Use "playing field" in a sentence

1. This mortal life is our playing field.

2. The playing field in ice hockey ; the rink.

3. 12 The playing field is a large oval.

4. 3 She embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.


6. The Bipartisan bill would help level the playing field by increasing U.S

7. 28 The police roped off the playing field to keep back the crowd.

8. A baseBall park consists of the playing field and the surrounding spectator seating

9. It will constitute a playing field for the adventuresome members of future generations.”

10. We will address your concerns and give you a level playing field in India.

11. * In economic dealings as in political, playing the field is not without its challenges.

12. The first is creating a level playing field for the state-owned and private sectors.

13. AMPS creates a level playing field by ensuring there is a cost to non-compliance.

14. 29/03/2004 Creating a Level Playing Field for Women Speech by the Chief Commissioner.

15. Who knows that the moment Gryphon robot reaches the playing field, It'starts to run mad.

16. Barnaul’s recently-introduced subsonic 9 mm load can level the playing field for factory ammunition shooters

17. The solution, Sapienza suggests, is to handicap the biggest Braggarts, leveling the playing field for everyone

18. Go out to the community field in Anytown, USA and you will find kids playing soccer

19. Creating the right conditions and a level playing field for advanced digital networks and innovative services

20. Becky's not ready to settle down with one man - she enjoys playing the field too much.

21. Fair bounding ball striking the limestone wall and Caroming back onto the playing field: In Play

22. Consistent implementation of Basel standards will also foster a level playing field for internationally-active banks

23. Akin Gump pursues excellence by anticipating client needs, by shaping the playing field, by innovating solutions.


25. As long as the fiscal backstops for banks remain national, there can be no level playing field.

26. Microsoft Accelerate is a program designed to level the professional playing field for workers around the country

27. The grass area is 120 x 80 m, the actual playing field is 105 x 68 m.

28. Both spellings date to the 1500s, with adviser entering the playing field several decades before Advisor stepped out.

29. Both spellings date to the 1500s, with Adviser entering the playing field several decades before advisor stepped out.

30. And the school cow is trying to figure out how to replace the lawnmower on the playing field.

31. Leven has a playing field second to none which is the envy of many villages in the area.

32. Small business set-Asides are all about leveling the playing field between newcomers and the old, established organizations

33. Another example, playing a key role in algebraic number theory, is the field Qp of p-adic numbers.

34. The Houston Astrodome was the first ballpark in the world to have a roof over its playing field

35. The best part is that all of the items listed are TOTALLY FREE! Alleyoop helps level the playing field.

36. The abolition of the existing JV Guidelines will provide a level playing field between DPSUs and the private sector.

37. In 'The 100 Greatest Rock Bassists,' author/journalist Greg Prato courageously attempts to level the playing field, single-handedly

38. 22 He gave up playing the field and married a year ago, to a sinewy woman called Cheryl Berkoff.

39. Hundreds of Witnesses ate lunch on the playing field, but when they returned to their seats, I couldn’t see a single piece of rubbish left on the field!

40. With Banked and non-Banked populations using the same technology, there’s a leveling of the playing field of sorts

41. Search Conservative websites and news and Conservative news on a LEVEL playing field and find what YOU'RE looking for.

42. The UNFCCC was itself designed to address a grossly unlevel playing field, already stacked heavily against the developing countries.

43. Why Arkansas' GIRLS Act Levels the Playing Field Real Clear Politics By: Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge March 20, 2021

44. The Competitions encourage teamwork and out-of-the-box problem solving, in a fresh learning environment and level playing field

45. The playing field has become crowded with Buzzwordy options like Bulletproof FATwater (“Sugar-free Ketogenic Brain Octane and B Vitamins”) and …

46. The coefficient values depend heavily on the scope of the playing field; for example if the choice of whom to favor includes all genetic living things, not just all relatives, we assume the discrepancy between all humans only accounts for approximately 1% of the diversity in the playing field, a coefficient that was 1⁄2 in the smaller field becomes 0.995.

47. He did not create a level economic playing field or introduce the rule of law, as the West understands those terms.

48. End 1, 1:22: Roger Bernadina, batting leadoff and playing center field today, Bunted for a single off Astros lefty J.A

49. Automata is on a mission to democratise automation by levelling the playing field to enable businesses of all sizes to benefit from robotics

50. Playing dead.

51. No, you're playing me, and you're still playing me.

52. Shibe Park had a press box far above the playing field, and a visiting reporter might get a queasy stomach if he was Afflictedwith acrophobia.

53. You're playing roulette!

54. Actors playing parts.

55. Playing dumb, MasterBuilder.

56. " playing the bagpes. "

57. Someone's playing games

58. Playing the Piano

59. She's playing solitaire?

60. Agreement highlights include: • Creating a more level playing field for American workers, including improved rules of origin for automobiles, trucks, other products, and disciplines on currency manipulation.

61. Field trials were conducted to test the effect of turfgrass colorant applications on clothing Blemishing if a athlete is to come in contact with the playing surface.

62. They are always pretending to be grown-ups playing soldiers, playing shop.

63. 607 Armored Field Artillery Battalion: 623 Field Artillery Regiment: 631 Field Artillery Brigade: 636 Field Artillery Battalion: 637 Field Artillery Battalion: 674 Airborne Field Artillery Battalion: 675 Airborne Field Artillery Battalion: 907 Airborne Field Artillery Battalion:

64. You've been playing dumb.

65. I'm not playing games.

66. They were playing dice.

67. Playing an accordion, 1960

68. A piano playing engineer!

69. Playing soccer, dealing stuff...

70. He likes playing basketball.

71. Playing by the rules

72. They were playing snooker.

73. Synonyms for Bunking off include skiving, playing truant, truanting, wagging, goofing off, skiving off, playing hookey, mitching, playing hooky and mitching off

74. Who is playing block man go who is playing I mark him Branniest

75. We love playing together."

76. They like playing soccer.

77. I'm playing basketball tomorrow.

78. Stop playing the martyr.

79. It therefore makes sense to adopt European-wide rules on working time, which will operate alongside a tachograph and will ensure a level playing-field in road transport.

80. Who's playing games here?