Use "project funding" in a sentence

1. Approved funding for ACAP project Comments :

2. They received state funding for the project.

3. They're at odds over the funding of the project.

4. Through project funding, the Agency nevertheless supported # scholars in

5. The Cultivating Resiliency Project continues to grow beyond the original partner project funding from UMASH

6. Funding from the World Bank lends credibility to the project.

7. Interest in the project fizzled after the funding was withdrawn.

8. 19 Funding from the World Bank lends credibility to the project.

9. Project information pages include: project description/abstract, dates, status, responsible IDRC officer, funding details, and partners/recipients.

10. ACAP Cape Breton received $35,000 in EDF funding for this project.

11. The Committee on Appropriations has provided guidance for organizations interested in receiving funding under a Community Funding Project (CFP) request

12. The UK announced the funding for the construction phase of the project.

13. The bridge-building project had problems with funding right from the word go.

14. The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.

15. The success of the project depends critically on the continuation of this funding.

16. Crowd Ox helps Crowdfunding project creators increase funding, manage their campaigns, and save time

17. Suitable ideas can be submitted to the Project Management Agency and given limited funding.

18. The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it.

19. Now we can go to the community shelter, built with funding from the project.”

20. Joint Oversight Group to facilitate agency coordination of funding and oversight of the project.

21. Content includes project titles, abstracts and funding information for all IDRC projects since 1970.

22. Telephone the Foundation to be absolutely sure your project fits with their funding interests.

23. The current cycle of ACAP Time-Limited Project Funding ends on March 31, 2005.

24. Staff had to be hired, space acquired, allocation of funding determined and project criteria established.

25. Under the terms of the agreement, their funding of the project will continue until 200

26. Caterpillar Inc. provided funding to help support Viterbi project research in the summer of 2008.

27. Even though the legislature granted funding to pursue the project, no one refuted my point.

28. For each project, a Funding Review Committee (FRC) is responsible for the allocation of funds.

29. ABC considers funding from another government department specifically for a project to be "other project financing" and does not treat it as equity.

30. What is the Role of ACAP Regional Time-Limited Project Funding? 2.1 Definition 2.2 Rationale 3.

31. It's not vitally important that we get extra funding for the project but it would help.

32. Agencies, or anyotherentity or person involved in Anywayin any project that isthe subjectofthis Application for Funding

33. The funding for the project was withdrawn so that really threw a spanner in the works.

34. Project funding is allocated by senior management and tracked separately from day-to-day operational budgets.

35. Programme support charges are levied on project expenditures to secure the funding for technical and administrative backstopping

36. Programme support charges are levied on project expenditures to secure the funding for technical and administrative backstopping.

37. Those charges are levied on project expenditures to secure the funding of technical and administrative backstopping activities.

38. • Budget planning for project funding is more difficult and unpredictable, administratively, for the Department of Canadian Heritage.

39. Another bilingual position will be created if CIC receives its requested funding for the Advanced Passenger Information project.

40. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Dr. Beckett prematurely stepped into the project accelerator... and vanished.

41. Pressured to prove his theories or lose funding, Dr. Beckett prematurely stepped into the project accelerator, and vanished.

42. In 1921, because of funding, the project design was changed from a gravity dam to a multiple-arch type.

43. Project files were analyzed primarily to determine whether CTF funding activities were in line with the Program’s stated objectives.

44. The project was renamed The Joseph Smith Papers and expanded with added funding from Larry H. and Gail Miller.

45. Features ICT4D Project Directory Advanced Search FUNDING AND IMPLEMENTING UNIVERSAL ACCESS Innovation and Experience from Uganda Uganda Communications Commission

46. Climax attempted to finish the game by funding it on their own but soon after the project was cancelled.

47. Housed at TED, The Audacious Project is a collaborative funding initiative that is unlocking social impact on a grand scale

48. TOTAL TOTAL PROJECT VALUE (per quarter) = Cash + In-Kind Surplus / - Deficit (per quarter) Actual Funding Source - Actual Expenditure AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE

49. Atrip program? The purpose of this program is to rehabilitate and improve transportation infrastructure through the accelerated delivery of project funding

50. About The Audacious Project is a collaborative approach to funding big ideas with the potential to create change at thrilling scale.

51. As of April 2018, over 1,140 backers had pledged a total of £43,323 to the project, exceeding the £40,000 funding goal.

52. Crowdfunding is the process of funding a venture or project by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people

53. The ACHEON ('Aerial Coanda High Efficiency Orienting-jet Nozzle') project has EU-funding of EUR 599 630 under the FP7 Transport programme.

54. Observers have pointed to the potential contradictions of a self-help project which is heavily reliant for its continuation on external funding.

55. Funding for this program provided by additional funding provided by

56. When funding for the project was threatened, he is said to have gouged out his own eyes to show his piety and sincerity.

57. In 2011, Bur became the project delivery office supervisor responsible for the district’s consultant management, contracts, funding and programming, district review, scheduling, hydraulic section

58. The proceeds from land monetization and annual returns accrued by the SPV will be utilized for funding the non-PPP components of the Project.

59. Scientists developed new mathematical descriptions of phonon behaviours with EU funding of the project 'Non adiabatic vibrational spectra from first principles' (NON ADIABATIC PHONON).

60. There is a very unique project that we are doing with Nepal, it is called Mechi bridge road project which is being partly assisted by ADB funding and an Indian company NHIDCL is doing this project and we are working with the government of Nepal to do this project on road connectivity.

61. The Board is concerned that cash balances had accumulated as a result of the delay in the finalization of the project and funding documents

62. The Amase A multidimensional approach to social exclusion in later life – health consequences for ageing populations project has received funding from Norway Grants 2014 –2021

63. A European consortium is raising the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for aerospace capture with EU funding of the 'Aerocapture for future space transportation' (Aerofast) project.

64. The highway is a project of ECOWAS and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) of the AU, with funding from the African Development Bank.

65. These projects include a sustainable land management project, which is being implemented by the UNDP with funding from the GEF Trust Fund and the AAP,

66. • What are the views on AAP funding criteria and the level of funding?

67. the allocation of funding;

68. Funding of traditional Agencies

69. Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet

70. In February, the House Appropriations Committee Chair announced that the House will accept Member requests for Community Project Funding in the Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriations bills

71. The funding is discretionary.

72. The work of funding officers and administrative staff was greatly simplified, reducing funding errors.

73. Acknowledging Funding in Papers

74. Additional funding provided by

75. That have joined together to work on a particular project: The 11-member Consortium, led by BP, sought funding from public bodies such as the World Bank

76. Model 3 (Shared Funding): – – – There is some central funding Libraries contribute to match central funding Prices reflect greater discounts because of larger aggregated purchasing power

77. National organizations are not eligible for ACAP Operational Funding What are the ACAP Funding Approaches?

78. Alternative Funding Arrangements (AFA): is an optional funding mechanism which qualified recipients may enter into.

79. The funding arrangement must follow the Treasury Board rules or "funding authority" as defined above.

80. Crest offers expertise in habitat restoration project design, funding, management, implementation and monitoring with the goal of improving and enhancing the natural resources that are essential to the