Use "playing field" in a sentence

1. This mortal life is our playing field.

2. The playing field in ice hockey ; the rink.

3. 12 The playing field is a large oval.

4. 3 She embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.


6. The Bipartisan bill would help level the playing field by increasing U.S

7. 28 The police roped off the playing field to keep back the crowd.

8. A baseBall park consists of the playing field and the surrounding spectator seating

9. It will constitute a playing field for the adventuresome members of future generations.”

10. We will address your concerns and give you a level playing field in India.

11. The first is creating a level playing field for the state-owned and private sectors.

12. AMPS creates a level playing field by ensuring there is a cost to non-compliance.

13. 29/03/2004 Creating a Level Playing Field for Women Speech by the Chief Commissioner.

14. Who knows that the moment Gryphon robot reaches the playing field, It'starts to run mad.

15. Barnaul’s recently-introduced subsonic 9 mm load can level the playing field for factory ammunition shooters

16. The solution, Sapienza suggests, is to handicap the biggest Braggarts, leveling the playing field for everyone

17. Creating the right conditions and a level playing field for advanced digital networks and innovative services

18. Fair bounding ball striking the limestone wall and Caroming back onto the playing field: In Play

19. Consistent implementation of Basel standards will also foster a level playing field for internationally-active banks

20. Akin Gump pursues excellence by anticipating client needs, by shaping the playing field, by innovating solutions.


22. As long as the fiscal backstops for banks remain national, there can be no level playing field.

23. Microsoft Accelerate is a program designed to level the professional playing field for workers around the country

24. The grass area is 120 x 80 m, the actual playing field is 105 x 68 m.

25. Both spellings date to the 1500s, with adviser entering the playing field several decades before Advisor stepped out.

26. Both spellings date to the 1500s, with Adviser entering the playing field several decades before advisor stepped out.

27. And the school cow is trying to figure out how to replace the lawnmower on the playing field.

28. Leven has a playing field second to none which is the envy of many villages in the area.

29. Small business set-Asides are all about leveling the playing field between newcomers and the old, established organizations

30. The Houston Astrodome was the first ballpark in the world to have a roof over its playing field

31. The best part is that all of the items listed are TOTALLY FREE! Alleyoop helps level the playing field.

32. The abolition of the existing JV Guidelines will provide a level playing field between DPSUs and the private sector.

33. In 'The 100 Greatest Rock Bassists,' author/journalist Greg Prato courageously attempts to level the playing field, single-handedly

34. With Banked and non-Banked populations using the same technology, there’s a leveling of the playing field of sorts

35. Search Conservative websites and news and Conservative news on a LEVEL playing field and find what YOU'RE looking for.

36. The UNFCCC was itself designed to address a grossly unlevel playing field, already stacked heavily against the developing countries.

37. Why Arkansas' GIRLS Act Levels the Playing Field Real Clear Politics By: Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge March 20, 2021

38. The Competitions encourage teamwork and out-of-the-box problem solving, in a fresh learning environment and level playing field

39. The playing field has become crowded with Buzzwordy options like Bulletproof FATwater (“Sugar-free Ketogenic Brain Octane and B Vitamins”) and …

40. He did not create a level economic playing field or introduce the rule of law, as the West understands those terms.

41. Automata is on a mission to democratise automation by levelling the playing field to enable businesses of all sizes to benefit from robotics

42. Shibe Park had a press box far above the playing field, and a visiting reporter might get a queasy stomach if he was Afflictedwith acrophobia.

43. The coefficient values depend heavily on the scope of the playing field; for example if the choice of whom to favor includes all genetic living things, not just all relatives, we assume the discrepancy between all humans only accounts for approximately 1% of the diversity in the playing field, a coefficient that was 1⁄2 in the smaller field becomes 0.995.

44. Agreement highlights include: • Creating a more level playing field for American workers, including improved rules of origin for automobiles, trucks, other products, and disciplines on currency manipulation.

45. It therefore makes sense to adopt European-wide rules on working time, which will operate alongside a tachograph and will ensure a level playing-field in road transport.

46. Hundreds of Witnesses ate lunch on the playing field, but when they returned to their seats, I couldn’t see a single piece of rubbish left on the field!

47. Maintaining macroeconomic stability, restoring the financial health of the banking and SOE sectors and leveling the playing field for the private sector seem important for reviving confidence in the economy.

48. Assortative mating is a fact of life: but if it also contributes to the opportunity gap, there may be an argument for greater efforts to level the playing field a little.

49. In the bilateral relationship, the EU uses all available actions to address Chinese policies undermining the level playing field for all producers and traders, including unfair subsidisation and extensive export support.

50. A turn-based game, Blackguards 2's action unfolds on a hexagonally gridded playing field, but with interactive elements such as doors and chests and impractically stacked crates that you can topple

51. If you play a sport you are familiar with the term "in bounds," which refers to the Boundary, or limits of the playing field that the players must stay within

52. In some sports, volunteer officiating can be quite strenuous, as officials are required to run or skate adeptly in order to keep up with the action on the rink or playing field.

53. · From relation based Governance to system based Governance; · From discretionary administration to policy based administration; · From random interference to technological intervention; · From favouritism to level playing field; · From Informal economy to formal economy.

54. See also UN-Habitat (2010), State of Urban Youth Report, which deals extensively with the notion of equity and polarization in cities and proposes policies to address the lack of a level playing field.

55. Air Force leaders have signed off on a new plan to build a more diverse pilot Corps by 2030, looking to level the playing field in a profession that remains dominated by white men.

56. First, the G20 must adhere to its anti-protectionism pledge and strengthen the rules-based multilateral trading system anchored in the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which is our best chance for a global level playing field.

57. The Committee has rapidly established itself as a strong advocate for those athletes who resist the temptation of shortcuts, embody the virtues of "fair play," and simply want the playing field to be level for all athletes.

58. There are facts to consider: The words adviser and Advisor both refer to someone who advises—that is, broadly, someone who offers advice.Both spellings date to the 1500s, with adviser entering the playing field several decades before Advisor stepped out.

59. AEGIS Europe, which brings together 25 European associations of industries, also expressed its support for the measures claiming that they ensure a level playing field and address market distortions created in the international trade arena by a state-led trade-disrupting economic model.

60. ‘There are business Bromides: ‘By definition, 50% of the people don't want a level playing field.’’ ‘It avoided all the usual Bromides about the inmates of such institutions being saner than their keepers, instead providing an unsentimental, steadfast look at these women's essential humanity.’

61. Jayapal pushed back against the notion that her proposal is “Confiscatory.” She argued the legislation is about “leveling the playing field.” “You know, I just don’t see how you can say that two cents on every dollar over $50 million is Confiscatory,” Jayapal asserted

62. ‘There are business Bromides: ‘By definition, 50% of the people don't want a level playing field.’’ ‘It avoided all the usual Bromides about the inmates of such institutions being saner than their keepers, instead providing an unsentimental, steadfast look at these women's essential humanity.’

63. ‘He Castigated the officials who had sent the girls out to compete on a less than level playing field.’ ‘A friend used to castigate me for not wearing a belt.’ ‘This is why we castigate our leaders - our political leaders, our church leaders and our society leaders.’

64. One can only speculate at just how much of a commitment Mr Bangemann had to the level playing field in this aspect of the internal market when he is willing to sell his knowledge to Telefónica , a major player in the European Union and further afield.

65. Advisably, one of the biggest advantages associated with the turnkey ATM solution is the development of a level playing field wherein the small and microfinance banks will also be able to offer e-banking products and services to the consumers on a large scale which otherwise may not be possible

66. Bloody’s multicore mouse backed by A4tech’s Holeless technology bring you the premier gaming tool destined to equalize any playing field against any opponent in moments! Unleash your reign on the gaming world with Bloody’s Ultra Core 3 add on package including features such as: Cutting edge mouse presets and macros strafe shot recoil

67. But we do feel that the playing field in South Africa for automobile industry of India is slightly tilted against us, basically because their duty rates are slightly high for India and there is a special arrangement that you have with EU which provides them much access in terms of much lower rates on duty.

68. Bombast is a fashion initiative that aims to: - Invest in the skills of future fashion professionals, rather than exploiting them for unpaid work - Level the playing field for entry into the fashion industry, by bypassing the industry and creating our own - Support alternative, radical business models that re-use products instead of producing more

69. Does the Commission share my view that the Rotterdam authorities' call for a level playing field with regard to conditions for the admission of large quantities of Chinese fireworks into EU ports can be better achieved by tightening up the safety rules applied to the admission of fireworks to other EU ports rather than by relaxing the safety regulations currently applied in the Netherlands?

70. a level playing field, in particular in relation to the United Kingdom’s continued adherence to the standards laid down by international obligations and the Union’s legislation and policies in the fields of fair and rules-based competition, including state aid, social and workers’ rights, and especially equivalent levels of social protection and safeguards against social dumping, the environment, climate change, consumer protection, public health, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, animal health and welfare, taxation, including the fight against tax evasion and avoidance, money laundering, and data protection and privacy, together with a clear enforcement mechanism to ensure compliance,