Use "philosophies" in a sentence

1. “Constitutionalist” and “Conservative” describe different political philosophies

2. Such philosophies present a hopeless view of life.

3. 1 Do some oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism?

4. New Album out 2019 “Philosophies” Order from

5. New Album out 2019 “Philosophies” Order from

6. 10 Do all Oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism?

7. One Stumbling Block Is the Philosophies of Men

8. Miss Beedom “died to the world’s philosophies and praise”

9. “Beliefs are born of philosophies, or doctrines.

10. Do some oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism?

11. On this episode, Crinite shares sales tips and philosophies

12. They dilute pure truths with traditions and human philosophies.

13. There are a lot of Chinese philosophies in Mahjong playing.

14. Two philosophies are especially prevalent among kindergarten teachers.

15. Carpentier was jailed and exiled for his leftist political philosophies.

16. 14 Two philosophies are especially prevalent among kindergarten teachers.

17. Many Buddhist ideas and philosophies overlap with those of other faiths

18. The two companies were portrayed as representing totally contrasting management philosophies.

19. I've also held on to a deep curiosity about African philosophies.

20. Collectivism is perhaps best known as one of the philosophies behind socialism

21. Philosophies which are deeply held often conflict with each other.

22. There's two basic philosophies of how to handle yourself after a breakup.

23. The concept of maya (literally “magic”) distingushes Advaita Vedanta from other philosophies

24. Cami uses the Cami Production System (CPS), a set of operating philosophies that …

25. This led to the spread of new philosophies, among them slowly emerging Gnosticism.

26. Building on the ideas and philosophies of men is like building on sand.

27. 421, The moral philosophies are even more important to the moral scientist—the Axiologist.

28. But, like most philosophies, Anarchism and anarchists come in a variety of flavors

29. A student set adrift by the many philosophies on life admitted this need.

30. In place of the Bible, many people in Christendom now look to philosophies of men.

31. (2 Timothy 3:1) People have been brainwashed by secular philosophies and false teachings.

32. We do not adulterate the Word of God by mixing it with human philosophies.

33. An appalling Bible illiteracy exists among churchgoers because their ministers feed them worldly philosophies.

34. Genuine Christianity was overshadowed by Christendom’s sectarianism, based on pagan teachings and philosophies.—Acts 20:29, 30.

35. They were surrounded by heresy and corrosive philosophies, some of which had a deceptive veneer of true worship.

36. As this century draws to a close, technological developments and human philosophies have failed to produce world stability.

37. There was exchange of political ideas and philosophies, of trade and commerce and of cultural influences.

38. They include persecution, lies, deceptive worldly philosophies, materialistic attractions, and the temptation to engage in immorality.

39. 22 For better or worse, we must re - evaluate our political philosophies and attitudes about brotherhood.

40. Actually, the trend to dismiss religion or God has roots in philosophies of men who stressed pure reason.

41. 3 The apostle Paul said that the truth was not to be found in human philosophies and traditions.

42. Many Greeks considered speculative philosophies the highest human ideals, with their concomitant emphasis on rhetoric, esoterica , and elitism.

43. Bioregionalism reflects perhaps one of the most important, yet least known or understood philosophies that may exist today

44. (Acts 17:22, 23) Paul, however, did not regularly feed his mind on the philosophies of Greek orators.

45. Finally, the drawing is ongoing and never finished, which one could say reflects one of my philosophies of life.

46. It can be very disruptive to the marriage if the two partners are in therapies with different basic philosophies.

47. Many unions are a blend of these two philosophies, and the definitions of the models themselves are still debated.

48. Platform Agnostic is a a concept that refers to the design attributes and philosophies of software products

49. Instead, they place their reliance on expedient political solutions, empty human reasonings, and futile God-dishonoring ideologies and philosophies.

50. The instrument in this work of God was a boy whose mind was not cluttered by the philosophies of men.

51. The new age exalted love, self-gratification and passive philosophies that aimed at helping people resign themselves to the status quo.

52. Atomism is the most influential of the philosophies of nature to be developed prior to the time of Socrates (d

53. Theocentrism (God-centeredness), an explicit recognition of this fact, is a characteristic of certain philosophies, religions, theologies (systematic and otherwise), and Asceticisms.

54. However, it would be interpreted and applied flexibly to take into account the particular culture, values, traditions and philosophies of Aboriginal people.

55. Cynicism and Stoicism are ethical philosophies based on distinguishing between those things in your control from those things not in your control

56. Positivity Attracts is a personal account of Paul Brodie and his personal experience and philosophies to ensure a happier more contented life

57. In politics, a Bircher is an adherent to the teachings and philosophies of the John Birch Society, an anti-communist organization founded in 1958.

58. But in fact their leaders had departed far from what Abraham believed; they had amassed traditions and philosophies that had the people in bondage.

59. (Jeremiah 8:9) Bible writers, they say, reflected the philosophies of the nations around them and did not accurately convey the truth from God.

60. One also has to take into account diverging philosophies on procurement and competing industrial interests that make it difficult to arrange joint projects.

61. An article in Adolescent Counselor states: “Children have tended to develop attitudes and philosophies that have allowed them to take control of their parents. . . .

62. The European Union's information and communication policy must take duly into account the differing views and philosophies with regard to the European integration process.

63. Thus the books that were known as romances were originally associated with the chivalrous philosophies of the French and French is a Romance language.

64. The Androgyne encountered on all planes in the ancient esoteric philosophies is regarded superior to both sexes solely because it embodies wholeness and therefore perfection

65. However, under section 25, the Charter must be interpreted flexibly to account for the distinctive philosophies, traditions and cultural practices of Aboriginal peoples.

66. In recent years many have abandoned the religions of Christendom and Judaism to seek this guidance in philosophies and practices that have their roots in Hinduism.

67. Essentialism and Perennialism are teacher-Cantered philosophies that are essential for the longevity of education and the continued influence of teachers in the classroom

68. An Atheistic Worldview What are the implications for a religious atheist? Without God, he arrives at the necessary philosophies of moral relativism and naturalism

69. Founders Colleen Fleming and Aubrey Bailey built Cadet to celebrate producers from California and beyond with unique philosophies and a strong connection to the places they come from

70. (2) a description of the overall philosophies and principles of the aerodrome operator with regard to safety, referred to as the safety policy, signed by the accountable manager;

71. This is why we have joined together in NATO in a free association of countries united not only by common political philosophies, but by the will to resist.

72. a description of the overall philosophies and principles of the aerodrome operator with regard to safety, referred to as the safety policy, signed by the accountable manager;

73. 25 Thus the books that were known as romances were originally associated with the chivalrous philosophies of the French and French is a Romance language.

74. If we cultivate that wisdom, we will not be eagerly absorbing the philosophies of men who really are only guessing at what life is all about.

75. Bioregionalism focuses on is the disconnect of people from their natural regions by a broad range of economic and political philosophies, and the treatment of humans as simply economic units

76. Anthroposophy can also be defined as a path of knowledge or spiritual research, developed on the basis of European idealistic philosophy, rooted in the philosophies of Aristotle, Plato and Thomas Aquinas

77. In 1848, Marx and Friedrich Engels published their still-influential thesis “Communist Manifesto.” Rather than the Christian overtones of earlier Communist philosophies, Marx and Engels suggested that modern

78. The Astral plane, also called the Astral realm or the Astral world, is a plane of existence postulated by classical, medieval, oriental, and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions

79. For lumbar cages, the majority of the respondents considered that there is very limited substitutability between cages for different surgical approaches, i.e. ALIF, TLIF, PLIF, LLIFs, due to different surgical philosophies.

80. The fact that Bolingbroke left so voluminous a literary trail while Walpole wrote so little of the theory of what he believed, does not deter Kramnick from clearly illustrating their philosophies