Use "put about" in a sentence

1. The ship put about.

2. Rumors were put about online.

3. She was much put about.

4. They put about and sailed for home.

5. He is much put about by this.

6. Put about 1/3 of the Cabbage …

7. The boat put about and returned to port.

8. The ship was put about during the storm.

9. It was put about that he was dying.

10. You can put Batik art just about anywhere

11. I would put his age at about sixty.

12. I would put his age at about seventy.

13. I put the weight at about fourteen pounds.

14. He put in something about the - Supernal Oneness.

15. It's put about that the Prime Minister may resign.

16. He is much put about by their recent behaviour.

17. Market has improved over the previous closing put about half.

18. Put in something about the Supernal Oneness . Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.

19. It's being put about that the Prime Minister may resign.

20. Don't believe all these stories that are being put about.

21. Your little fantasy about killing me... it hasn't put me off.

22. We were much put about by the news of his death.

23. Everyone should put pencil to paper and complain about the proposal.

24. He was put about by politicians and members of the press.

25. You put yourself there when you lied about your service record.

26. 🔊 Bill’s funny Anecdote about his first day at college put the

27. Does the clay complain about the use to which it is put?

28. Doable measures on remanufacturing about storing liquid petroleum gas were put forward.

29. The verb Accomplish also means to bring about or put into effect.

30. His shoe prints have been examined and put him at about 5'11,165.

31. Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, the links that were put about pre- Iraq war.

32. The ship put about to pick up the girl who had fallen overboard.

33. I think these are lies put about by people who envy his success.

34. He was very much put about by the false accusations brought against him.

35. To put it bluntly, nobody cares about strings of nucleic acids at all!

36. But what about the pop-up menu where you put in your state?

37. But what about the pop- up menu where you put in your state?

38. Editors complain about the lack of creativity in the ideas put to them.

39. 20 It's about time this old sewing machine was put out to pasture.

40. But the really cool thing about them is when we put them together.

41. Synonyms for Bandied around include discussed, debated, Bandied about, put your heads together about, mooted, addressed, argued, ventilated, canvased and …

42. Only about a quarter of this wine is put into bottles for individual sale.

43. 13 I put the word in inverted commas to highlight a mystique about parenthood.

44. They put it about with one voice that they would do no such thing.

45. When I put " over easy " on the menu, I was talking about the eggs!

46. He was very much put about by the report he received from the front.

47. 22 I put the word in inverted commas to highlight a mystique about parenthood.

48. But when we think about things like, bananas we think about them differently than cake, we put them in different categories.

49. Brood X cicadas are about to put on one of the wildest shows in nature

50. If you need energy during the day, put about a hundred acres of solar panels.

51. But, for you... because I was worried about you, I put up with it all...

52. I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes about,but put them away tidily.

53. Gus: Look, we know about the Antimonious, okay? Let's just put that on the table

54. Isaiah says: “Wrap up the attestation, put a seal about the law among my disciples!

55. It was about a space in which I put half a semi-circular yellow disk.

56. It was about a space in which I put half a semi- circular yellow disk.

57. I wish the children would stop fling their clothes about, but put them away tidily.

58. It also put forward some viewpoint and advice about the modus operandi of roof structure.

59. Impatiently she put out the cigarette and got up to move restlessly about the room.

60. It was put about that a sports meeting was going to take place very soon.

61. How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard?

62. He put ashes on his head , apologized profusely , but then went glibly about his business.

63. Put another way, aerospace is not just about planes, construction is not just about bricks and mortar and information technology is about more than wires, transistors and software.

64. Crack down (on someone or something) to put limits on someone or something; to become strict about enforcing rules about someone or something

65. Would it bother you if I put on some music? bother somebody about/with something It didn’t seem worth Bothering the doctor about

66. A question was put to me regarding what I thought about the US intervention in Iraq.

67. Puzzled, they put the autocue under scrutiny to see if there was anything unusual about it.

68. Some views about ellipsis in General Archaic Chinese are put forward to discuss in this paper.

69. We put people on humanitarian aid and we boast about it because we've spent three billion.

70. Hang about; I'll just put the car away and then I'll help you make the dinner.

71. He put it on, together with his hat and wrapped a muffler close about his neck.

72. Learning about Jehovah’s ways helped Rafael to stop drinking, and he put on “the new personality.”

73. All the fish have put on weight, the Pictus especially have grown about half-an-inch.

74. He doesn't, to put it very bluntly, give a damn about the woman or the baby.

75. The Carioca was designed by Alexis de Sakhnoffsky.Preston approached Alexis about helping him to put Tucker …

76. I've thought about what I'm going to write, but I haven't yet put pen to paper.

77. “Colony is a book to grab and not put down, to dream about and to savour

78. When we put it through our solar chimney, we remove actually about 95 percent of that.

79. Tom taught me more about sportsmanship than all the other coaches I ever had put together.

80. What is sharpening a knife really about? Simply put, it's about forming a clean, new edge (i.e., Apexing the edge and removing the burr)