Personen/Tonnen Belastet werden its maximum load is 5 people/tons

43. This prompts us to put off every weight that would impede our spiritual progress.

44. A day , hisa, his, have weight, put, chew repeatedly also not be fed up with.

45. Just to put that in some perspective, that's the weight of two normal human brains.

46. The weight of advertising put behind major brands has given these manufacturers influence over their distributive outlets.

47. Go on, put her on.

48. 12 As the Lesser Benefic, Venus rules beauty, and its physical attributes are good looks, prettiness, dimples, softness, roundness, and a tendency to put on weight.

49. On-line based club activity and forums regarding weight loss, weight control and nutrition

50. This put our all-up-weight at 11,500 lbs., quite close to our maximum gross of 11,900 lbs.

51. Advice on slimming and weight loss management

52. Hands Free Crutches A hands-free crutch is a newer mobility aid option that is intended for individuals who cannot put any weight on an injured limb.

53. Loss of control line pressure allows the weight of tubulars bearing on the upper housing or rods to move it to put the tool in another position.

54. From their little hatching size of their egg, into their little larval stage till they reach adulthood, they put on 600 million times an increase in weight.

55. Put your boots on.

56. Put it on screen.

57. Put your overalls on.

58. Put ACU on alert.

59. Put an apron on.

60. Put on the brakes!

61. Put color on her.'

62. I put on blusher.

63. The Sellers shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number, weight, weight, measurement.

64. Lots of people put this on after showering before they put their clothes on .

65. However when industrial farming started in the 1940s the Brahma was discarded as too slow to put weight on and did not lay enough eggs for the industry.

66. Thymic weight reaches normal levels on day 21.

67. The weight of irrational guilt pressed on her.

68. Group lectures and meetings for advice, consultation and counseling on weight loss, weight management, nutrition and fitness

69. Burdened: to place a weight or burden on

70. Burdening: to place a weight or burden on

71. 53 For this Corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

72. 53 For this Corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality

73. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.

74. “Put the cooking pot* on; put it on the fire and pour water into it.

75. In an evaluation unit (200), the measured weight is compared with a known standard weight at the same moisture content without salt exposure and the salt accumulation on and in the concrete structure is calculated based on the weight deviation between the measured weight and the known weight.

76. Avoirdupois weight synonyms, Avoirdupois weight pronunciation, Avoirdupois weight translation, English dictionary definition of Avoirdupois weight

77. Put the Brakes on Burnout!

78. Put Transport notations back on.

79. Put your party hat on.

80. Put her on the boat.