Use "put a stop to" in a sentence

1. But the inquest put a stop to all that.

2. It's time you put a stop to this childish behaviour.

3. (Acts 8:1) Did persecution put a stop to Christian witnessing?

4. As a good manager, he would put a stop to such spendthrift courses.

5. The police put a barrier across the road to stop the traffic.

6. The law officers should put a stop to the practice forthwith.

7. Did they beg him to put a stop to the persecution, or what?

8. We need to put a stop to the plunder of the rain forest.

9. The Hunters go to Gate's laboratory to put to a stop to his plans.

10. It's high time this leakage of information was put a stop to.

11. She put out an imperious hand to stop him.

12. Bodkin supported the proposed legislation precisely to put a stop to this ' lamentable ' situation

13. Crack down (on): to put a stop to (something) by the use of force

14. We must put a stop to the work of these adulterators throughout Europe.

15. Put on some cream to stop your nose from peeling.

16. Put your papers down and stop fiddling!

17. Opposers have tried to put a stop to the Kingdom-preaching work but have failed.

18. You may wish to put a stop on the cheque which has been presented.

19. Put some grease on the door hinges to stop them squeaking.

20. Put this lotion on the insect bites to stop them hurting.

21. You better stop before I put a hole in your back!

22. An attempt to annex nearby Epizephyrian Lokri was put a stop to by Hiero in 4

23. Like leapfrog and friendships with older girls the teachers always put a stop to it.

24. If you Cave in, you suddenly stop arguing or resisting, especially when people put pressure on you to stop

25. She put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

26. It is more than ever necessary to put a stop to the abuse of property rights worldwide.

27. Jesus’ appearance to Saul on the road to Damascus, of course, put a stop to all of that.

28. Sometimes you might put a Band-Aid in place to try and temporarily stop the pain.

29. So how do we put a stop to Biting? Angus was a gentle toddler – loving and easy-going.

30. Stop wriggling and let me put your T-shirt on.

31. Time to put a stop to the drinkin'... and the gambling'... and the whoring'... right under our very noses!

32. In a bid to throttle his voice ' and put a stop to his activities , a dubious method was devised by the British .

33. To Curtail something is to slow it down, put restrictions on it, or stop it entirely

34. It is Advisable for the honor and respect of your Majesty, to put a stop to as much as possible

35. Once the printing processes have been put in motion, they're not so easy to stop.

36. 9 If we want to stop being put upon , we have to build up the family fortunes.

37. SIMPLY put, if you want to stop smoking, you should, at the very least, have a strong motivation to do so.

38. 21 What it would put a stop to is the reactionary policy of subordinating the revolutionary vanguard to the national bourgeoisie.

39. "My briefcase full of BEEEEEEEEES ought to put a stop to that!" Buggyman is a Renegade who transforms into a dune buggy

40. Learning about Jehovah’s ways helped Rafael to stop drinking, and he put on “the new personality.”

41. walk over to the operating table, stop on the blue mark and put the tray down.

42. 19 If a child is killed crossing a dangerous street, a stop sign and crosswalk are put in place.

43. 12 To put it baldly, if you don't stop smoking you cannot be cured of the disease.

44. Do we stop weekly and fill up or do we put only a little in our tank?

45. Why have mighty nations been unable to put a stop to the activity of this relatively small and seemingly defenseless group of Christians?

46. It is also evident from this letter that Hasselblad (GB) wished to put a stop to parallel exports of any kind to its allotted territory.

47. 'I'll put a stop to this,'she said to herself, and shouted out,'You'd better not do that again!'which produced another dead silence.

48. I wish the children would stop fling their clothes about, but put them away tidily.

49. I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes about,but put them away tidily.

50. I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes around , but put them away tidily.

51. As one woman writer who had a hard time trying to stop smoking put it: “How can I hate that which gives me pleasure?”

52. He approaches stop signs at high speed and screeches to a stop.

53. His idea is to put bollards down to stop vehicular access and place seats and planters for the use of the community.

54. How can I stop my Allegiances from changing? Morning is a gown put on at midnight, but no one’s coming

55. How to Stop a Snake Constricting

56. To stop being a beta tester:

57. To put pressure on grape growers to stop using pesticides that harmed the farm workers' health, Cesar Chavez called for consumers to boycott grapes.

58. I stop to investigate a mushroom.

59. The car jolted to a stop.

60. To change the pronunciation of (a stop) to an Affricate, especially by releasing (the stop) slowly.

61. Bounders Dorsi-Stop produces a stop to tibial progression and therefore creates a ground reaction force

62. The "double-Barrelled" storm is to put a stop to the lovely spring-like weather we have seen since the county was last hit with snow

63. Method for signalling a stop request at a request stop

64. They put the catapult into position and placed wooden blocks in front of the wheels to stop it rolling into the sea.

65. When they put their feet into the waters of the Jordan River, then the waters will stop running.’

66. Clunking when slowing down to a stop

67. At last Androcles came to a stop

68. The bus made a stop to refuel.

69. To put forth reasons for or against; debate: "It is time to stop Arguing tax-rate reductions and to enact them" (Paul Craig Roberts)

70. A: If you did not receive a check after two weeks, you can send an email to [email protected] requesting that a stop payment be put on the check

71. Although in non-stop pain, he has put off the operation until the Formula One championship season is over.

72. Adjourn means to stop a meeting for a period.

73. A car came to a stop outside the jeweller's.

74. Fixed-gear bike riders who quickly try to stop Backpedaling may also put too much pressure on their knees, risking tears to cartilage or the meniscus.

75. Cabal Online is a 3rd person 3D role playing game that will put you in a graphically vivid world of non-stop hack & slash action

76. A faulty connection caused the machine to stop.

77. Joe Biden Is Ready to Spend Billons to Stop a Foreclosure Crisis; Joe Biden Is Ready to Spend Billons to Stop a Foreclosure Crisis

78. Quick stop in PA to giver’ a dangle

79. We had a struggle to stop the criminal.

80. Do you want to stop for a sundae?